The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 820: Rotten Tomatoes

The Rise of the Darkness of the Elves Chapter 820 Rotten Tomato Smelly Bird Egg

"Take notice of me! Fighting is about to begin, summon all of your main elves, so as not to be hindered," said the leading cadre.

In the face of the patrolling sky team, of course, do not have to do it yourself, or else to do so many people, is not just to deal with those people?

I didn't hear a response from behind, the cadre was a little unhappy at once, just wanting to question, I heard the sound of his own hands behind him, and his face looked a lot better.

"Jill ... Master Gibson, it seems ... it seems like ..." Suddenly, half of the voice stopped suddenly.

The vanity organization cadre named Gibson was finally angry, looking back with a face ...

You can see that his subordinates are disappearing into their vision, disappearing into a crack in space.

I also saw a man wearing a black robe with a white crying mask on his face, staring at himself, with three elves beside him.

All his men were gone.

Five minutes ago, he had just confirmed that no one was left behind, so there was only one possibility for these people to disappear, just like his own uncles, and disappeared in that strange space crack.

Just five minutes!

All this is done by the mysterious man in front of him.

Gibson's face was gloomy, but as an underground force cadre, even if he had lived a long and comfortable life, he would not forget what to do when facing the enemy.

Three smaller elven **** were slid out of the cuffs. After appearing in the hands, they suddenly returned to normal size, and then threw the elven balls, together with a devouring beast that was next to him, then there are four elves in total. .

The chip was activated the first time, and Aoki got the data of the four elves in front of him.

Not surprisingly, all four are quasi-king-level elves.

There are always three or more quasi-tenno strength elves who can call themselves quasi-tenno, but these people are usually weaker because they do not all enter the quasi-tenno level.

And now the vacant cadre named Gibson in front of Aoki should be such a person, because Aoki found that although his elves had reached the level of quasi-king, but the level was not very high.

The highest one was only level 52, the devouring beast that was always with him.

The remaining three elves, one at level 51 and two at level 50, did not pose much threat.

And the chip was upgraded, and some more detailed data of the elves could also be scanned out. Aoki found that these elves did not train very well. After entering the quasi-king level, the speed of improving the strength would be much slower.

This also explains the main reason why the Void Cadre's Elf rank is so low.

This is why Aoki likes to follow a gradual and gradual basis when cultivating elves, but he does not want the same situation as the person in front of him.

Lest the dull kings reach the level of Uranus, they will not be able to effectively improve their strength, it is not like the giant marsh monster, they can make up later.

The Gibson's writing of these elves in front of me is too long to finalize, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to improve how much.

If this Gibson does n’t change the elves anymore, it will be like that for a lifetime, but it will take a lot of cost and determination to replace the elves. The other party should keep this state for a long time. If you want to replace them, you have already replaced them. It's not bad now, it's been easy to relax.

But apparently, facing Aoki now, he has no chance to change the elves in the future.

This is his peak.

"Who are you !?" After Gibson summoned the elf, he had a lot of energy and shouted sharply at Aoki.

Aoki wore an exaggerated crying mask on his face, and couldn't see the sneer under his mouth.

If the remaining cadres in the void are all such rotten tomatoes and rotten eggs, then they really don't have much need to exist, and they rot into the bones.

"Oh? Didn't you come to me? The question now asked who I am?" Aoki's voice sounded, without any concealment.

Anyway, the other party will definitely disappear tonight.

Gibson's face froze. "Which sky team leader are you?"

Aoki didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, he didn't summon other elves, even if the crow heads were three or four, it was a crushing ending.

Too long a comfortable life, so that Gibson in front of him has a quasi-Heavenly name, but has no corresponding strength.

If you face a group of weak elite opponents, you may be able to bully and bully them, but in the face of Aoki, which is still good among the quasi-kings, it can reflect the gap.

ECG is activated.

This is the head of the crow. After nearly two months of high-intensity training, their first head-to-head battle, and the opponent is still four quasi-king-level elves, and the blood flow rate is much faster.


It's been too long to fight!

I was a little hungry today!

The crow's head fluttered its wings across the sky, and Madara disappeared into the woods, Geng's face slowly sinking into the ground with a bad smile, all three elves disappeared at once, but on the opposite Gibson's forehead, But a lot of sweat appeared

Although he has been deserted for a long time, his vision is still there.

Suddenly I saw that the three elves of Aoki were quasi-king-level elves, and the speed alone was not comparable to his elves.

Even if the opponent is only three elves, Gibson feels that his four elves are not necessarily opponents.

Looking at Aoki who is not far away, Gibson gritted his teeth and wanted to win.

The devouring beast and the other elf rushed towards Aoki under Gibson's orders, while the other two remained to protect themselves from being attacked.

The three elves on the other side were all agile elves for a long time, and their sneak attack ability was definitely very strong.

I have a team of thirty people, and now I have one left. I haven't found out how the other party did it. Whenever I think about it, Gibson feels a little hairy, a creepy feeling.

But in fact the outcome has not changed much.

The two elves that Gibson rushed towards Aoki were stopped before they approached Aoki.

The crow's head bird slammed and Madara's frozen fist flew the two elves directly ~ ~ Gibson wanted to send another elven to help, but Geng ghost appeared from time to time Around him, he was afraid to act lightly.

The end result was that the two elves lost their fighting ability under the attack of the crow's head and Magdalen, and Gibson tried to run away with the remaining two elves, but did not run away. The root track stopped them. Came down.

Gibson stepped into the footsteps of his men, and was thrown into a different space by Aoki. He got four elven **** and a space equipment from him. These things have some value.

Aoki did not return to the sky team, but took advantage of the night to rush towards Zijing City.

Now that war has begun, Aoki will no longer show mercy.

Void such an organization, after waiting so long, should also be cleared up. You can still earn a certain amount of resources. If you can maintain the qualifications for the battlefield, it would be better.

A message was sent to Skye, asking them to lead someone towards the city of Zijing.

Tonight is to eradicate the void!


Fifth more! Add more! For the rewards of the Xia Beixi big brother! Ask for a monthly pass!

Today National Day, I originally wanted to take a break, but think of everyone's crowd-funded Silver League, hibiscus can't rest at ease, so code well.

However, during the National Day, everyone is resting, so everyone in the family is back for dinner today. The two table people, hibiscus as one of the hosts, can't keep hiding in the study room, so there are only five more today. Yes I rushed out at night, I hope everyone understands!

Thank you, everyone, for the Silver League!

Finally, thanks to the supporters of Giant Country and the favorite Rainy Day 101 bosses for their support! Thank you for your support!

Dark Rise of the Elves

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