The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 929: Prison Dragon Pillar and Prison Dragon

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Going deeper again did not encounter any obstacles.

If you think about it, in such a resource-poor cave, it is a miracle to have a Uranus-level prong bat.

If a group appears.

Then do n’t play.

Go home and find your mother.

This job is too difficult.

Entering the deepest part of the chain of caves, Aoki really saw it. What is the reason that these big-billed bats can have such strength.

Throughout the central cave, there is a lot of venom energy.

Very rich.

However, the place where the dream demon was born on the island has not been tested. The ghost system is rich in energy.

Not a hierarchy.

However, according to the rich energy level of the poisonous system here, Aoki can understand such a large group of supersonic bats and big mouth bats.

Just don't know where these venomous energy come from.

Because the air is filled with light purple mist, the visibility throughout the cave is very low.

Even with a torch, it is still not possible to illuminate the hole.

The dumb king propped up a super power barrier, wrapped in Aoki. They isolated all the toxins.

Of course, except for two elves.

Dragon King Scorpion and Geng Gui.

They roamed among these poisonous energies, happy.

The absorption of these toxins is of great help to them.

If you can live here for a while, I believe that with their talents, sooner or later, they will be able to break through the Heavenly King level.

After all, their qualifications are teal, and the previous fork-shaped bat was only light teal.

"桀桀 ~~" Geng Gui floated to Aoki and called out.

"Oh? You said that things are over there?" Aoki blinked when he understood Geng's meaning.

Now that Geng Gui has found something, the province's blind search will inevitably encounter some unknown situations.

This means that there should be no danger.

Aoki followed Geng Gui toward the center of the cave.

Saw a pool.

A seemingly artificially constructed pool.

Because a lot of bricks were spread around the pool.

But the point is on the stone pillar in the middle of the pool.

A stone pillar engraved with a lot of strange patterns, and an elf was tied to the stone pillar.

A surviving elf!

When seeing this elf, Aoki spit out a word subconsciously: "Prisoner Dragon Pillar?"

Prison Dragon Pillar!

Why do you say that?

Because there is a dragon on this pillar.

Not a pure blood dragon.

But it is indeed a dragon spirit.

Poisonous algae!

Elves registered in the Carlos area.

The evolutionary form of the lavender.

An elf combining poison and dragon.

But at this time, the state of this poisonous algae dragon is not very good.

The momentum of the body is very weak, and it can be said that he is dying, and it is impossible to simply see what kind of strength he has.

The chain on this poisonous algae dragon seems to be a special type of chain, like a needle-like needle, inserted directly into the body of this poison algae.

It can be seen that these acupunctures are absorbing something from the poisonous algae and injected into the pool below.

It seems that the toxins here can be so rich, it's all because of the toxic energy of this poisonous algae.

How powerful is Zeng Jin to be able to feed so many poisonous elves with his own strength?

And what kind of strength is there for a person who can bind such a strong poisonous algae dragon here?

It can be seen that this poison algae dragon has been bound for a long time.

It seemed as if the arrival of Aoki was sensed, and the poisonous algae's closed eyes twitched slightly, then opened slowly.

Through the eyes, you can see the vicissitudes of this poisonous algae dragon.

Aoki stood in place, facing the poisonous algae dragon so straightly.

The poisonous algae dragon is now in the elf world. It has been found that among the elves in the level list, the only elf with a poison system and a dragon system has a good combination of attributes.

There are no particularly obvious weaknesses, but it has four times the restraint on grass properties.

And as a dragon spirit, its physical fitness and close combat ability should be good.

At first glance, a poisonous algae dragon is actually like a slender kelp, that is, algae.

This is also the origin of his name.

However, the evaluation of Elves like poison algae is not very good.

Because of the violent temperament of poisonous algae dragons, they will spray venom towards nearby opponents or people, often hiding in algae, spraying venom at nearby prey, and then giving them a fatal blow.

It is said that in the sea where the poisonous algae lives, ordinary boats cannot return after approaching.

It can be seen how difficult this elf temperament is.

However, at this time, after seeing the appearance of Aoki, this poisonous algae dragon did not make any expression. His eyes were very dull and he could not read any expression in his eyes.

This is a poisonous algae dragon whose temperament and pride have been eroded by time. What he expects is to end this difficult life early.

The person who bound him, even if he extracted the toxic energy in his body, he didn't mean to use it at all, so he put it here, and cheap those wild elves.

It is estimated that the previous fork bat was successfully promoted to the Heavenly King level by virtue of the energy of this poison algae dragon.

Aoki activated the chip and scanned the data of this poisonous algae dragon.

Pokemon: Poisonous Dragon (Light Green)-Extremely Weak

Gender: Male

Level: Level 60-formerly Level 78

Attribute: Toxic + Dragon

Characteristics: resilience

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: poison diamond, black mist, melting. Venom Trap

Basic Skills: Tornado, Dragon Tail, Impact, Smoke Screen, Water Gun, Surprising Strike, Tail Waving, Foam, Dissolving Solution, Protective Color, Poison Tail, Wave of Water, Shadow Avatar, Poisonous, Water Tail, Sludge Bomb, Water Cannon , Dragon Wave, Dragon Tail

Teaching Skills: Meteor Swarm, Frozen Wind, Garbage Shooting, Snoring, Bouncing, Dragon Wave, Iron Tail, Water Tail, Inverse Scale, Water Wave

Skill Learner: None

When looking at the data of this poisonous algae dragon, Aoki stood still for a long time and didn't speak.

Originally an elf who had reached the 78th level and was a quasi-champion, but was **** here, so that every day should not be called groundless.

A strong generation became a captive dragon.

From the skills he taught meteor cluster and inverse scale ~ ~ his dragon blood is definitely very strong.

However, at this time, due to the passage of energy, the level has been downgraded, and it has been directly downgraded to light green. I don't know how good the qualification was.

And the characteristic of this poisonous algae dragon is adaptability.

This feature is matched with the skill of protective color. As long as the elves exercise properly, it is simply a magic skill.

Because the effect of adaptability is to double the power of skills using the corresponding attributes.

The skills of the corresponding attributes were only strengthened by 50%, but their resilience doubled.

In other words, the poisonous plus dragon-type poison algae dragon, when using poisonous or dragon skills, the power will be doubled.


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