The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 831: Disoriented, disoriented

After seeing Fire Rock Rat in Aoki, he gave full command and used the telepathy to direct the three elves to fight.

Soon the spirits in the cave were cleared away.

Speed ​​is fast, but Aoki is a bit tired.

After all, he is only an intermediate superpower now, and he can't achieve long-term continuous ECG induction command.

But in order to find the fire rock rat just flashed, it is worth it.

Back to the place where he once fought with members of the lava team, Aoki still felt a little bit emotional.

At that time, facing the lava team, an elf who had just entered the strength of Zhun Tianwang, let Aoki and Ogo waste a lot of energy to defeat.

It was also because of defeating that elf that Dawu's giant gold monster was able to evolve.

When I came here again at this time, Aoki was already a true quasi-tenno-class trainer, and not an ordinary quasi-tenno.

Already come into contact with some heavenly things.

The wild elves here are now suitable for the elves of the second echelon of Aoki to fight.

Carefully inspected the footprints of the elves on the ground, many, and disorganized.

However, Aoki's previous capabilities were to detect and counter-investigate. There are still some capabilities to find the footprints of the elves. Coupled with the scanning and analysis of the chip, the fire rock rat's footprints were quickly found from a pile of footprints.

Because it is new, it is not erased by other elves, and it is relatively easy to find.

The fire rock rat's footprints pointed all the way to the cave.

In line with Aoki's goal, there was no hesitation, and he was ready to continue to go inside.

Coco Dora, Kira and strong chickens form the basic combat power.

However, unlike Aoki's idea, the caves that were originally densely packed with lava snails are now only two or three kittens, and they are not lava snails but lava worms.

The difficulty is suddenly reduced a lot.

Aoki frowned. "Did anyone still come here in advance? But the number of elves in the cave in the first half was correct, and their imprints of life were not abnormal."

With a little doubt, he started to walk inside.

As soon as I entered the second half of the cave, I felt that the temperature had increased a lot, the hot air rushed towards my face, and the shoes on the ground were already covered with sweat, and sweat beads appeared on my forehead. .

Almost a little while, Aoki felt severe thirst.

Instead of going deeper, I retreated first and changed a set of equipment.

Fortunately, before choosing to come to Chimney Hill, Aoki had prepared a special set of equipment, which was similar to the coat of the lava team last time, but much better.

The thermal insulation effect is better, and at the same time, it can maintain a good ventilation effect. After wearing it, the dry feeling disappears suddenly.

Then Aoki continued to walk inside with the three elves.

Here, Kira didn't feel that much. His armor outside was originally very thick, and because of the long time consumption of diamonds, both the physical fitness and the green armor on the outside were very strong.

The strong chicken here is more like coming to his paradise. Aoki feels that a small amount of feathers on his head are about to turn into a real flame.

From the beginning of summoning the strong chicken, you can feel that he is a bit excited. The fire system in the cave is very rich. The strong recovery and adjustment ability of the strong chicken has been significantly improved. The battle here is their main battlefield.

Cocodola is different. At this time, the temperature of his whole body is very high. Although it does not affect his battle, it must be said that the high temperature makes Cocodola's reaction ability slightly lower.

But Aoki didn't mean to take it back.

Yes, here is not very comfortable for Coco Dora, and the impact on Aoki is not great.

But sometimes the difficulty is to overcome, isn't it?

If you encounter difficulties and choose to run away, what if the enemy you encounter in the future lives in such a place? Don't you fight anymore?

Hiss ~~

Aoki took out water and gave Cocodola a sip. When the water was in contact with his metal case, he made a hissing sound, and the temperature of the water suddenly became tall.

However, Cocodola drank a whole bottle in one sip, and here he consumed a lot of water.

Aoki endured the temperature from the palm of his hand, touched Cocodola's head, smiled and encouraged, "Cocodola, persistence is victory! You can't choose to escape because of the restraint of the fire energy.

"Enclosing !!" Coco Dora shook her head again and again, and her two front paws swung in front, indicating that she was okay.

"Yuki ~~" Yukira also came over, trying to comfort Coco Dora.

After learning Aoki's appearance, he put his hand on Cocodola's back and wanted to touch it gently, after all, he was a good brother.

But Kira's palm is his weakest part. After all, his palm makes up for the sensitive tactile nerves.

"Yuki! Youki!" Yukira cried suddenly.

At first it was placed on Cocodola's back, but Kira didn't feel anything, but after a little while, she found that there was actually pain on the palm.

Take a look at the palm, the palm is completely red.

"Hoo ~~ hoo ~~"

Kira blew her palm very distressed, feeling hot.

"Hahahahaha ~~" Aoki laughed when she saw Yuira's cute look.

"Covering ~~" Cocodola also laughed together. As for the strong chicken on the side, he had already rolled his stomach on the ground holding his stomach.

Yukila is not only the heaviest elves in Aoki's hands, but also the most naughty one among Aoki's elves.

But he has a good relationship with everyone, so other elves will treat him as a big brother.

Kira scratched her head embarrassed.

Disoriented, disoriented ...

This is an episode of Aoki and the elves ~ ~ The lava bugs in this cave did not initiate an attack after seeing Aoki.

As long as you avoid the magma that accidentally slipped from the lava bug in time, there is no problem.

And there doesn't seem to be any other elves here, most of them are lava bugs.

After passing through the second half of the cave, what appeared in front of Aoki was a huge, lake-like place, but the water in this "lake" was all magma.

The surrounding rocks are fiery red, and you can see that there are bubbles in the magma. As the bubbles gradually grow, they finally break, and an air stream with high temperature will rush upward.

Above is the top of the entire Chimney Hill, which is also a volcanic eruption.

"Is this the very center of Chimney Hill?" Aoki said secretly.

However, as he was thinking, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in the magma, and then it seemed as if he had found a target and rushed towards Aoki.

"Frighten Mo!" The most responsive Lizhuang chicken rushed to Aoki in front of him, and put on a defensive posture.


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