Yanzhou, Yanjin.

When the army arrived, Xu Chu was furious when he saw Xiahoudun's tragic situation.


, for Wen Chou, although that thing defeated Xiahoudun, Xu Chu was still not afraid.

After all, many times the generals are single-handed, and their strength is different when they are affected by the surrounding illusions, moods, and even physical morale.

And there are a lot of variables in this.

The duel between many generals with little difference in force is full of uncertainty, in other words, as long as they are not crushed, then they are basically five or five.

Therefore, as a fierce general, how could Xu Chu be afraid of Na Wen Chou?

You can defeat Xiahoudun, it is because Xiahoudun is anxious about the battle situation and his strength has not been fully exerted.

But I'm Xu Chu, no!

"The thief general Wen Chou! I am the tiger general Xu Chu, can I dare to fight!" The

horizontal knife was immediately swordsman, and the one-armed Xu Chu stood in front of the two armies, with an amazing momentum.

Wen Chou, who was resting, was led out of Dazhai by Xu Chu's shouting, but when he saw the one-armed fat man in front of him, he suddenly lost interest.

What is this Nima

? One of his arms is gone, and he is still learning to fight him alone? Are you afraid that you are asking for a quick death?"


Although I am not interested, but after all, people are calling for battle, you can't ignore it, right?

Hearing Wen Chou's question, a general suddenly rushed out behind him.

"The cripple of the broken arm, you are also worthy of fighting with my family's Wen Dashuai, look at grandpa, I Qin Meng is here to get you!"

After that, the general picked up the big axe in his hand and rushed towards Xu Chu.

Seeing that Wen Chou did not fight, Xu Chu's brows furrowed.

Damn, you arrogant guy, you dare to look down on you Uncle Xu Chu.

Since you don't go to war, then I will kill all the generals under your command, I think you can still bear it.

Thinking of this, Xu Chu also raised the big knife in his hand, clamped his legs, and urged the war horse under his crotch to rush towards that Qin.

You must know that since his arm was broken by Xiang Ji, Xu Chu has been practicing riding hard.

After all, it's only one arm now, and it can't control the war horse when it comes to lifting a knife.

The hard work paid off, and after uninterrupted hard training, Xu Chu's riding skills became the best among Cao's army.

Even in the entire Three Kingdoms, there are few people who can compare to Xu Chu's riding skills.

Of course, the current generals of the Three Kingdoms did not have stirrups to bring first.

Nowadays, the stirrups used by almost all cavalry are unilateral, just for the convenience of mounting.

Xiang Ji was naturally clear about this, but Xiang Ji was not eager to take out the stirrups for Canglong to use.


, before fighting with Lu Bu's Xiliang Iron Cavalry, Xiang Ji didn't plan to let the bilateral stirrups be born.


Xiang Jicai is only 5,000 cavalry.

But Na Lu Bu...

People are known as 100,000 Xiliang Iron Riders.

If Lu Bu gets a bilateral stirrup, I'm afraid that Xiang Ji will be an enemy.

At this time, Qin Meng, who was charging, saw Xu Chu coming towards him, and immediately split his big mouth, and the big axe in his hand slashed at Xu Chu's head.

Hahaha, this Cao army is really unavailable, right?

Even a cripple with a missing arm can go into battle?

Today, it's up to me Qin Meng to come and cut the generals before the battle!

The two horses meet.

Qin Meng, who wanted to cut the general in front of the battle, still maintained a chopping posture, and then slowly fell under the horse.

"Waste! Who else dares to fight with a certain family!"

is just a round of charge, and it is impossible to see the specific strength at all.

Seeing that his friend was killed, Han Meng, who was listed behind Wen Chou, was furious, and he did not despise Wen Chou, and went straight out.

You must know that the two of them have the closest relationship in the Hebei army, and they are even called Hebei Ermeng.

Now seeing the tragic death of his friend, Han Meng's eyes are blood-red, and he vows to avenge him.

"Han Meng is here! Thief general, return my brother's life!"

Facing Xu Chu, Han Meng, who is not in the stream, also followed in the footsteps of his friend.

"Wen Chou, do you still want to let your subordinates die?"

After beheading two generals in a row, Xu Chu was like a rainbow, and shouted loudly at Wen Chou in the Hebei military array.

was intimidated by Xu Chu's momentum, and the originally noisy Hebei Army was silent.

On the contrary, the morale of the Cao army was soaring, and the sound of crazy cheers and shouts came from the Cao army's position.

"Arrogance, you are in a hurry to die, then the general will satisfy you!" Seeing

this situation, Wen Chou knew that he couldn't be reserved, otherwise he was afraid that his morale would be completely suppressed.

You must know that in this era of cold weapons warfare, if morale is completely suppressed, I am afraid that the army with the upper hand in morale can disperse the demoralized army with a single charge.

Therefore, it was such a popular fighter in ancient times.

"Hahaha! Wen Chou, today I will avenge Xiahou Dian!" Seeing

that Wen Chou finally fought, Xu Chu was very happy.

Ma De, what did Lao Tzu come here for? Isn't it just to defeat you, and then drive your Hebei army out of Yanzhou?

If Wen Chou insists on not fighting with him, then when the strength is equal, Xu Chu is really not in the mood to fight the Hebei army with his own armor.

Thankfully, this guy is really arrogant.

For the excited Xu Chu, Wen Chou had no reaction.

If it weren't for the cripple, it would have been impossible to say that we could still pay attention to one or two.

Can it be just a cripple? Really the first fierce general in Hebei blew out?

With a clamp between his legs, the war horse under his crotch suddenly accelerated, and Wen Chou, who stood upright with a spear, launched a charge at Xu Chu.

Seeing Wen Chou coming, Xu Chu did not panic, holding a knife in one hand, he saw the route of Wen Chou's spear, and slashed away at his spear.


carelessly, Wen Chou's weapon was suddenly knocked away by Xu Chu and almost escaped.


Xu Chu's strength, Wen Chou let go of the carelessness in his heart, withdrew the spear in his hand, and began to hold his breath.

On the other hand, Xu Chu, who had the advantage in one blow, was even more demoralized, and the tiger wielding the big knife in his hand was vigorous, and attacked Wen Chou.

When Wen Chou was serious, he suddenly showed the demeanor of his first brave general in Hebei, only to see his spear flip, wave his hand to swing Xu Chu's big knife, reflexively put his right hand away, and the spear was taken up by him and swept away by Xu Chu's waist and abdomen.


"Hmph, crippled, go to death!" The

victory was unforgiving, Wen Chou clamped his legs, urging the war horse to rush towards Xu Chu who fell to the ground.

You must know that Xu Chu and Dian Wei are friends.

Since Dian Wei is good at foot combat, how can Xu Chu be weak in foot combat.

Finding that Wen Chou was attacking, Xu Chu didn't have time to get up, so he rolled over, although he was embarrassed, but he dodged the fatal blow.

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