Wen Chou, who was originally commanding the river crossing, suddenly saw that Xiahoudun actually participated in the battle in person to attack his own river-crossing soldiers, and he was immediately anxious.

This has finally seized the riverbank, and if you are driven down the river by a round of charges, it will be difficult to get it back.

You must know that although the river in the Yanjin section is not deep, you can let the soldiers wade across the river.

However, in the face of the Yellow River, which is several zhang wide, it takes a lot of physical strength to cross it safely.

Now the Hebei army relies on a bloody bravery, and it can still fight with the Cao army after crossing the river.

But if he was driven down the river, he would no longer have the physical strength to fight with the Cao army.

Therefore, Wen Chou gave up commanding the soldiers to cross the river, and frantically slapped the war horse towards Xiahou to kill.

Attracted by Wen Chou's voice, Xiahoudun also saw the oncoming general.

For Wen Chou, Xiahoudun has also heard of it.

It is said that it is the same as Yan Liang, and it is also Yuan Shao's favorite general, and it is one of the four court pillars in Hebei.

But Xiahoudun was not afraid of this ugliness.

I don't believe it, Lao Tzu, can everyone be as perverted as Yan Liang?"

"Okay! Fight and fight, you and I will be afraid of you?"

Immediately with a gun, Xiahoudun no longer pursued and killed the Hebei soldiers, and lined up to wait for Wen Chou's killing.

Seeing Xiahoudun responding to the battle, Wen Chou opened his mouth.

Idiot, Lao Tzu has already inquired clearly, you can't even beat Yan Liang, you still fight with Lao Tzu and me?

You know, under the command of Yuan Shao in Hebei, Wen Chou should be the first person to turn by force alone.

Even Yan Liang is not his opponent.

It's just that Yan Liang's talent in unifying the army surpasses Wen Chou, so he is listed as the first general in Hebei.

With the help of the impact of the war horse, Wen Chou raised the spear in his hand and stabbed straight at the door of Xiahou Dun, who was standing on the horse.

Xiahoudun is also a general of the Cao army, and he is not panicked in the face of Wen Chou's thunderous blow.

In the same way, he raised the spear in his hand and blocked it against the oncoming Wen Chou.


the two shots intersected.

Wen Chou's offensive trajectory was blocked by Xiahoudun, and the spear only grazed Xiahoudun's cheek, but did not cause any damage.

But in the same way, Xiahoudun, who blocked Wen Chou's blow, was not having a good time.

You must know that people are ugly and ugly, but with the help of the impact of war horses.

Xiahoudun, who was defending on the spot, suffered a big loss with just this blow, and his right hand holding the gun had begun to tremble slightly, and there was a slight tearing sensation from the tiger's mouth.

"Wen Chou, take me a shot!" Xiahou

Dun, who had suffered a secret loss, was furious, and after a little relaxation, he stabbed Wen Chou with a gun.

However, although Xiahoudun's attack was swift enough, Wen Chou's reaction was even more beyond his imagination.

Turning his head to dodge the spear stabbed at the door in front of him, Wen Chou used the gun as a stick with his backhand, and took the opportunity to pass sideways to be ruthless at Xiahoudun.


Xia Houdun suddenly felt the blood and qi surging all over his body, and a violent vomiting sensation came from his throat.


Although it was forcibly suppressed, how could the pain from the internal organs be suppressed.

A mouthful of blood was spurted out by Xiahoudun, splashing the horses under his crotch.

"Hahaha! Xiahoudun? But Erer!" After

only a few rounds of fighting, Wen Chou clearly knew that this Xiahoudun was not his opponent at all.

In the face of Wen Chou's ridicule, Xiahoudun was powerless to be cunning.

It's not an opponent, it's not an opponent.

Seeing that Wen Chou suppressed Xiahoudun, the morale of the Hebei army, which was still fighting, was greatly boosted, and with a momentum, the Cao army was once again beaten back a few zhang.

The bank of the Yanjin River is about to be lost.

Seeing this, Xiahoudun forcibly suppressed the surging blood in his body, and once again challenged Wen Chou.

"Wen Chou! Hugh's arrogance, you Grandpa Xiahou and I haven't been defeated yet!"

shouted loudly, Xiahou urged the war horse to charge.

"General Xiahou is victorious! General Xiahou is mighty!" Seeing

that Xiahou was fine, Cao Jun's morale also recovered quickly.

The two armies once again fell into a stalemate.

The spears flew, and the brave Xiahoudun and Wen Chou fought together and started a struggle.

However, the strength itself is not as good as Wen Chou, and he suffered internal injuries before, and after only holding on for more than 20 rounds, Xiahou was completely suppressed by Wen Chou.

"Hahaha! Xiahoudun, today next year, it will be your taboo!" has

the advantage, Wen Chou's move is even more powerful, every time he relies on the strength advantage, he also does not compete with Xiahoudun to compete in skills, that is, he relies on brute force to constantly suppress Xiahoudun to force him to fight hard with himself.

It's cool! It's still cool here in Yanzhou!

Lao Tzu, I'm not going to Qingzhou again.

Thinking of the fight with Xiang Ji in Qingzhou, Wen Chou's heart was full of tears.

The same crushed, the same brute force to bully you.

Now, I finally got it back.

It's just that I don't know who the person who killed Yan Liang is? Why haven't you heard of it?

With the big advantage, Wen Chou can already be distracted to think about other things.

Although Xiahoudun, who was at war with him, also found that Wen Chou's attack became sluggish, but unfortunately, when the oil was almost exhausted, Xiahoudun had the heart to fight back and was unable to act.


After blocking Wen Chou's attack again, Xiahou finally couldn't hold on, and the spear in his hand was directly shot away by Wen Chou.


Seeing that the opponent was not supported, Wen Chou immediately picked up his spear and stabbed straight at Xiahoudun, who was wide open.

Supported by the desire to survive, Xiahou Qiang supported himself and turned around to avoid this fatal stab.

Ke Wenchou was obviously unwilling to return with his blow.

Seeing that Xiahoudun had dodged, he didn't put away his gun, and with a force of his hands, he changed his stab to sweep, and swept at Xiahoudun's abdomen, who was powerless to resist.


Without any resistance, Xiahoudun was directly swept away under the horse.

But just as Wen Chou was about to step forward to make up for the blow and stab him to death, Xiahoudun's personal entourage, Yanjin's only two hundred Cao army cavalry killed.

It turned out that when he found out that Xiahou was out of support, his personal entourage was ready to come forward to help at any time.

I never thought that Xiahoudun would be defeated so completely.

Fortunately, after sacrificing more than 50 horses, he still rescued Xiahoudun who had passed out in a coma.

Losing the command of the commander-in-chief, the morale of Cao's army plummeted, and it was no longer able to resist the crossing of the river by the Hebei army.

Yanjin, lost.

"My lord, something is wrong.

Yanjin was lost, and General Xiahoudun was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

At present, Yuan Shao's forward army has successfully occupied Yanjin.

Cao Cao, who was still in Baima and was attracted by Zhang He, was shocked to hear the bad news, and suddenly a feeling of dizziness hit.

Unexpectedly, it was really expected by Feng Xiao.

This Yuan Shao really sent troops from Yanjin to cross the river.

It's just that I never thought that in addition to Yan Liang in Yuan Shao's army, there would be such a brave general.

"Order! Order Xu Chu, Mao Jie led 30,000 troops to support Yanjin, be sure to snatch Yanjin back from Xinxin!"

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