The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 917: Kill heart

Immediately after landing, Aoki hid in the forest.

On the ability to hide in the forest alone, Aoki believes that the person who chases himself is definitely not as strong as himself.

But I don't know why, the other party can always follow closely behind.

And the speed is fast, at the speed of both sides in the forest, he will soon be overtaken by him.

According to this situation, even if Aoki uses unknown totems to open up different spaces, he may not be able to hide in at once.

As a martial arts trainer, his physical fitness is also excellent.

Aoki quickly made a decision, and now this situation can not go away, can only do one game, fight back each other, or feel the other side resolved.

Now that there is a decision, no more hesitation.

Find a battlefield that suits you better.

The elf around him now has an attribute advantage against the other elf, that is, Madara is weaker, four times weaker fighting, but also an elf that can reduce the vigilance of the opponent.

The electrocardiogram was activated, and soon Geng Gui disappeared from Aoki's shadow.

At the same time, when running, he took out the portable transmission device, and took the elven ball of the dull king and Qixi Jade Bird in their hands, just in case.

Whenever the dull king goes to war, the person who represents the chase must die.

Otherwise, the iconic elves such as Daowang appear, and Aoki is suspected and guessed too much.

As for the Tanabata Blue Bird, not many people at this time know that Aoki has a Heavenly King Tanabata Blue Bird.

The only time he played was in the city of Viola as the leader of the Sky team.

After being summoned, Madara disappeared directly into the woods.

Aoki jumped into the tree with the help of the crow's head.

Almost when Aoki just disappeared under the tree, Colaer also appeared where Aoki just disappeared.

When he saw the pale white elf beside him, Aoki knew it, it turned out to be Master Itachi.

A fighting elf, also a ferret, is very sensitive to smell.

No wonder running in the woods, even if Aoki deliberately applied some resin to cover himself with the odor, he could not avoid tracking.

Some elves have so much talent in this respect than humans.

Colaer stopped suddenly with his master Itachi and Hercules.

Because the smell disappeared from here.

"On it! Hercules, corner bump!" Colale responded immediately.

Heracros, who heard his order, hit a huge horn on his head and slammed into the trunk next to him.

Aoki was only trying to find out whether an effective sneak attack could be launched. Now that the other party has discovered it, there is nothing to hide.

"Head of the crow, slamming of the bird!"

Aoki jumped across the branch and jumped from this tree to another tree, while the crow's head was already under the arrangement of Aoki, and stored for a long time.

Rushing straight down from the tree, his light blue divine bird coat wrapped around him.

The goal is that Hercules!

As the worms of the insect system and the fighting system, they are four times restrained by the flying system skills. As long as they can hit, they may even kill directly.

After all, Hercules is a power wise, not a physical genie.

"Hercross, hold on!"

"Master Itachi, high five!"

Colale knew someone above, and the moment he launched the attack, he thought of how to respond.

When he ran away, he saw the other flying elf.

As a martial arts-elf-professional trainer, of course, always keep in mind what your elves' weaknesses are.

The flying elf was always in his defense.

A green energy hood appeared on Hercules' body. At this time, the crow's head was obviously unable to change the target, and it could only hit the holding skills.

The master Itachi, who responded on the other side, was also fast.

This is the speed-elves.

His legs ran fast, as if with a long-sleeved palm, patted directly on the head of the crow.

The power of high-five strike is not high, but it has a very good effect.

After hitting the opponent's elves, the enemy may enter a state of cower through unique palm control.

Although not 100% successful, it is a skill with a very high success rate.

Especially now that the crow's head has just finished using a skill, the old force is gone, and the new force is the easiest to succeed.

"Crow head, hold on!"

"Geng Gui, poisonous!"

At this time, Aoki had already jumped from another tree, hiding her body under the black robe, and standing in the shadow of the woods, it was still difficult for the average person to distinguish his position.

The crow's head had no way to evade, and could only obey Aoki's orders to use the holding skills.

Otherwise, if it is hit by a high-five surprise attack and has an effect, among the two fighting system elves, the flight system is restrained against the fighting system, but the evil system is also restrained by the fighting system, so the fighting system skills will still cause normal damage to the crow head .

The two strong men still withdraw first.

After holding the skill to avoid Master Fei's high-five surprise attack, he immediately flapped his wings and flew directly to a high place.

The Geng ghost who disappeared beside Aoki at the beginning, but suddenly appeared Master Shisa not far away. When he used the high-five surprise attack, a venom with violent toxins was thrown at Master Shisa!

Successful hit!

But after the hit, it was discovered that it was a substitute for Master Shiki.

However, at this time Colale did not immediately launch an attack, but stared at Aoki standing in the distant tree.

"Superpowers! Sure enough, you guys!"

He doesn't know many superpowers in Carlos, but Colale knows a bunch of people.

The decline of their family also began with the intervention of those superpowers.

It can be said that their family had a great grudge against a group of superpowers, and at this time, the telepathy that Aoki used when directing the elves was recognized by Colare the first time.

For this group of super powers, Colaer has already moved to kill!

As the son of Cocobour, a member of a large family, Colale, although now considered a member of the Alliance, does not mean that he has not killed anyone.

Many of those superpowers who had stalked them were solved by him, but they did not reveal their identities.

There are many such people in the league.

Being on the side of the league does not mean they are clean.

Aoki froze when he heard Colare's words.

It seems that things are much more interesting than they thought, so the hatred was suddenly transferred ~ ~ the two sides fought a few times and immediately separated.

At this point Aoki had time to scan each other's two elves.

A Hercules and a master ferret should be the spirits of the strength of the quasi-sky king.

Pokemon: Hercules (Light Cyan)

Gender: Male

Level: 55

Attribute: Worm + Fighting

Characteristics: Instinct of Insects

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: patience, revenge, cast on earth

Basic Skills: Slam, Seed Machine Gun, Assault Key, Impact, Stare, Corner Collision, Hold On, Slam Attack, Swallow Back, Gradually Smash, Double Return, Slam, Tile Break, Missile Needle, Slam, Super Horn Strike , Melee, resurrection

Teaching skills: snoring, special, kicking,

Skill Learner: Hold, Earthquake, Shadow Avatar, Spike Attack, Stand-In


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