The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 918: Superpowers and Fighters

Pokemon: Master Itachi (Cyan)

Gender: Male

Level: 57

Attribute: Fighting

Characteristics: Mental Power

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: hold up, kick, shoot down

Basic skills: wave missile, resurrection, slap, yoga pose, see through, high five, serial slap, high speed star, meditation, launch, absorptive punch, fly kick, rapid reentry, bounce, fly knee

Teaching skills: Zhenqiquan, snoring, sharpening, two consecutive splits

Skill learner: Hold, Shadow avatar, Rock block, Under kick, Rock fall, Stand-in

Both Hercules and Master Itachi have quasi-sky strength.

And Master Itachi is also an elf who can grasp the power of a certain waveguide.

Colaer said he was not talented because he failed to conquer a Lucalio.

Because of the elves like Lucalio, to subdue him not only required a certain amount of strength, but also to get his recognition.

However, Colale failed to conquer, and had to take the second place, conquering a master ferret.

Although they are all sprites that can use the power of the waveguide, the gap is still large.

The most important point is that without Lukario, he cannot inherit the superevolution, nor can he inherit the position of patriarch.

But his daughter is different. Cornie is still very young, but has been recognized by a Leo Lu. As long as they are together for a while, Leo Lu can evolve into Lukario. .

At that time Cocobour will help Corney to achieve super evolution.

When her Lucalio could be super-evolved, it was when Corney succeeded Cocoble.

But now all the keystones have been taken away by Aoki.

For his daughter, Colale must defeat Aoki anyway and get back all the keystones.

Master Itachi eventually failed to make a venomous hit within the ghost, because his substitute successfully blocked him from the poison.

Now is the time to really start fighting.

Under the command of Aoki, the crow's head used the downwind skills to help Geng Gui and himself bless the speed.

Together, the two elves rushed towards each other.

And Hercules and Master Itachi did not hesitate to let go, and rushed directly to the head of the crow and the ghost.

Even if there are some disadvantages in attributes, their momentum is still sufficient.

They are all fairies with good speed, so it doesn't appear that either side was caught off guard by an opponent.

What this battle really depends on is the commander's command ability.

Aoki has ECG induction, and still has a lot of advantages in command.

So in the absence of too many mistakes on one side, Aoki gradually gained some advantages.

But he couldn't see any panic in his face.

A little thought of Aoki understood.

His face became a little gloomy.

He was keenly aware of the killing intention of the other party, and there were not many accidents, but at first he thought he wanted to share his life with him immediately. Now it seems that the other party is more rational than he thought.

This is a forest, but in fact it is not far from the tower of refinement. As long as Colale can hold itself, the people in their family will be able to arrive soon.

When Cocobour joins the battle, Aoki will be at an absolute disadvantage.

The opponent held this mentality from the beginning, so they knew that the elf was at a disadvantage, and rushed forward without hesitation.

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

Originally, I didn't want to go too far. After all, they were considered to have suffered the plague, but now, going on like this is becoming more and more unfavorable to them.

During this time, Aoki grew up and fought fairly comfortably, and had no contact with people from other forces for a long time.

Staying in the league for a long time does have some impact.

But this does not mean that Aoki has forgotten his status as a member of the Rockets.

When it ’s time to play hard, you will never stay!

Always let Madara hide in the dark, in order to prevent some accidents, after all, Madara is absolutely inferior in attributes.

"Madola, Frozen Fist!" Aoki gave the order to Mada through telepathy.

And directly targeted the body of Colale.

Quickly and quickly, you must go quickly!

After receiving Aoki's order, Madara didn't hesitate. He hidden on the tree branch moved quietly towards Colaer.

After approaching a sufficient distance, jumping directly from high altitude, the ice layer quickly condensed above the claws.

Frozen fist skills targeted Colare.

But Colale finally came over.

It's too late to summon the elves, and as a martial artist with his hands crossed.

Huh! !!

After gliding for a distance of five or six meters, there were scratches on the ground caused by the two feet in contact with the ground.

To Aoki's surprise, although Colale had severe frostbite on his hands, he succeeded in blocking the attack from Madara.

This is a human, blocking the attack of the elf, and it is still blocking.

Of course, Colale also has the power of using the little poor waveguides in his body, coupled with the hard strength of his own body, this effect will appear.

Most people can't.

It can only be said that the fighters can also be regarded as a special group in the elf world.

Otherwise, their family will not be able to fight against those superpowers.

Immediately after Coller stopped Madara's attack, he immediately took out an elven ball and threw it. A mighty force appeared.

Taking a stride, she rushed to Madara.

Although this heroic level is not high, only 51, but after all, it has a great advantage in attributes.

So the two elves were trembling together.

At this time Colale did not stand still as before.

His legs ran up, and he was ignored by the frostbite on his hands.

Passed through the war zone of the elves and rushed towards Aoki.

Before, I had been guarding against whether there was any backhand in the opponent, and now Maara appeared, and Colaer decided to take Aoki.

Win Aoki on your own!

Aoki stood still, and looked coldly at the cola that rushed over.

The shadow behind him was slightly distorted, and the dream demon quietly appeared behind Aoki.

Now Geng Gui has fought in the front ~ ~ Then Aoki's personal safety is given to the dream demon.

At this time, the dream demon was not the same as he had just left the trial island. Although he still had a trace of compassion in his heart, he was no longer that simple girl.

Aoki did not let the dream demon shoot, but watched the rushing Colaer quietly.

Does not flinch at all.

Five unknown totem characters on the right-hand wrist are already lit.

Although the fighters are strong, they are not in the three main abilities and there is no reason.

Superpowers condensed in the right hand.

Swing directly at the rushing Cola, from left to right, swing in the air.

Space crack.

It is also Aoki's strongest ability at this time.

Ability as an intermediate superpower.

The strongest ability.

See how the fighters stop in this case!


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