The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 871: Broken Shell Cocktail Sakura Fish

And in fact, the value of this heavenly pearl is not only reflected in the production of pearls.

If she can evolve into a sakura fish, the characteristics will become free swimming. Imagine a sakura fish that has the characteristics of free swimming, can use shell breaking skills, and has a very good special race value, how much combat power can burst?

Youyou freely add shells, special attack output, is simply the top rainy team spirit!

Even if Aoki's strength is improved in the future, this sakura fish can't keep up with his strength, and the sakura fish is also an elf who can master the skills of taking over.

After breaking the shell, I took the baton, and the picture was too beautiful. Aoki didn't dare to think about it.

In short, this pearl king oyster has great value, and those pearl oysters with quasi-king strength are not low, depending on how Aoki is going to use it.

After settling the two groups of pearl oyster and needlefish.

Aoki put all the remaining water elves in the center lake.

There are many water elves in this central lake. Some of them are relatively rare, but a large part of them are ordinary elves like the king of carp.

So Aoki also spent a little time fishing these elves, all released into the sea.

In addition to these more ordinary elves, there are those with low qualifications. All the elves with dark yellow qualifications are all released into the sea by Aoki.

In this way, the entire central lake suddenly became empty.

Fortunately, Aoki caught many elves and put them in.

The qualifications of the elves in the temple of the sea are all good, and the average qualification of the elves in the center of the lake suddenly went up.

If it weren't for the small number, Aoki would like to release all the elves below the light green qualification.

But now there is no way, too few elves are not conducive to future breeding.

After breeding for several generations, it can be selected a few times.

It is hoped that the elves in the center lake will be green at that time, and it is of good value to just take out one.

Water elves caught in other places in the future can also be dropped into the central lake.

Of course, in addition to the water elves, wild elves with good qualifications caught in other places in the future can also be put on the island.

This whole island is not only a place for Aoki to cultivate his elves, but also a huge elven farm he planned.

In addition to Aoki's own elves, the remaining elves can reproduce and grow with each other, the purpose is to optimize the quality of wild elves.

For the time being, I will not do any area planning for the sprites on the ground. After all, there are not many sprites on the ground.

When there are more elves on the ground, Aoki needs to divide them up.

In the future, there will be special elves to manage their areas, step by step towards standardization.

In addition, Aoki has also picked up his best breeder career.

Through the analysis and calculation of the chip, it is possible to create an energy block formula suitable for different spirits.

For example, the pearl oyster group, they want to produce pearls, in addition to the basic energy substance, they also need a lot of calcium and minerals, which have been added to their energy blocks by Aoki.

And like needlefish, in addition to the large amount of toxins they need to produce poisonous needles, there are also some substances that can accelerate their stratum corneum superposition, which has also been added to the needlefish's ethnic group by Aoki.

Anyway, these are primary energy blocks, and the materials needed are not very precious.

As long as the formula is formulated, after Aoki leaves, the polygons can also control the machine to produce their energy blocks in batches.

These don't have to worry about Aoki, the chip will control the polygon to accurately perform these tasks.

There is also the most important point, which is something that must be added to these energy blocks.

It's a medicine that speeds up the reproduction of elves.

The mating of the elves exists for a fixed period of time. Now after adding these drugs, these elves can mate and produce even if they are not in this period of time.

Accelerate the reproduction speed of the elves, and also improve the qualification optimization of these relatively rare elves.

Simply put, it is actually an aphrodisiac, but it is not a compulsory drug, just to keep the elves from having a fixed time.

Most of the breeding houses in these elf worlds use things.

If it is those compulsory drugs, it may be faster to reproduce, but this will overdraw the potential of these elves, resulting in the qualifications of the elves they produce are getting worse and worse.

This is something that only black hearted breeding houses use.

Most of the authentic breeding houses use at most those prepared by Aoki. They are not mandatory and will not damage the potential of the elves. As long as they have sufficient abilities to supplement them, they will soon be able to recover.

The water here is rich in energy, so don't worry about insufficient energy supply.

In this way, the reproduction speed of these elves will be greatly accelerated.

Not just the elves in the water.

The nest of fireballs raised by Aoki will prepare them for them.

Not to mention, the quantity must be increased first for better screening.

As for pearl oysters and needlefish, you don't need to worry about excessive quantities and poor qualifications.

The more they are now, the better.

That is, small broken diamonds cannot be cultivated in this way, otherwise Aoki would have done so already.

Elven eggs were produced, and all were taken to the platypus and waited for hatching.

Aoki's basic production line is basically formed, and there is nothing missing, just the kind of elves.

If you get some more rare elves to cultivate, then this small island will become a breeding island completely.

Everyone else rents a place to run a nurturing house, and becoming a boss of a nurturing house is also very profitable.

Aoki was good. He directly seized an unknown island and became the owner of the new modern island.

The island owner must get some more elves back.

After everything was arranged, Aoki sitting in the center lake camp looked at the whole island and nodded in satisfaction.

This small island is now beginning to take shape, and only a little repair and expansion are to be done below.

At that time, you can get several artificial intelligence robots from the Rockets, with multilateral control, plus chip setting basic procedures, these basic tasks can be left to those robots, and the multilaterals are mainly responsible for the training of elves.

Sitting in the camp, the elves were also resting, and ran to Aoki's side to rest.

Take a short break and wait for the session to continue training.

The communicator on Aoki sounded.

It is a communicator with the status of an alliance. The Rockets communicator has not been heard for a long time, and I don't know how the fantasy genes are researched now.

Aoki took out the communicator and took a look. The remarked communication code was actually, Dr. Ogi!

Seeing Dr. Oki, Aoki immediately patted the dust on his body, took the communicator to the side and pressed the answer button.

"Hey, is it Aoki? It's me." Just after pressing the answer button, Dr. Oki's hearty voice came from inside.

Aoki smiled unconsciously.

Dr. Oki, no matter what camp he is in, he will not have any particular malicious intentions. This kind of person lives for the elf, and everyone who is related to the elf will respect him.

"I'm ~ ~ Is there something wrong with Dr. Oki?" Aoki asked.

"Hahaha, hasn't this just finished your fairy business thing? After so long, it's almost implemented." Dr. Oki said with a smile.

"Dr. Ogi, don't lift me up. I just found a little bit of it. It's all done by you doctors and elf researchers. I can't admit it's my fairy department ..."


First more! Ask for a monthly pass! Um ... Yesterday seems to have mistaken the chapter number again. The thief is embarrassed, haha, but it doesn't affect reading.

This broken shell catching cherry blossom fish is really very buggy. I thought about it for a while.

Dark Rise of the Elves

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