The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 889: Keeper of the Water People

However, after such a long battle of attrition, the harvest of the elves was still great.

In combat, the mastery of skill proficiency and the improvement of skill release rhythm do not talk about him, but there is not only a small increase in level.

The most important thing is the dull king. The previous level has been seen at 58. It has been a long time. After months of training and accumulation, in fact, it should have been upgraded.

It just didn't meet the right opponent.

Today, I went to play against the Uranus-level pearl oyster with Mrs. Huajie. Although this pearl oyster can only be regarded as the bottom in the Uranus-level, it also gave the dull king a better understanding of Uranus-level.

The level has finally been raised, reaching level 59, the true quasi-sky king.

As long as you increase one level, you can cross a big hurdle and enter the level of Uranus.

According to the current light blue qualifications of the dumb king, crossing this threshold of the heavenly king level, the problem should not be very large, at least it will be much simpler than the Qixi Jade Bird.

Let it grow naturally, and it will be able to break through to the Heavenly King level.

Then there was Mrs. Huajie. She was the main force in this battle, and she had the most pearl oysters she had defeated.

Including that queen-class pearl oyster, there are five quasi-king-level pearl oysters, the main output of which is her, because after the transformation into the grass system, the energy ball's attack power is terrible.

That is because of the existence of Mrs. Huajie, otherwise how could their four elves alone defeat so many pearl oysters and be exhausted.

Coupled with the training accumulated in the previous months, the level of Madam Huajie rose to two levels, reaching level 55, and the distance from the top of Zhun Tianwang is not too far away.

There are two little guys, such as giant marsh monster and mosquito-repellent frog emperor.

The giant marsh monster can be said to be the fiercest among all the elves participating in the battle. It has always rushed to the front and suffered the most damage, but the gain is also quite large.

The level reached 49 and came to the peak of the elite level. Only one level can enter the level of the quasi-sky king.

Among the elves of the second echelon, the giant monster monster is the fastest growing elven.

And this time the promotion of the mosquito-repellent frog emperor is quite big, the level has been increased to 42.

As the first core of the Aoki Rain Team, the mosquito-repellent frog emperor's frontal combat ability does not need to be very strong, but level improvement and strength improvement are still very important.

This time fighting the water elves, the mosquito-repellent frog emperor can also be regarded as exerting his due combat power.

The reason why Aoki did not summon the Tanabata Blue Bird and Dream Demon in this battle was to get them enough exercise.

Otherwise, if an elf with strong strength is shot, how can other elves grow?

Sometimes fighting looks like an elf, but the more powerful you are, the more you look at the strength of the team.

Aoki used a super ball to put away the Uranus-grade pearl oyster and five quasi-Uranus-like pearl oysters, and all of them were caught with ordinary elven balls.

Thanks to the hunter once, in order to prevent a large elven group from encountering all the elves, so I have a lot of ordinary elven **** at my body at any time. Now it is really useful.

This is also the "good habit" left by past lives for a long time as a hunter to make money.

But even so, so many elves lost the elven ball one by one, which also made Aoki a bit sad.

After half an hour, all the pearl oysters were put away.

Several injured pearl oysters were placed on the grassy field of Mrs. Huajie to restore her strength.

From now on they will be Aoki's private property. If they lose one, they will be very heartbroken.

When these pearl oysters were just released, they were still not used to it.

However, without the command of the leader, they could only obediently rest in place.

At that time, as long as Aoki takes over this pearl oyster leader and five quasi-perpetual king oysters, this group of pearl oysters will not be able to turn up much waves, and will become Aoki's private property.

While treating pearl oysters, the dull kings also took a good rest. Obedience is really tiring.

So by the way, dinner was settled here.

As for the pearls carried by the pearl oysters at this time, they will all be taken out when they return to the island.

It is estimated that it will make a lot of money to sell it, excluding the pearl contained in the hundred-year-old pearl oyster of the Heavenly King class.

That's really worth it.

After finishing the repair, Aoki continued to walk inside with his four elves.

At this point they have reached the middle level of the temple.

It was truly the end of the square and entered the building of the temple.

Walk through the empty hall.

Nothing but water is here.

There is a row of steps on the innermost side of the hall, and a stone monument stands on the steps.

Aoki walked to the stone monument.

The ancient water people's text is written on it, and most people don't really understand it.

Fortunately, when the chip assimilated the multilateral beast, he got a record of the people of the water from him, and the chip was saved by the way.

I don't know which network or computer the multilateral beast got the information from, and finally Aoki was cheap.

"Dear Manar, the prince of the sea, the people of the water offer all our loyalty."

The translation result of the chip appeared in front of Aoki.

"The true temple of the sea can only enter the worship of the prince of the sea with the token of the people of the water. When the prince of the sea exists, the crown of the sea will appear, and the person who embraces the crown of the sea will get the sea The prince agreed. "Aoki murmured, watching the result of the translation.

"Is the token of the people of the water, the Prince of the Sea and the Crown of the Sea?" Aoki's eyes flashed with reflection.

It seems that people without the tokens of the people of water cannot enter the true temple of the sea.

And if the prince of the sea Mana 霏 is in it, he will see the so-called "crown of the sea". If the mana 霏 is not in it, then he can only wait for the return of the mana 霏.

As for the approval of the Prince of the Sea, it is not known to what extent.

I was also worried about what kind of existence exists under the island. Now it seems that ~ ~ can be reassured.

At least Mana ’s elf is a relatively good-tempered elf. As long as you do n’t proactively challenge him, you do n’t need to worry about the safety of the island.

And the island is also constantly carrying a stream of energy, which can also be used well, which is conducive to the growth of the elves on the island.

The elves of Aoki do not need to. Those wild elves or the elves that Aoki breeds can plan well.

And there is more than just pearl oysters here. Before going back, Aoki will walk around the entire temple of the sea to see if there are any good spirits, or good ethnic groups, that can develop into fixed resource spirits.

It is said that the sea is a treasure, and the elves in the sea are not inferior.

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