The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 873: Trading Conference

Immediately after the "Yes" button was pressed, a message came again.

Represents the task has been accepted, how many points can be rewarded after the task is completed, and other rewards.

Aoki didn't care too much about this, but paid more attention to the main content and information of this mission.

Now the Rockets are highly contracted, and most of the members of the subbases stay in the base and rarely go out. Except for some necessary tasks, the frequency of going out is reduced.

At the beginning, the league was quite happy and unexpected.

But after a long time, after all, I still feel that something is wrong.

I feel that the Rockets may be studying what secret weapons, otherwise the original good form, why suddenly said that the contraction contracted, so thorough, so no sign.

The league's top executives did acknowledge that they panicked.

It happened to be such an annual event for the Rockets that I sent a reliable person to investigate it.

The Guandu search officer should have done it. The most suitable person is Dudu.

However, he found a new area before, and took a large group of search officers to investigate the new area. The remaining intermediate junior search officers seemed to be a bit unreliable in performing this task.

So at the meeting, someone came to say, who is the senior search officer in Fengyuan area, who is not a Kanto?

Participating in the God Olympics seems to be performing well, so let him try it.

Then this task was glorious to Aoki's hands.

If it wasn't for this task reminder, Aoki really has forgotten, this time is exactly the time when the Rockets are going to hold their annual trade fair.

At this time, underground forces in many areas will come to Manjin City in Chengdu. Where to hold a grand trade fair, there are many things involved, covering almost everything in the whole world of elf.

As the leader of the underground forces in the elf world, the Rockets trade fair is still very attractive.

When the fish and dragons are mixed, it is also the most suitable time to investigate the Rockets.

At that time, Aoki had the right to direct a whole search team.

Originally, as a member of the Rockets, Aoki should pay special attention to this matter. He has participated in more than one time in the previous life. With the ability of the chip, he also found a lot of good things.

However, this world has not really experienced the event of the trade fair, and it is almost forgotten.

It was also because the main content of the mission was the trade fair that Aoki accepted the mission.

As for how to report to the league at that time, isn't it easy? Aoki knows what the Rockets are doing now, as long as he reveals a little, it will make the league feel nervous, but do n’t want to move about. The degree is fine.

The trade fair started five days later, and the entire trade fair lasted seven days. The location was in the black market in Manjin, Chengdu. At that time, a whole team of intermediate search officers would obey Aoki's arrangements. What he has to do now, is Rush to Chengdu area.

Five days is enough for Aoki now.

After I had settled everything on the island, I went to other places to practice it. Now it seems that I have to go to the city area first.

But that's fine.

This time, the island opened up the living areas of the two groups of pearl oysters and needlefish, and Aoki also got a lot of supplies from them, which can be sold at this trading conference.

In addition to this, there are a few good elves who originally wanted to find a chance to sell, but now it seems that they can sell at the fair.

A quasi-light phoenix on top of a quasi-king king, and a quasi-death casket, and a few quasi-king sacrifice caskets. I believe that this class of wild elves should be of high value.

In addition, more than 2,000 pearls and more than 400 different quality needles are sold, which is a lot of money.

It happens that both Kodola and Shakira have evolved to the second stage. Although it is estimated that it will take some time to evolve again, the qualification medicine needs to be prepared in advance.

There are also Larulas, Mohair and Baby Dragon, and they will soon be able to enter the critical stage of the first stage of evolution. At that time, it will be a little rush to prepare qualification medicines. You can take advantage of this trading conference to Some of the more critical and scarce main materials are purchased first, and some of the minor and more common materials are not in a hurry.

In addition, there are also some skill CDs that Aoki has been thinking about, which may also be seen at this trading conference.

For example, rare skill CDs such as sword dance and damaging light can definitely be seen at the trading conference. Whether you can buy them or not depends on your personal financial resources.

Therefore, the holding of this trade conference is just right for Aoki.

Even if there is no such task for the Alliance, he will definitely participate after he knows it.

At that time, maybe you can still see the elf.

Although there are a lot of elves that Aoki needs to cultivate now, but as many resources as there are nurtured elves, Aoki is able to achieve a balance between income and expenditure. The resource income may be slightly more than the elven cultivation, but not many.

Of course, Aoki now has higher requirements for elves. If the general elves are not particularly good or have special and rare characteristics, they can be used, otherwise they will not be added in a short time.

This time outing Aoki must have the status of both the league's senior search officer and the Rockets as a cover up, so more elves need to be carried.

The crow head and Madara representing the Rockets must be carried. These two elves can not only represent the identity of members of the Aoki underground forces, but also represent the identity of the Rockets themselves.

Then the elves that Aoki carried this time were: Crow's head, Ma'erla, Daowang, Madam Huajie, Geng Gui, Dream Demon, Lizhuang Chicken, and Kodola, a total of eight elves.

The head of the crow and Madara represent the Rockets. Geng Gui is not a particularly recognizable elf, so he can also be used as an underground force for the time being.

The dull king, Mrs. Huajie, Lizhuangji and Kodola represent the alliance status.

The dream demon is Aoki's last line of defense, and it is Aoki's hole card. If it really meets a Uranus-level opponent, the existence of the dream demon can also help Aoki better cope.

Anyway, the dream demon has long been known by Dr. Oki and Liu Shenggang, so don't worry about it.

As for the strong chicken and Kodola, it's purely Aoki who wants to exercise them a little. The strong potion of the strong chicken is ready, and his level is about to meet the conditions of evolution, so you can exercise more, and Kodola After all, Aoki already has one of the two superevolutionary stones and needs more exercise.

The reason why Shakira is not taken is because his level has soared so much after evolution, and it needs to be well precipitated.

The rest of the little ones are even more so.

Anyway, the transmission device on the island is now installed ~ ~ Multilateral beasts will also manage here on behalf of Aoki. What kind of spirits you want to call can be switched at any time, which is very convenient.

At that time, if you want to train other sprites, just switch to teleport.

It's a lot easier to travel all at once.

Qixi Jade Bird is in charge of housekeeping for the time being, and she also has to spend some time with her two children.

As for the desert dragonfly, it is currently regarded as a flying mount and is not included in the carrying elves of Aoki.


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