The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 824: Should Lord C be a dog?

The dumb king's super powers escape in the air, and the space around him is full of super powers that escape from him.

These dissipated superpowers are also under the control of the dull king, which can make his explosive power stronger.

The lacquered black superpower energy **** condensed by each of the strong mental thoughts appeared beside the dumb king. Without stagnation for a second, they shot directly towards the opposite elves.

The Dragon King Scorpion rushed forward. The two fighting oyster mushrooms wanted to use their own power to stop the impact of the Dragon King Scorpion.

Seeing the elves blocking, the dragon king scorpion became more excited, and a faint flame appeared on the double pliers, and then wrapped the whole pliers.

Flame Tooth Skill Dragon King Scorpion skill can be skillfully used on double pliers.

Huh! Huh!

After a brief contact, the two oyster mushrooms showed a horrified look, because instead of being able to stop the dragon king scorpion, they were all grasped by him in one hand, pressing them against the wall with impulse.

The feet left the ground, the dragon king scorpion's eyes flickered, and a flame appeared on the mouth. At the same time, a long tail bent sharply, condensed with strong venomous energy, and a drop of venom seemed to hang on the tail hook.


Another flame tooth and poisonous tail attacked one of the mushrooms. The restraint of the attributes made him stunned.

The arrogance of power plus the control of energy burst, and the weakness of the oyster mushroom was pinpointed. With multiple stacks, a oyster mushroom was instantly killed!

"Ga!" The crow's head flew to the top of the hall, suddenly yelling.

She was covered with a thin layer of pale blue flame, and a bird-shaped shell appeared around the head of the crow.

The Iron Palms who came to rescue Mushroom Mushrooms were directly struck by the crow's head bird, without disturbing the Dragon King Scorpion.


The Dragon King Scorpion turned back fiercely, and saw the Iron Palm Luxi being bombarded by the crow's head. At the same time, the Iron Palm Luxi should be followed by a popping monster. When he grows up, he will make a noise toward the Dragon King Scorpion.

Just before he launched his attack, a black light flashed, and before the crackling monster had time to make a noise, his mouth was frozen.

The dragon king scorpion laughed, and the pliers released one of the remaining oyster mushrooms, but before he landed, his tail shot again and nailed it directly to the wall.

Deadly needling!

This skill is a skill learned by the Dragon King Scorpion during the God Olympiad. If you use this skill to attack the opponent to the end, the power will be doubled.

But in fact, you don't really need to knock it down, even if you nail it on the wall, it has the same effect. This is the result of the characteristics of the Dragon King Scorpion.

The tail controlled the oyster mushroom and hit his key at the same time, and the pair of forceps and mouth were released.

No one looked back at the oyster mushroom. The pliers waved backwards, and the venom shock sent out again, ending the oyster mushroom's combat mission.

When the crow's head attacked the iron palms, the thunder beast on the side originally wanted to attack the crow's head. However, a ghost appeared suddenly in the shadow, and Geng ghost appeared in front of him.

Smirking with a black fist getting bigger and bigger in his eyes, the last punch hit him.

But this is the beginning of Geng Gui's battle. He appeared in front of Luolei Beast again and again, with strange light in his eyes, forcing Luolei Beast to subconsciously stare at him, and he was directly hypnotized.

The combination of dream eating and hypnosis allowed Geng Gui to start slowly tasting the dream of Luolei Beast.

And those two seemingly devouring beasts of the trump card were restrained long before they started to act.

The main attack target of the spirit of the dumb king is the two elves.

If the poison of the pure poison system is released, it is still very troublesome.

But they were severely restrained by the stupid king's super powers.

Consecutive spiritual thoughts make them resist only with all their strength.

A long period of non-training and non-combat caused their willpower to be a little weak, and their ability to withstand attacks was very ordinary. Therefore, it was enough for them to eat just one pot if they only withstood the attack of the dumb king.

The only one who asked for leave was lying lazily at this time, yawning, and tears were coming out of his eyes.

This leave king really played his laziness to the extreme, glanced at Robert who ordered him, still refused to move.

Finally, he reluctantly stood up, watching the elves had opponents, but the dragon king scorpion who had just solved the two fighting mushrooms was still there.

His eyes suddenly sharpened and he had accumulated so much energy that it was time to burst out.

With a strong foot, the floor tiles on the ground suddenly broke, and the leave king rushed towards the Dragon King Scorpion at a very fast speed.

The dragon king scorpion felt the leave king's gaze, and then saw his speed and strength, his interest increased suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and his whole body showed a standing posture.

To see how powerful the leave king is.

Huh! Huh!

There was a muffled noise when the arm collided with the pliers.

boom! !!

All their feet were cracked, and even a large pit appeared on the concrete floor below. Two elves were fighting for strength in the pit.


Robert was a little embarrassed. To know that in order to allow the leave king to burst into the strongest strength, he has been eating and drinking continuously after he entered the quasi-king king, supplying him, waiting for an explosion.

The expectation for the leave king is higher than his other ace elf.

Although the leave king's qualifications are average, when I can train such a lazy elf to the quasi-king, I don't know how troublesome it is.

Aoki also saw the power contest between the leave king and the dragon king scorpion.

No one knows the power of the Dragon King Scorpion better than Aoki. I never expected that such a leave king could actually compete with the Dragon King Scorpion.

It seems ... the elves like the leave king are quite interesting.

Aoki became a little interested in the lazy Weng ethnic group on the back mountain.

The fighting continues.

However, the leave king is the leave king after all, even if it is short-lived and has a strong burst of abilities, there are always lazy times, and their characteristics limit their growth.

When the dragon king scorpion was about to break out ~ ~ the leave king was lazy.

The dragon king scorpion grabbed his hands and threw a fierce one over his shoulder and threw it against the wall, which knocked a wall down. The leave king was pressed underneath, but didn't come out again.

He's too lazy to throw away the stone ...

Of course, the remaining elves did not have much resistance, and they were solved by the crow head one by one.

It has to be said that in such a large number of elven battles, the overconfidence characteristic of the crow's head is still very good. Geng Gui directly played the characteristics of the crow's head, and then shuttled through the battlefield to harvest, and the cricket became the last ... .

Human head dog.

No other elf could complain.

No way, Geng Gui has an advantage, what is the advantage of taking the head?

Shouldn't the head give Master C?

King dumb :? ? ? ? Master C?

Dragon King Scorpion :? ? I?


Fourth more! Ask for a monthly pass! There is also a question. Does Master C really want to be a dog?

Dark Rise of the Elves

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