The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 821: Today the sky is to replace the void

With the superpower coordinates left by the dull king in Zijing City.

Aoki flew a long distance in the desert dragonfly, and then came within the transmission range of the dumb king.

The desert dragonfly was stowed directly in the air, and then disappeared into the night sky with the dull king while falling.

When it reappeared, it was already in a remote little corner of the city.

The last time Aoki came to Iris City, I was only trying to scan some small branches of the Nether Cadres, earn some money, and then use it to buy the qualification medicines of Marsh Leap and Mosquito King.

This time, it was to clear the void.

I have to say that in less than four months, there have been so many growths that will surprise many people.

This time there is no need to use any league as a gimmick. Aoki can use the name of the sky team to replace the void.

At this time, those cadres in the void should all be waiting for the "good news" of Gibson in the void headquarters.

Of course, even if Aoki's strength is now strong, even if the strength of the other side is garbage, in the face of such a group of quasi-king-level cadres, it is impossible to win them by one person.

Even if it is only a quantitative advantage, the combined strength should not be underestimated.

Fortunately, there was not much unity in the void.

Head straight to the stronghold of a cadre that Aoki once patronized. This place was swept up by Aoki before, but it is now somewhat restored.

It is a pity that the void was originally crowded out by other forces in Zijing City. Even if such a small base was restored, it cost the cadre a lot of money.

So there are quite a lot of guards this time.

But sometimes there are not many people with this kind of strength. Aoki didn't spend much effort to wipe out this stronghold when he came last time, let alone now.

In the innermost office of the stronghold, Aoki reached out and held the strongest person here, the only member who reached the elite level, holding his neck in the air.

Even the tonnage Aoki of Kira can hold it, and it is very easy to lift a person.

Of course, there are superpowers to assist.

"Now, call your boss. Whatever your reason is, call him over." Aoki's voice came from under the mask.

Of course, the person in charge did not dare to rebel against Aoki, but now Xiaoming is pinched in his hands.

After Aoki dropped him, he immediately took out the communication device, and then found a reason to call the cadre above him.

The other party was originally waiting for the result in the conference room, but now he was called over for an inexplicable reason. Of course, he was very angry. His screams were still heard from the communication device from time to time.

The person in charge sneered, shut down the communication device, and became a dog leg in the office.

He felt that his boss was definitely not his opponent, and now that he wanted to survive, there was only one way to go.

Serve the tea and deliver water, then squat quietly in the corner without any extra movement.

Aoki did not laugh at this person's behavior.

A person who is fairly visionary and knows his situation well is a smart person.

Soon, the cadre arrived eagerly, but Aoki attacked him violently.

If there is no question to ask him, Aoki will solve him directly.

Like Gibson before, he didn't have much resistance and was directly dressed in green wooden.

But the crow's head and Magdalen pulled them, and the battle was very happy.

It's been a long time since I fought with Aoki.

In addition, Aoki will not take it lightly because the opponent's strength is not good. He has always used ECG as a command to solve the opponent with all his strength.

Originally, the power of the elves was weaker than Aoki. Aoki did not have any intention to release water. Of course, there was no accidental cleaning up of all his elves.

The interrogation process is still very simple. If the other party does not answer honestly, then let the dull king hypnotize.

Aoki got the result he wanted, and threw it into a different space.

There are still a total of eight cadres left in the void, all of which are of the quasi-king level. Among them, Gibson was sent to the sky team's station, and one person was deceived by Aoki to deal with it. Then there are still a total of six voids A quasi-king cadre.

There are also some gaps in strength between these cadres. Among them, Kenan Aoki always remembers belongs to the middle ranks, and the strongest is a man named Robert.

Of course, choosing the tallest among the shorts will not be as strong as the strongest.

Now their only advantage is the number advantage.

The person in charge who was arrested before can be used.

Let him take him to another cadre station. If he performs well, maybe he can save him a way of life.

The other party was of course grateful, and said that they must play for Aoki.

Then Aoki took this person and smashed the ground in Zijing City. If the cadres could be called one by one, it would be best.

Finally, in the same way, three cadres were successively won, all of which were resolved by Aoki.

Just harvesting their elves, Aoki made a lot of money, as well as the space equipment on them.

As underground forces, they generally like to bring their entire net worth on their bodies. After all, they can get their space equipment from them, they must be dead.

Everyone was dead, and what were these resources to do, so Aoki got all their possessions.

Of course, during the battle, the south will drop heavy hands, so most of the elves are directly solved by the crow heads. Those who are left are of good physical fitness ~ ~ These elves are almost stereotyped. As a tool wizard, or to work for the workers, it is still good. If you don't want to follow their footsteps, then it is best not to receive it completely.

After solving these three people, it is already midnight, and Aoki has a lot of time left.

But at this step, the last three people must have found something, and it was absolutely impossible to be drawn out so casually.

Aoki needs to come in person.

Compared to the other people who were thrown into a different space after being solved by Aoki, they really have a great honor.

It was still the vanity who led the way before, Aoki swayed, and went to the headquarters of the vanity without any concealment.

Although the fighting tonight was not much, Aoki didn't hide much. Other organizations in Zijing City also found abnormalities, and gradually people with information about the investigation gathered.

Aoki ignored them, and today the Sky Team is to replace the void and become a big force in Zijing City!


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