The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 819: Return to the old profession

However, after all, such a comfortable life cannot belong to Aoki for a long time.

The month-long entanglement between the Sky Team and the Void Organization has become increasingly apparent.

In the beginning, Void wanted to put more people in the back mountain, and then slowly penetrated into it. It was best to win the Sky Team without any blood.

But after Aoki discovered the first group of void personnel, Skye began to search these people consciously.

Sure enough, Aoki didn't expect that, one month after another, there were empty teams entering the back mountain.

But these people were dealt with by Skye.

It wasn't until the Void Organization received a reply from the dispatched person that the anomaly was felt, and all subsequent dispatched persons could not return, which only attracted their attention.

Then the strength of the dispatched people became more and more powerful, Skye began to do it themselves.

Just yesterday, Void sent a team of all elite members, entered the back mountain, and even approached the Sky team headquarters.

After all, the Sky team had a lot of people, and Skye and the four of them were also present. In the final battle of the five, only two were seriously injured and the remaining three were left.

However, because of this, the Sky team still suffered a lot of damage.

After all, they are five elite members. Skye has only four of them, and one is given to a large number of ordinary members. There are not many injured.

When two people ran back, they would definitely give back to the people above them.

This time, in their impressions, it was the bottom of the Sky team.

The four elite members are better than the previous Black Snake Gang.

But a bit worse than the void.

After all, there is no master of quasi-king level.

Sky told Aoki the first time.

From Aoki's point of view, in the void, there will be a cadre with the strength of the quasi-king king in person, and he will finally be able to act on the void.

If their group of cadres has been crouching in Zijing City, Aoki will have a lot of trouble trying to solve them, but it is not the same now. They shot first and Aoki has a chance.

And even if it ’s an underground force, it pays more attention to a well-known division than the alliance on the bright side. Even if the two forces want to fight, they will first pour dirty water on the other side and find a suitable reason before they shoot.

Now they just gave Aoki a good reason.


Aoki took the elves and settled into the Sky Team headquarters, waiting for the Void to come.

After the four Skye shot in Aoki, a big rock in his heart fell.

During this time, they were a little worried, knowing that the void is not a small force, and the only advantage of the current Sky team is Aoki.

If Aoki doesn't make a shot, a cadre with the strength of a quasi-king level will not be able to stop them.

The void was more careful than Aoki imagined. On the first day, waiting in the sky team, they still did not wait for them.

It wasn't until the next night that the dumb king felt the movement.

Without telling others to take the shot, Aoki put on a black coat with a white crying face mask, and disappeared into the Sky Team base with the momentary movement of the dull king.

The Void is approaching, and has not yet reached the alert range of the Sky Team, but the idiot king's super powers are perceived.

Aoki didn't mean to let Skye take the shot, and there weren't as many people coming as fast as himself.

With the momentary movement of the dull king, Aoki appeared behind a group of people wearing dark purple clothes.

The specialized clothing of the Void is very recognizable.

A cold smile appeared on Aoki's face.

I haven't done such a thing for a long time, but in the previous life, I have already integrated it into my consciousness and should not regress.

And now the strength is much stronger than the previous life.

Aoki put away the dull king, and what he did next was not suitable for the elves like dull king.

Then threw three elven balls, and the crow's head, Matara and Geng Gui appeared beside Aoki.

They are the main force of this operation, and the elves most suitable for this operation.

Aoki merged into the darkness with the three elves.

A black crow's head, a sturdy Madara, and a Geng who can blend into the shadows, these three elves combined are simply the strongest killer in the night.

Aoki has superpowers attached to his feet and completely wipes out footsteps made when he moves.

As for the crow heads, they don't need to worry about Aoki at all.

Originally acting in the dark forest, Aoki was limited by sight, but now Aoki can use super power perception, which is much stronger than previous lives.

A flashing body followed closely.

The void team is somewhat divided, and everyone is on their own way. It can be seen that this group of people is not under the leadership of a cadre, and there are still some fears among each other.

Just added more operating space to Aoki.

Suddenly approached behind the last person, the elf around him was subdued by Geng ghost at once, the quasi-king level elf dealt with an elf that even the elite did not reach, how much resistance the opponent can have.

Aoki also covered the man's mouth, a white light flashed in the dark, and a dark shadow jumped from the tree, and Ma'era's sharp claws cut the man's throat directly.

Then Aoki waved in the air, opened a small alien space channel, and threw all the elves into it.

To accomplish this, Aoki and the elves worked closely together, not taking a second.

After finishing, Aoki left again.

After confirming that no one found it, according to this cooperation, Madara and the Crow's head were able to launch an attack at any time, and Geng Gui mainly carried out containment.

Even if they deal with the two at once, Aoki has a lot of confidence to solve it directly when the other party has not responded, and silently.

Doing my job again, I feel pretty good.

The first two times may be a bit rusty because I haven't done it for a long time ~ ~ Later, I became more and more proficient.

None of the people in the void responded, hoping to reach the base of the Sky Team as soon as possible, and maybe launch a sneak attack.

The leading cadres were also complacent. They thought that this time was a lighthearted job. The other party did not have a quasi-king-level elf. Couldn't he just let him pinch?

This time, none of the men took a lot of action together. They casually brought a confidant and a group of members. Less than thirty people crossed the town of Fuye and came to the back mountain to find the sky team.

It is now ten minutes away from where the Sky Team base is located, but they did not expect that they were discovered long ago.

The vanity cadre who walked in front of him suddenly waved his hands and raised his fists, which meant to stop the others behind.

It is close to the patrol range of the Sky Team and ready to fight.

Hearing that there was no movement behind him, the cadre nodded with satisfaction and was somewhat contented.

The person behind the team is obedient to discipline, and now stop not even making a certain noise, which is really forbidden.


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