After hearing the scout's report that Yuan Shao had arranged for the general Zhang He to prepare to force the crossing of the White Horse, Guo Jia was puzzled.


that our Cao army has firmly defended the Baima coast, you are still forcibly crossing the river against our defense

? Why is this so that there are so many soldiers that there is no place to use them? Or is there not enough food to eat? I plan to send some soldiers to feed the fish and shrimp to reduce the burden of grain and grass?

But because of this, Guo Jia will be suspicious.

As the overlord of Hebei, Yuan Shao would be so unwise? How many strategists under Yuan Shao's command could he be so unwise?

Guo Jia would never think that Yuan Shao's head was so iron.

Therefore, Guo Jia said.

And when Cao Cao got Guo Jia's reminder, he also understood.

This Yuan Shao, I'm afraid he won't be so lacking in heart, right?

You know, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao are really small.

It's really familiar with each other, and it couldn't be more familiar.

But because of this, Cao Cao can be alert, this Yuan Shao, although many times his ears are a little softer, but he is not lacking in heart

? Even if you are arrogant, it is impossible to do something that makes the soldiers under your command die in vain, right

? Then the matter is very clear, this must be the main force to attract me?

However, Cao Cao did not dare to relax his vigilance against the White Horse because of this, you must know that the White Horse is the easiest place to cross the river.

If you focus on defending against possible sneak attacks and relax Baima's defense, then even Yuan Shao will really be welcome.

"Fengxiao, in your opinion, where will Yuan Shao cross the river?"

Although Cao Cao also confirmed Guo Jia's opinion, the problem came.

The defense line along the Yellow River is so large, who can know where Yuan Shao crossed the river?

If it is said that the whole line is armed, it is a joke, and I am afraid that the soldiers and horses under Cao Cao's command will not be enough at all.

"My lord, I think that in addition to defending Baima, our army needs to focus on defending Yanjin on the western front and Cangtingjin on the eastern front. "

Historically, Yuan Shao sent the general Wen Chou to cross the river from Yanjin to attack Cao's army.

And Guo Jia also pointed out this place.

As for the other Cangtingjin, it is a ferry port relatively close to Qingzhou.

This is also a suitable place for large armies to cross the river, and it is necessary to guard against it.

When he heard Guo Jia's words, Cao Cao didn't know anything, but Xiang Ji's eyes lit up.

This Guo Jia has two hits, and he is really a famous person.

I know history, so I know that if Yuan Shao wants to open up a second battlefield, then the possibility of Yanjin is the highest.

But what about this Guo Jia? Just by inference, he can calculate it so accurately.

Made, I regret it, why should I tell him to eat less lead pills? This kind of person is not under his own command, and it is better to die sooner.

Once, Xiang Ji thought that all he needed to fight a war was martial arts.

However, after the war with Chen Deng in Xuzhou, Xiang Ji began to pay attention to the strategists, and then obtained Jia Xu's allegiance, and further understood the power of the strategists in this era.

At the very least, these guys do have a set of speculations about other people's psychology.

It's just that although Xiang Ji has roughly confirmed in his heart that Yuan Shao will send troops to Yanjin, he doesn't plan to make a decision for Cao Cao.

After all, history has changed, and who knows if Yuan Shao will suddenly make a fuss and cross the river in a different place?

Moreover, as an outsider, it is really difficult for Xiang Ji to interfere in Cao Jun's marching arrangements.

"That being the case, then Cao Mou personally led the army to sit on the white horse.

Xiahoudun, I will send you 30,000 soldiers and horses to Yanjin.

Miaocai, if you are invincible, you must not force it. For

Xiahoudun, Cao Cao is still relieved.

round of comprehensive quality, this Xiahoudun can also be regarded as the first general under Cao Cao.

It's just that the only thing that Cao Cao can't reassure is that there are too few soldiers and horses given to him.

30,000 people, wanting to guard a section of the Yellow River defense line, is really too reluctant.

But there is no way, how many people are there in Cao Cao in total? Yuan Shao's main force is still in Liyang on the other side of the river, and Cao Cao does not dare to transfer a large army to defend other places.

After explaining to Xiahoudun, Cao Cao once again looked at Xiang Ji, who had never spoken.

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu, Cang Tingjin is about to trouble you.

Cao could lend the king of Chu 20,000 troops to help the king of Chu defend Yuan Shao's northern army across the river. "

Originally, Xu Huang was also an all-rounder, if he hadn't betrayed Cao Cao, he would actually be the best person to arrange to guard Cangtingjin.

Unfortunately, this stupid kid can't think about it.

For Xu Huang, Cao Cao loves and hates.

is obviously very powerful, and Cao also plans to reuse it, but his head is not good.

What do

you have to do with that family? Cao and I have to reconcile with that family, what kind of loyal ministers of the Han family do you still flaunt with this? Now, is there still

a Han family? You know, Cao Cao's loyalty to the Han Dynasty is only higher than Xu Huang's, but what? In the face of reality, he also compromises a little.

Didn't you see that even Xu Chu, who had his arm broken, and Xiahou Dun, who had his brother dead, could accept the existence of Xiang Ji

? In the face of Yuan Shao's great enemy, could he still not let go of his personal grievances?

But there was no way, Xu Huang obviously didn't think so.

This also made Cao Cao helpless to ask Xiang Ji to guard Cangtingjin.

You must know that Cao Cao at this time was not full of talents during the Battle of Guandu in history.

Today's Cao Cao, there is no Zhang Liao in history, Xu Huang also betrayed, as for Yu Ban, he was directly dug up by Xiang Ji in the early days, and the unlucky Xiahou Yuan died too early.

Now, the only one who can really lead the army alone is Xiahoudun, and then Cao Ren.

But Cao Ren is now guarding Luoyang to prevent Lu Bu from advancing eastward, and Cao Cao's command is really unavailable.

"There's no need for General Cao, the lonely king has a dragon to ride, and it is enough to guard a small Cangtingjin. "

Don't say that Xiang Ji knows that Yuan Shao has a high probability of going to Yanjin, it really changes history, Yuan Shao's brain is drawn to fight Cangtingjin, with 5,000 dragon cavalry guards, Xiang Ji doesn't believe that Yuan Shao's army can cross the river safely.

Just kidding, don't forget, the dragon riders are good at shooting.

This is 5,000 assault cavalry and 5,000 archers.

As long as Yuan Shao doesn't come to cross the Yellow River with 100,000 people, Xiang Ji is really not panicking.

Hearing Xiang Ji say this, the generals of Cao Jun, who had no good impression of Xiang Ji, looked sideways.

This guy is so arrogant that there is no boundary

, right? 5,000 people? Go and guard a Yellow River crossing

? Can you defend it?

I'm afraid you can't resist any of the Hebei divisions, right?"

"Lord, since the king of Chu is unwilling, then the general will ask for orders to lead troops there!"

Xiang Ji's attitude will inevitably be regarded as not wanting to go at all, so he is just perfunctory to Cao Cao.

Looking at Li Dian who suddenly appeared, Xiang Ji sneered again and again.

"What kind of thing are you?Did the Lone King say that he didn't want to go to Nacang Tingjin?"

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