The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 888: 0 years old

The temple of the sea is actually divided into an inner temple and an outer temple.

The outer hall can be said that anyone who can enter the film can move freely.

Entering the inner hall requires special props.

Gradually going inside, the surrounding canals were gradually narrowing, and the number of elves who attacked Aoki was decreasing.

Even if there are a lot of elves here, that's just some small rivers and canals, and the number of elves in the sea is incomparable.

However, the current here is almost the same as the underground river on the island, crystal clear and rich in energy.

As long as the elves live in this water stream, they can almost live without food, which is the main reason why so many water elves can live here.

And as long as they live long enough, their level will gradually rise.

Of course, combat experience and means may be relatively weak.

The Dazed King basically does not need to do anything. Most of the attacks are handled by the monster monster and the mosquito coil frog emperor.

Passed the first largest platform, and stepped on the first floor.

Even on the steps, there is a special channel for water flow. All the water flows from it. According to normal guesses, it should flow from the inner hall.

Legend has it that the Temple of the Sea is similar to the function of a sea spring eye, and it seems that it is indeed the same now.

After walking up the first tens of steps, I came to the first platform.

Here you can see some green plants growing in flower beds.

Although I don't know how long it has passed, the plants in the flower bed still grow lush, and there is a small lake in the middle of the platform.

"There are so many pearl oysters here? The whole lake is pearl oysters?" Aoki walked to the lake and saw the scene inside.

With a touch of shock, and more, it was still a surprise.

I saw a group of pretty pearl oysters when I was in the sea. I thought that next time I had the opportunity, I could collect a group of pearl oysters and make an artificial farm.

After regular production of pearls, that would be one more mineral.

However, the size of the pearl oyster group that I saw in the sea is not large. If you want to make an artificial farm, you need to go to other seas to see if you can collect some.

But now I see this lake.

This is a natural pearl oyster farm. As long as the pearl oysters inside can be caught, they can become a pearl farm.

"That being the case, I took these pearl oysters," Aoki said.

This is the first time he has taken the initiative to work on the elves here after entering the Temple of the Sea.

"King dull king, use strong mental thoughts in it!"

"Ms. Huajie, the energy ball is infinitely attacking!"

"Giant marsh monster, mosquito-repellent frog emperor, go down and call me a pearl oyster!"

Aoki said to the elves.

The giant monster screamed, jumped first, and didn't care how many elves were below.

The mosquito-repellent frog emperor saw the reckless look of the monster monster, shook his head helplessly, and then jumped down together.

After they entered the water, they began to stir up the wind and rain, all of a sudden disturbing the entire peaceful pearl oyster community.

Among them are many relatively strong pearl oysters, which are to be attacked.

But before they started, they were wrapped in a super power and dragged directly to the shore.

The dull king specially dealt with these relatively powerful pearl oysters, while Mrs. Hua Jie attacked those oysters that jumped from the water from time to time because of the giant marsh monster and the mosquito-repellent frog emperor.

Madam Hua Jie's energy ball attack and the restraint effect of the grass-based skills, for ordinary pearl oysters, as long as they encounter, they will directly fall into a coma.

However, such a large pearl oyster has lived here for so long, and there are still strong people.

After the initial chaos, a unified voice appeared in the pearl oyster.

The giant marsh monster and the mosquito-repellent frog emperor are also somewhat difficult to stop the attack of the combined pearl oyster.

Aoki first found the pearl pelvis that was in command, and the dull king threw it on shore.

A heavenly pearl!

Elf: pearl oyster (light cyan)

Gender: Female

Level: 60

Attribute: Water system

Features: Hard-shell armor

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: water currents, turbidity, water fluctuations, salt water

Basic skills: shell pinch, water gun, tide spin, iron wall, broken shell

Teaching Skills: Frozen Wind, Snoring

Skill Learner: None

A pearl oyster can grow to the level of Uranus in the wild environment.

Can only say that this is a very long pearl oyster!

There may be hundreds of years of age. The pearl produced by this hundred-year-old shellfish is absolutely invaluable!

And because of the existence of such a pearl oyster, the entire oyster family can live here in an orderly manner without any disputes.

This pearl oyster is their patriarch!

There are two ways to evolve this kind of elf, pearl oyster, one is to carry the teeth of the deep sea to evolve into a physical attack type elk hunter, and the other is to carry the scales of the deep sea to evolve into a cherry fish.

Otherwise, pearl oysters are limited in their racial values ​​and racial species, and their skills are limited.

Aoki used chips to sweep the pearl oysters in this lake, and there is only one such pearl oyster that has reached the rank of Heavenly King.

Most of the rest are elite and below, even if the number of pearls in the quasi-king level is relatively small.

As long as pearls can be produced by pearls above the quasi-king level, they are not comparable to ordinary pearls.

This pearl oyster leader was dragged ashore and its strength was removed a lot.

The pearl oyster is very slow to move. Even with the perverted skill of shell breaking, she can't make up for her own shortcomings. In the case of insufficient skills, she faced the teamwork of the dull king and Mrs. Huajie, and eventually lost. The combat ability was motionless on the ground.

Two Uranus-elves, dull king and Madam Huajie, defeated this pearl oyster that barely reached the Uranus level.

This is also because the advantages they occupy are too large, otherwise it is not so easy to overcome.

But even so, the dull king and Mrs. Huajie also suffered a lot of injuries.

It can be seen that even though the dull king and her are only two levels apart, the gap still exists.

The result was still good. With the fall of the pearl oyster leader, those pearl oysters were in a mess again.

The giant marsh monster and the mosquito-repellent frog emperor were later called back to shore by Aoki. The four elves launched a crazy attack on the pearl oysters in the water.

In the end, the four elves who were a little tired and paralyzed sat on the ground by the shore and looked at the densely packed pearl oysters floating on the water, exhaling a long breath.

It is visually observed that the four elves have swept this pearl oyster group ~ ~ and defeated more than 500 pearl oysters in total.

Among them, there is one pearl king oyster, five pearl king oysters, about thirty elite pearl oysters, and the rest are all elite pearl oysters.

Seeing this number shows how crazy this battle is.

That is to say, before the elves such as pearl oysters did not evolve, their combat effectiveness was somewhat unbearable.

Otherwise, four elves face more than five hundred, even if most of them are below the elite level, they can't beat.

Fortunately, Mrs. Huajie's green grass field assisted and barely supported it.

Third more! Ask for a monthly pass! Look at the number of this chapter, 888, Dorje? Celebrate a century-old pearl oyster?

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