The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 872: Two-sided spy?

"Hahahaha, okay, don't discuss this, I'm calling to tell you, I'm going to announce the evolution of the dumb king, just use your name, I've already said hello to it You are now a professional elf researcher. "

Dr. Oki apparently has no interest in discovering the name of the fairy, and he is committed to the research of the elf. The fairy is part of the elf, and that's it.

The main purpose of this call was just to tell Aoki that he had established Aoki's status as a researcher.

Last time when Liu Sheng took Aoki to look for Dr. Oki, Aoki itself was not strong at that time. Too many names were not good for Aoki's development at that time.

But now it's different. In the God Olympics, Aoki's performance was very good, showing his quasi-heavenly strength.

And in Fengyuan area also received great care.

Announcing the identity of the Aoki elf researcher now is only good for him, not bad.

It can further increase Aoki's reputation and influence. Of course, as a senior, Dr. Oki can understand the future planning of Fengyuan District.

So after all the work of the fairy department was processed, he immediately proposed the identity of the Aoki elf researcher.

In fact, according to the current name of the fairy department found by Aoki, it is not necessarily impossible to give him a doctor in elf science. If there is a group of Dr. Oki and the nurturing union and the president of Fengyuan District Alliance Adams, it is estimated that It can be done.

There are still many researchers in the elf world, but there are not many people who really have doctoral titles, especially doctors in elf science. They must have their own expertise and characteristics.

But it's an exaggeration to make Aoki a PhD now, let him become a researcher first, and wait until Aoki has enough strength, or long enough, then maybe he can really become a PhD.

Becoming a researcher now can be considered as a stepping stone for future development.

"That's really bothering you!" Aoki said.

"By the way, there's one more thing I want to tell you."

"Oh? What?" Dr. Oki asked with a hint of curiosity.

Aoki was always able to surprise him. Although sometimes scared, the results were good. .

"That's it. Didn't I use an elf, the Mosquito-Repellent Frog King in the last game of the God Olympics ...?"

Before Aoki finished speaking, Dr. Oki's voice sounded, with a touch of excitement, "Did you find out how the elves such as the Mosquito Frog King have evolved?"

"Yes, yes, you used the mosquito-repellent incense queen before, and eventually became the mosquito-repellent frog emperor. It seems that the mosquito-repellent frog emperor has really evolved from the mosquito-repellent prince. Tell me how it evolved? "

With a helpless smile, every time when talking about these little elf knowledge, Dr. Oki is not energetic at all like an old man.

"It really evolved from the Mosquito King, and it is exactly the same as the dumb king's evolution, and it is the use of the king's certificate to complete this special evolution." Aoki said.

"Certificate of the King ... That's it, that's it. Since it's all a king, then it's really just right to use the king's certificate to evolve." Dr. Oki immersed himself in it.

Then he talked about a lot of complicated and technical terms, which Aoki listened to.

Dr. Oki is indeed Dr. Oki, and he quickly discovered the key.

After the dumb king was discovered using the evidence of the king, he had studied the prop of the king's certificate.

"In this case, I will modify it a little, and announce the evolution of the mosquito-repellent frog emperor and the way of the dumb king. It is an evolution of similar nature, but in this case, I guess your Fame is going to go up again. "He said with a joke afterwards.

Aoki smiled softly, expressing the joy that the young people in this status should express.

"Trouble you."

"It's okay. I still have something to do. I'll go to work first. If you have time, come to Zhenxin to play. Bring your elves and let me study it. By the way, there are some good things for you."

"Okay, I'm sure to come to your door in a while."

After speaking, Dr. Oki hung up the phone.

The early appearance of the fairy department changed a lot.

But now it's time to announce the evolution of the dumb king and the mosquito-repellent frog king.

"While the popularity of the Olympic Games hasn't gone on, I'll announce it now, but it will increase my popularity and make a better foundation for the future. Dr. Oki really took the trouble." Aoki thought secretly.

When Aoki was about to sit down and take a rest, another communicator in his arms shook.

This time it's not a phone call, but a message.

But this communicator is not an ordinary communicator, but an exclusive communicator obtained after Aoki became the alliance search officer.

The only people who can send information to Aoki on this communicator are those who have a higher position than Aoki in the Alliance Search Officer, or directly the task issued by the Search Officer's headquarters.

Only one message is displayed on opening.

"The alliance's senior search officer, Aoki, now issues a latent investigation mission, the content of which is as follows:

At present, the senior search officer of the alliance is short of resources, but because of the difficulty of the task, the intermediate search officer cannot perform the task, so I will issue a selective task to you.

The Guandu area rocket team is currently in a highly contracted state. The league is worried that they are studying more destructive things. Therefore, during this time, the Rockets held a trading conference and wanted to send a senior search officer to investigate the situation. After receiving the task, it will be sent. I think you are Guandu, so it is more suitable for this task.

Is the mission accepted? "

Then there are two buttons below, "Yes" and "No".

Aoki looked at the message, and was a little dreadful.

what's going on?

Make yourself a double-sided spy?

Is it OK not to do it?

Are you the Rockets? !!

It's a good mix in the league. Now let me investigate the Rockets?

And the last reason makes Aoki difficult to refute.

I am a Kanto native and I am familiar with the Kanto region. It is better to send an acquaintance than an unfamiliar person, and the senior search officer of the alliance is now nervous, probably because I went to explore a new region ~ ~ or just go to the card The Los Areas investigate the goblin elf.

Originally, such a search officer in Guandu was the most suitable. Now it is necessary to have a senior search officer in a rich area to do it. It must be really short of manpower.

Seeing the sender of this message, the signature is "Joy". It should be the only search officer in the Fengyuan Alliance who is the chief search officer. The Joey's alternative Missy.

Since the task can be issued, it means that the senior management must have acquiesced.

Aoki could only press the "Yes" button.


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