Looking at the distant Xiang Ji and his canglong cavalry, the generals of the Cao army suddenly began to complain dissatisfied with their backs.

What kind of person

? Are you so arrogant? Do you not save face at all

? Yes, you are the king of Chu, and you are an ally, but what happened to Li Dian's family

? Our lord kindly gave you reinforcements, but you still don't want it, can you not let others misunderstand?

Looking at Li Dian, whose face was red and silent after being sarcastically ridiculed by Xiang Ji, all the generals of the Cao army felt the same way in their hearts.

I'm afraid that he didn't take us in his eyes at all!

Cao Cao was also helpless about the situation in front of him.

What can I say if someone is arrogant?

Even if they become in-laws, it is only equal status.

I'm afraid that if I dare to put on the posture of my father-in-law with him, I won't be able to beat Cao Mou.

Regarding the character of Xiang Ji, Cao Cao can also be regarded as having a general understanding through these times.

How to say, this guy is still a martial artist after all.

Although there are scheming and resourcefulness, most of them choose to solve problems in a violent way when they encounter problems.

Of course, this is also because people have that strength.

Therefore, for the item, Cao Cao can also endure it.

In the final analysis, Xiang Ji also respects Cao Cao, and from the perspective of an ally, Xiang Ji is also fully qualified.

As for the attitude towards the generals under his command, Cao Cao can only be regarded as not visible.

Who made himself uncomfortable when he used to be looking for other people's Xiang Ji?

Xiang Ji, who had already led his army away, could also guess the dissatisfaction of Cao's generals with him.

However, does that matter

? If it weren't for Yuan Shao, Lao Tzu, I would have already waved my troops to beat you, okay?

As for the relationship between the two sides, whether it is Xiang Ji or Cao Cao, they are actually very clear in their hearts.

It's just taking advantage of each other.

Cao Cao relied on marrying a girl to maintain his alliance with Xiang Ji, so that he could use the help of Chu to fight against Yuan Shao.

Similarly, Xiang Ji also used Cao Cao as a barrier for himself.

After all, it was only on a front in Qingzhou that resisted Yuan Shao's partial division that the pressure of the Chu State was not great.

However, if Cao Cao was destroyed by Yuan Shao, the state of Chu would have to face Yuan Shao's army from both Qingzhou and Yanzhou at the same time.

This is simply irresistible.

And because of the change of history, Cao Cao is far less strong than the battle of Guandu in history, so the probability of being defeated by Yuan Shao is quite not low.

After a few marches, Xiang Ji came to Cangtingjin on the Eastern Front.

Looking at the empty other side of the Yellow River, Xiang Ji was helpless.

It seems that although history has changed, the inertia of this general direction will not change.

Yuan Shao's guy should still be the attacking Yanjin.

At this time, Yanjin was indeed as expected by Xiang Ji, and Cao's army had already started a war with the Hebei division led by Wen Chou.

"The whole army crosses the river, don't care about the Cao army, they don't have many archers, they can't stop our army!"

When Wen Chou led the army to the other side of Yanjin, he found that Yanjin had already been defended by Cao's army.

Looking at the Xiahou banner fluttering on the big banner, Wen Chou knew that this must be the general of the Cao army, Xiahou Dun, who defended again.

Although he was surprised that Cao Jun would defend here, Wen Chou didn't care too much.

There are only 30,000 Cao troops, and there are not many archers, how can we stop my army from crossing the river?

Yes, because of the pressure brought by Yuan Shao in Liyang, Cao Cao only gave Xiahoudun 3,000 archers.

No way, in this day and age, archers are not so easy to train.

Although it is said that there was a crossbow in the Qin Dynasty, with the fall of the Qin Dynasty, the crossbow manufacturing process has long disappeared in the long river of history.

Nowadays, there are still some large-scale siege crossbows and city defense crossbows that can be seen occasionally, and crossbows used by individual soldiers.

It's just that everyone doesn't know that in Jingzhou, far to the south, there is now a young man with the surname Zhuge and a girl surnamed Huang who are studying how to make a single crossbow.

And the young girl is Zhuge Liang and his wife Huang Yueying, who have not yet come out of the mountain.

"Quick! The spearmen are arrayed, and they will attack as soon as the Hebei army crosses the river, and they must not be allowed to occupy the river bank.

Archers, get on the arrows, aim at the Hebei army in the middle of the river, and shoot me hard!" "

Because the Yanjin ferry belongs to the shallow area of the Yellow River, the army does not need boats to cross the river at all.

The river water can only affect the speed at which the Hebei army crosses the river.

But even so, he said to Cao Jun that this was also a natural line of defense.

At the very least, when the Hebei army crossed the river, it was impossible to launch a cavalry charge.


Although there was no problem with the arrangement made by Xiahoudun, it was limited to too few archers, and in the face of the crossing of the river by 50,000 troops, the lethality caused by 3,000 archers was still slightly insufficient.

When the first batch of Hebei Army successfully landed on the south bank, the formal duel between the two armies began.

Because of the formation in advance, Cao's pikemen inflicted great damage on the Hebei army, and the Hebei army, which had just crossed the river and had not yet made adjustments, was stabbed to death on the bank of the river by Cao's pikemen.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and with the successful landing of the second batch of troops of the Hebei Army, the pressure on Cao's army suddenly increased dramatically.

Everyone was fighting hard, everyone refused to take a step back, and in the face of this Yanjin riverbank, the two armies of Yuan and Cao launched the bloodiest hand-to-hand combat.

Armor is constantly falling on the riverbank, but when it falls, there will be follow-up armor to fill the void left behind.

Arrows are flying, warriors are roaring.

With a large number of soldiers and armor of the two armies killed, this section of the Yellow River was even infected with bright red.

Although the soldiers of the Cao army fought bravely, they never flinched a step in the face of the strong Hebei army.

However, due to the limitation of the number of people, on the tiled Yanjin Ferry, the Cao army, which had a loss of 20,000 people, gradually became unable to resist.

More and more Hebei troops successfully crossed the river, and more and more Cao troops died under the swords of the Hebei army.

Xiahoudun, who was in command in the rear, saw this scene, and his eyes immediately cracked.

"Soldiers of the Cao army, rush with me, drive these Hebei elders down the river!" Seeing

that the defeat of the Cao army had been presented, Xiahoudun could no longer hold back.

With a clamp between his legs, he urged the war horse to gallop towards the riverbank.

Behind him were the only two hundred cavalry guarding Yanjindu.


Although the number of cavalry was small, the sound caused by the galloping horses was also full of shock.

"Kill! General Xiahou is here, brothers, kill!" Xiahou

Xuan's presence at the front line immediately re-energized the declining morale of Cao's army.

The Hebei Army, which had just gained the upper hand, was once again driven back to the side of the river bank under the charge of Xiahoudun.

But just when Xiahoudun was concentrating on dealing with the Hebei army in front of him, a general was killed in the oblique stab.

"Xiahou Xiaoer, what kind of ability is it to bully a pawn, dare to fight with a certain family!".

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