The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 815: Ready to enter the Uranus 7th Blue Bird (Thanks to the magic under the stars ...

But when that Sky team member reacted, Aoki had disappeared into the conference room.

Raning out in a hurry, as for the members of the void group, they were **** anyway and could not run away for the time being.

And here is the headquarters of the Sky team, let an outsider run out, how can they mix.

After receiving the news, Skye and Pirate Brigade immediately dropped the things in their hands and rushed back to the Sky Team base.

At this point Aoki had been sitting on the first seat of the conference room and waited for some time.

The four Skye hurriedly walked in from outside and saw Aoki trot immediately.

Aoki waved her hand to the four to sit down and speak.

Seeing Aoki's movement, a stone suddenly fell in the hearts of the four, thinking that something happened to Aoki's dissatisfaction.

"I just caught a small team organized by the Void on the back of the mountain, and I solved it, and the captain was also arrested by me." Aoki said slowly.

Hearing Aoki's words, the four sitting in the position slowly frowned.

Void organization they knew it a long time ago.

Because Fuye Town was snatched from a cadre in the void, the sky team has always regarded the void as a powerful imaginary enemy.

Now that Aoki has found a squad in the back in the mountains, it shows a lot.

"No need to guess anything else, Void is ready to start." Aoki didn't ask them to think about it, and said the result directly. He didn't have much time to waste.

That is to say, the sky team is now profitable, and it is a relatively large source of Aoki resources. It cannot be discarded at any time, and the void is also caught by Aoki.

The two sides have an inexplicable tacit understanding.

Heard that the four sat upright.

Void is not a small organization, it can be regarded as a medium or higher organization in Fengyuan area, it is a little famous in Fengyuan area, and it is a big force in Zijing City.

It is troublesome for such an organization to operate against the Sky Team.

"Sir, what do we need to do?" Skye asked.

"Recently you doubled the scope of your patrol, and then sent a special combat team to investigate around to see if there were other void teams lurking in the mountains. There may be unbeatable opponents. You are always ready to shoot. "

"But don't worry, people with the strength of the other quasi-kings will not do it yet."

Aoki said to the four and scheduled the mission at the same time.

In order to prevent the people in the void from lurking and launching a sneak attack, those who entered the back of the mountain must be destroyed.

However, in order to deal with the void organization, Skye's four people at most are left-behind, and they cannot fight in frontal battles.

"Yes!" The four answered in unison.

Aoki sat in the position for a long time without any movement, and the four Skye did not dare to show anything.

"One more thing," Aoki said suddenly.

"There are people from the Rockets faction in the Sky team. Whether it's one or a group, find out for me!"

Hearing here, the brigade was okay. The recruitment of these people was not under her control, but the three Skye suddenly became agitated, and the sweat on their back came out immediately.

Recruiting members was checked by the three of them. Now Aoki says that there are spies from other factions of the Rockets, and that is their responsibility.

Skye, Alec, and Miyamoto stood up, "Master ..."

Aoki reached out to stop them, and continued, "I did n’t want to investigate your intentions. I also understand your loyalty. That person did not cause any damage. It is difficult to find out, but you all keep a snack, rather than kill by mistake. Let it go. "

"Also, anyone who shows signs of betrayal and investigates the identity of the spies has solved it for me! No need to keep your hands." For these people, Aoki's attitude must not be let go, otherwise it will not be the case that such people will become more and more many? Killing a few can also kill chickens and tamarins.

"Yes!" The three of Skye couldn't help but wipe the sweat on his forehead and responded quickly.

After the command, Aoki left directly.

Now the Sky Team also has thousands of people, and there must be some other forces in it. This is unavoidable.

For these people, Aoki can tolerate, after all, it is not clean.

Even top-level players like the Rockets and the league are deeply penetrated internally.

However, someone inside Sky Team definitely revealed to Gu Hai about his whereabouts, so Aoki couldn't bear it.

I have been busy training the elves and earning money from the fairies. Aoki has forgotten such a thing.

After being reminded by those in the void today, it was considered a reaction.

This person must scoop this person out!

Otherwise, Aoki's heart is hard.

The original elf training program was suddenly forced to stop, and it still felt a bit uncomfortable, but now the void has not really started, and Aoki has plenty of time.

When the other party found that the team they had arranged to lose had all lost contact, they didn't know what to do.

Aoki welcomed the cadres of the other party. It was during this time that the dull king had been training and felt a little bored.

Returning to the deep forest again and continuing the planned training mission, the Coco-dola were summoned by Aoki again.

It was by Kira that they suffered some minor injuries in the battle just now, but after a while in the elven ball, they recovered almost.

Continue training.


When the sun is already hanging from the branches.

Aoki returned to the backyard on time.

It was dinner time, but another incident happened, interrupting Aoki's plan.

However, Aoki was happy to see it.


After waiting for this, under the continuous deployment of Aoki, the Tanabata Bluebird that has accumulated so long has finally started to break through to the Heavenly King level.

Qixi Bluebird, who was originally living in the corner of the backyard, was in an ups and downs and was very unstable.

When it was low, it only felt like being a junior King, but when it was strong, it had already exceeded her peak level.

Aoki set them aside by Kira, and rushed over with the dull king.

There was a hint of joy on his face.

Although Qixi Bluebird cannot be regarded as Aoki's elves, Aoki can command her. Even if a Uranus-level elf fights by herself, her strength is very strong.

And the Star Festival Bluebird is not an ordinary elf. This is a dragon elf. After reaching the level of Heavenly King, the strength is stronger.

The chip starts up and monitors changes on the Tanabata Bluebird in real time.

Aoki's elves currently have the highest level of dull kings. They are still two levels away to enter the Uranus level, but how will they enter the Uranus level and what will change after entering? Aoki has no clue.

Why is it so troublesome to break into the Uranus level?

It is because not all elves can enter the Uranus level ~ ~ Uranus level elves have certain qualification requirements. For example, a light blue qualification elf is qualified to impact the championship level. Only qualified elves have the qualification to attack the King level.

This is one of the main reasons why the elves are divided into qualifications.

Of course, qualification is not the only criterion, just theoretically.

There are several other green-eligible elves who can also enter the Heavenly King level, and cyan-eligible elves can also enter the Champion level. This is all possible.

It's just relatively few, so it's ignored by most people.

Qixi Bluebird's qualifications have reached a teal color. In theory, there should be no problem in entering the Uranus level, but I don't know why she stayed at the peak of the quasi-heaven for so long.

At this point, the Star Festival Bluebird has arrived at a critical moment, and Aoki just caught up.


Tenth more! Explosion is over! Adding more rewards to the fantasy 233 boss under the starry sky!

This ten is more likely to involve the connection of some plots, that is, the development of ordinary elves, without much climax. However, after all, it is not always an orgasm, and training elves is also a focus of this book.

Then thank you for the eleven million rewards of the fragrant cold ink boss, becoming another leader of this book!

Thank you for the great rewards from the gangsters who are from Hongyan, Bithuang Huangquan, and joker7Z! And all the friends who are giving rewards, thank you guys!

Even if the book is over in September, it has received more than 4,400 monthly tickets, maintaining the eighth place in the light novel list, thank you for your monthly ticket support!

National Day, I wish you a happy National Day! Then finally ask for a guaranteed monthly pass in the hands of everyone! We burst from time to time!

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