The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 823: Chicken with a sledgehammer

Then Aoki waved her hand again, widening the space crack, and threw her whole body all at once.

There are only two left, Robert and Kenan!

Robert and Kenan also summoned their elves at this time.

But looking at the void cadre who had disappeared into the cracks in the space and did not have any resistance, the faces of the two were very ugly.

Just a face-to-face meeting, they lost a person.

Although the relationship between several people is usually not good, and it is not harmonious to compete with each other, but now facing an unknown powerful opponent, one more person is one more strength.

Aoki clapped her hands, without any feeling.

This space cutting is really much better than a dagger.

At least there was no blood.

Feeling the idea of ​​Aoki, the five letters on his wrist flickered.

Kill the chicken with a bull knife!

Now in the entire Void Building, there are only two cadres of Aoki, Kenan and Robert. As long as they are resolved here, everything is resolved.

The rest is just a matter of how the Sky Team absorbs everything left in the void.

Aoki didn't hide too much, took out two elven **** again, and summoned the dull king and dragon king scorpion.

The opponent has a big advantage in terms of the number of elves, and the dull kings need to shoot.

Seeing the dumb king appear, Kenan's face changed, very ugly.

He already had some speculation in his mind, but felt it was too shocking.

As a follower of Fuye Town in recent times, he knows what the dumb king stands for.

On the other hand, Robert, when he saw the dull king, he just stumbled a little and didn't think about it. After all, the original town of Fuye was just an unknown little town, and it was impossible to compare with Zijing. The development speed is too fast, he still stays on the original thought.

Recently, Kainan proposed to retreat to Fuye Town, and he did some investigations. He didn't know what the dull king represented in Fuye Town.

When Aoki saw Kainan's expression, the killing intention in his heart was even more serious.

Currently, there are two elves who can represent the Aoki Alliance. One is currently the strongest dull king in Aoki, and the other is Mrs. Huajie.

However, those who want to recognize Aoki from Mrs. Huajie either know Aoki or have special attention to Aoki.

Therefore, the idiot king is more representative.

Without any words, the crow heads directly attacked under the command of Aoki.

Dragon King Scorpion led the charge.

Kenan, who once made Aoki very frightened, now has the ability to resist and not counterattack even if he is united with another person.

Their elves are a lot stronger than that Gibson, but now Aoki, except Mrs. Huajie, has sent out some of the strongest elves. The dull king is still the zenith king.

There is no improvement in the two-month time level, but the strength has been improving, and the gap is not visible from the level.

Except for the dull king, so are the other elves.

This is Aoki's purpose to stabilize the elves to make them more smooth when they hit the King level in the future.

These are not what Kenan can understand.

The dull king and the head of the crow haven't fought together for a long time, but the tacit understanding from the previous training period has always been, and when they are usually training, they are also together, and they have a deep understanding of each other. So under Aoki's command, it was not difficult to cooperate.

The five elves played against the eight quasi-strength elves on the opposite side, without much pressure.

In fact, it may also be less stressful when living in the wild.

Because those wild quasi-king-level elves, the fierceness is not that these elves who have been neglected and do not know how long can be compared, and their fighting methods are sharpened between life and death, sometimes fighting will choose to hurt Change injuries.

But these two people who enjoyed the ease of life, their elves were also raised comfortably.

So, sometimes elves have trainers, both good and bad.

If you meet someone who is motivated and has been able to maintain the original intention to cultivate elves, then these elves will become more and more powerful.

If you meet someone who enjoys comfort and comfort after reaching a certain level of strength, then the elves will rust if they do not fight for a long time.

Air has the name of strength, but has no corresponding real combat power.

Just like Dr. Oki, a well-known early trainer, after they choose to relax, they will not give up the training of the elves. If they cannot fight, they will maintain sufficient training every day, or go out to find a place by themselves. fighting.

Therefore, fast dragons like Dr. Oki are always outside, maintaining the peak state of the body.

And thinking that Kenan and Robert are both busy fighting for power, how much attention is devoted to training the elves?

It would be okay to have a dedicated breeder team like Sakagi to help manage the elves, but how many people can afford such expenses?

Just as when Aoki fought Gibson and disdain his elves, Kenan and Robert's elves were much better than Gibson, but they were still deserted.

Eight elves, two devouring beasts, two fighting mushrooms, one thunder beast, one iron palm fighter, one popping monster, and one leave king.

There are a total of eight elves, but what really makes Aoki a little daunted is only Robert's leave king.

Because the elves like the leave king are already lazy and do not usually need training. When they lie there lazily, they are actually accumulating strength and waiting for an outbreak.

A lazy king who has been so lazy for so long, the outbreak ability is quite scary.

It's just ~ ~ This leave Wang's qualification is not very high, only green, and the level is only 51, even if it breaks out, it will not exceed the affordability of Aoki.

It doesn't matter that Kenan and Robert have eight elves, but they have never cooperated with each other, so they can't add one plus one equals two.

"King of idiots, containment of super powers, unlimited mental attack!"

"Dragon King Scorpion, find the opponent to get the weakness, triple attack!"

"Head of the crow, slamming of the bird!"

"Geng Gui, Shadow Fist attacks in succession!"

"Ma'ara, Frozen Fist!"

Since the opponent's strength is obviously not as good as his own strength, there is no need for too many fighting skills, and it is enough to crush the past.

A few of them seem to have reached the level of 55 or 6 but they can't see their desire to fight from the outside. Such elves have long lost their vitality.

No longer suitable for battle!


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Dark Rise of the Elves

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