The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 930: Beyond Uranus

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Needless to say, the skill of protection color.

Among the elves of Aoki, Mrs. Huajie has mastered this skill to a certain degree.

Able to change their attributes according to their venue and scene.

Mrs. Huajie has been able to do so, even if there is no grass field and no vegetation assistance, she can transform her attributes into grass.

Thus, Aoki was able to use Mrs. Huajie as a grass elf.

Because after transforming into grass-based attributes, the effect of the grass-based skills used by Mrs. Huajie is not much different from the real grass-based elf.

Just a protective color skill can do this.

Coupled with the characteristic of resilience, it is simply a powerful addition.

Not only can you use the skills to achieve the effect of this attribute, but also double the power.

The end result is no joke.

As long as this poisonous algae dragon can learn some skills of other attributes, and at the same time be free to control the transformation of its own attributes, then simply, such an elf has almost no weakness.

And any attack is twice the normal power.

This is the perfect match.

If Aoki can have a spirit with adaptive characteristics, after playing and converting the characteristics through Geng Gui, Mrs. Huajie can have this effect at the same time.

And even if it is not equipped with protective color skills, the effect of adaptability is very good for any sprite.

It's just a pity that such a poisonous algae dragon ...

Judging from another data scanned by the chip, this poisonous algae dragon is very old, and it is estimated that it will not live long.

That is, because he is a dragon spirit, he can persist until now.

When Aoki and poisonous algae looked at each other, they quickly thought about it.

The value of this poisonous algae dragon is not low, but Wu Lu is the one who bound him or the cross-barred bat.

Aoki hesitated a little, but decided to communicate first, using his own super powers, to communicate with this old poisonous algae dragon.

"Hello poisonous algae, I'm Aoki." Aoki said in the electrocardiogram.


Between Aoki and this poisonous algae dragon.

"Okay ~~"

After a long time, the poisonous algae slowly spit out such a word.

It seems that it has been a long time since I have not communicated with other creatures, and my communication ability is somewhat lacking.

But then, Aoki didn't know how to proceed.

I can only ask who did it first.

Just asking this question, poisonous algae did not answer, remained silent, watching a wave of waves appeared in the eyes of Aoki Furui.

It seemed to remind him of what he least wanted to remember.

Slowly closed his eyes.

The poisonous algae did not speak.

Aoki seemed to be able to feel the bitterness in his heart.

Even the irritable elf, so tied to a pillar, and constantly extracting energy from his body, can not move at all, for decades or even hundreds of years, what kind of suffering is it.

Just imagining, I feel very painful.

All edges and corners are smoothed.

After such a long period of time, exactly what caused him to be imprisoned in the first place, the poisonous algae dragon itself has been a bit unconscious.

Vaguely because he was leading the ethnic group, raging on the sea, and eventually provoked a person who could not be provoked, but the opponent did not kill him, but imprisoned him.

But the appearance of the man who arrested him has long been forgotten.

In the first ten years of his imprisonment, he still had a very strong hatred, and worked hard to break free from revenge.

By the twentieth year, his revenge was gone, he simply wanted to go out and look at the color of the sea and the living conditions of the people.

By the thirtieth year, he had gradually given up hope for life, and just wanted to end his life as soon as possible.


But fate seemed to be joking with him, giving him the dragon attribute of tyrannical body, but it became the biggest nightmare.

Life is too long, even if energy has been drawn, you can't end your life quickly.

After a long wait, he gradually ignored the elves flying around him.

When they look at themselves, they are like looking at a wild boar to be slaughtered, but because of their shock, they don't dare to approach it easily, and can only slowly consume their energy.

Finally, the happiest flying and most potent elf, after absorbing enough energy, reached the level of the Heavenly King.

When the poisonous algae felt it was finally time to do something to himself, the elf was still timid.

Since then, poisonous algae has completely given up thinking, giving up any thoughts.

Until today the arrival of Aoki.

The poisonous algae has thought a lot, and has no cover or concealment for his own thinking, in fact, he is showing his story and process to Aoki.

Standing still.

The poisonous energy of this poisonous algae dragon is actually low, but his dragon energy has not been moved.

Although I don't know why the person only absorbed his poisonous attributes at the time, the poisonous algae dragon at this time, for any dragon spirit, is the treasure that they have purified the most.

The poisonous algae seemed to sense Aoki's thoughts without any resistance, and even shook his head slightly against Aoki. He didn't know how long he hadn't moved.

Said that let Aoki take what he wants.

Just asking for his life ...

"King dull, break the chain." Silent for a long time, Aoki finally said such a sentence.

Hearing Aoki's orders, though dumb, a little surprised, he didn't have Weikang.

The superpower turned into a sharp blade and chopped it on the iron chain severely.

The iron chain seemed to be able to absorb only the energy of the poisonous system, and the dagger king's super power knife only waved, and it was cut off directly.

Of course, it may also be because the strength of the dull king has reached the level of the king of heaven.

In short, the chains were forged.

Poisonous algae dropped with a surprised look directly from the pillar.

He was caught by the superpower of the dumb king, and was raised in front of Aoki.

Although this poisonous algae dragon has a level 60 strength under the scanning of the chip, in fact, now let Shakira come to solve him ~ ~ can maintain such a scan The strength level is presumably because the dragon energy in his body has not dissipated much.

Under the direct view of poisonous algae dragon, Aoki took out an elven ball and gently touched his head.

A red light took it in.

Too weak, without any resistance, was directly subdued.

"Your value is more than that, but don't underestimate yourself." Aoki said lightly to the elf ball.

Because this poison algae dragon in Aoki's view, its value can not be used at once at this time.

A poisonous algae dragon that has surpassed the Heavenly King level, even if it has lost its former glory, is not so simple.


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