The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 832: Platypus

Aoki reacted, calling his own super powers directly, coupled with his strong body, avoiding the magma that the opponent rushed up.


"Enclosed !!"

Kira and Cocodola also responded, and took a few steps back to stand with Aoki, at the same time the energy began to condense.

Huh! !! !!

Li Zhuang chicken crossed his hands in front of him, his eyes stared at the shadow that rushed up, and directly bombarded Li Zhuang chicken.

boom! Hiss ~~

Lizhuang chicken's posture remained unchanged, his feet's claws firmly grasped on the ground, but he was unable to stop the impact of the opponent, and was directly bombarded and slid back three or four meters.

The light yellow feathers at the crossing of the strong chicken actually turned brown.

This is the favorite scorched brown feel of the Michelin restaurant chef ...

No, this is not grilling chicken wings ...


As a strong spirit chicken of the fire spirit, the feathers on his body have special energy, and the general flame cannot burn or even affect the hair of the strong chicken.

However, I did not expect that it was just an attack, and the feathers on Lizhuang chicken were burnt.

And the strong chicken is still a fighting elf, even if he is not very good at strength, what he is best at is speed, and he should not just slip one or three meters down!

Knowing that he looked like this elf, Aoki showed a look of sudden realization, followed by a little surprise.

It's really surprising that you can meet this kind of elves here.

Being able to live in magma can also be regarded as a fire spirit.

It's just that this elf looks a little ugly.

Platypus beast!

I saw an elf who looked a little fat, with one fist straight up. It was that punch that struck the strong chicken, with a sign of disdainful smile on his face, and it was exactly sloppy.

The mouth is large and the lips are thick.

But not **** at all!

The chip showed the data of this duckbill beast in front of Aoki.

Elf: Duckbill Beast (Light Cyan)

Gender: Male

Level: 38

Attribute: Fire

Characteristics: Flame Body

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: Million tons of heavy punches, burst punches, flash charge, gas gathering

Basic skills: Lightning Fist, Cloudy Fog, Stare, Spark, Smoke Screen, Surprising Strike, Flame Vortex, Clear Smoke, Flame Sputtering, Strange Light, Flame Fist, Smoke Spit,

Teaching Skills: Hot Air, Iron Tail, Kick Down, Qi Boxing

Skill Learner: None

This platypus beast is exactly the elf who threw the powerful chicken back.

Duckbill beasts live in volcanic magma, and Aoki can understand it, but some do not understand why there are duckbill beasts here.

Because the platypus beast is an elf that the platypus fire dragon needs to wear a magma drive before it can evolve.

Of course, at this time, the person who later discovered the evolution of the platypus beast, the results announced by the alliance were also admitted to be written in the wizard book, but Aoki did not really know.

Sometimes the evolution of elves requires special conditions, but sometimes these special conditions are not irreplaceable.

Just like the ugly fish evolved into Minas, there are two ways, one is to use props, and the other is to increase its beauty.

It is possible that there are two ways for the duckbill fire dragon to evolve into a duckbill beast. The duckbill beast found in nature has evolved in this way.

Aoki feels that this is the only way to explain why duck beak inflammation beasts appear here.

But one thing that surprised Aoki was the level of this platypus beast.

It is not very high, only 38.

According to the level of the lava snails that Dawu and Dawu saw in the second half of the cave when they came last time, they should be much higher than this duck-billed beast.

But now it seems that this platypus beast may be the highest-level elf here.

"It should be something happened here," Aoki thought secretly.

At the same time, a hint of bad hunch appeared in my heart, maybe it was the first to be boarded.

But now I still beat this duckbill beast before talking!

An elf of the flame body, even if it is not strong and of average qualifications, it is still very valuable, especially for a person like Aoki who has a good ability to cultivate a family.

This flaming beak of the flame body may become a good assistant when Aoki breeds and screens the elves.

The characteristics of the flame body, in the battle is to make the opponents who are in contact with them become burning, and the strong feather of the chicken is also due to this characteristic.

It's just that the fire spirits will not enter the burning state, so the strong chicken is not burned.

The characteristics of the flame body are not only effective in combat. In normal times, if an elf with this characteristic is brought into contact with the elven egg, the incubation speed of the elven egg will be greatly accelerated, and it is estimated that the speed of improvement may be nearly doubled. .

Aoki wants to establish his own elf base on the backyard or a mysterious island on the sea. Among them, the cultivation of high-quality elves is an essential part. With the help of the flame body elf, the incubation speed of the elf eggs can be faster. Can save a lot of time in Aoki.

At least it can let the elf eggs hatch quickly, so the deployment and cultivation of qualifications will be faster.

But the 38-level duckbill beast is obviously not a strong chicken. The three of them can deal with it.

Aoki took an elf ball from his waist and threw it directly. A mosquito coil frog emperor appeared.

"Oh!" The mosquito coil frog emperor sang.

Inside this volcano, the rainfall characteristics don't have to be thought of to be effective.

"Enclosed !!"



However, Aoki summoned the mosquito-repellent frog emperor, but it made the three little guys a little bit unhappy, and they thought that Aoki did not trust them.

Although the mosquito-repellent frog emperor is a water-based elf, it has a great advantage in facing platypus beasts, but originally they were at the same starting line.

Now the mosquito coil frog emperor is far ahead of them, and there are even giant marsh monsters that are stronger than the mosquito coil frog emperor.

The three little guys didn't say anything, but in fact, they can see from their hard training that they are not very willing.

Now it's hard to see a powerful opponent. They are unwilling to be snatched by the mosquito coil frog emperor.

This is not because it has a bad relationship with the mosquito-repellent frog emperor ~ ~ It is just pure desire to fight.

Hearing the screams of three little guys, not only Aoki stunned, but also the mosquito coil frog emperor.

Immediately a helpless expression appeared.

"In this case, let the three of you take the lead." Aoki said.

At the same time, the ECG induction also connected the mosquito-repellent frog king. "The mosquito-repellent frog king controls the power of the rainwater and tries to kill away the fire energy in the air here, or to dissipate the fire energy around the three little guys . "

The mosquito coil frog emperor nodded silently, closed his eyes, and a complete tentacle on his head still gave off a light blue light.

It is quite difficult to use the energy of rainwater in such a place.

The three little guys who are already at a disadvantage in the ranks, if they are still fighting at the place where the platypus beast is at home, the odds of winning are hard to say, but with the mosquito-repellent frog emperor assisting in secret, at least the winning rate will be much higher.

After seeing the mosquito-killing frog emperor starting to act, Aoki disconnected from him and connected three little guys.



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