was dodged by Xu Chu The fatal blow, Wen Chou was slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, this fat man is quite flexible

? But what about this

? Can you avoid me once? Can you avoid me a second time?

Turning the horse's head, Wen Chou rushed forward again at Xu Chu, who had risen in embarrassment.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Xu Chu had to wait with a knife.


The charge was blocked by Xu Chu again, and Wen Chou was furious.

Thinking that I am the first fierce general in Hebei, in the face of your crippled and crippled in a few rounds

, Wen Chou swung his spear in anger, and did not charge Xu Chu anymore, and drove the war horse to Xu Chu's approach, and launched a fierce attack on him.

Made, I didn't expect this ugliness to be so fierce, I want to be cold.

After barely resisting more than ten rounds, Xu Chu was already scarred by the stab.

When he saw that Wen Chou seemed to be tireless, and attacked him again, Xu Chu knew in his heart that he was afraid that he was going to fold here.

"Mao Jie! Order the whole army to retreat, and after the main reinforcements arrive, fight against this Wen Chou!" Because

he was worried that if he died in battle, it would cause a chain reaction and lead to the defeat of Cao's army, so Xu Chu hurriedly gave an order to Mao Jie, the deputy general not far away, after blocking Wen Chou's attack again.

But he is not Wen Chou's opponent, and now he is a distraction, but Xu Chu can no longer stop Wen Chou's attack on him.

Seeing the spear pierced into his chest, Xu Chuhu's eyes widened.

With the help of inertia, Xu Chu rushed straight forward along the spear that pierced into his body, and finally left a memory for Wen Chou when he was dying.

"Damn!" Looking

at Xu Chu, who was pierced by a spear, Wen Chou was angry.

Damn it, I was stabbed back by this guy temporarily.

The wound on his leg ached, causing Wen Chou to give up his plan to pursue Cao Jun.

Anyway, the order of the King of Qi is to occupy Yanjin, and now that Yanjin has been occupied, just wait for the army of the King of Qi to arrive.

Ignoring the defeated Cao army, Wen Chou returned to the Yanjin camp amid the cheers of the Hebei army.


, General Xu Chu, killed!"

After a few days, the bad news of Xu Chu's death finally reached Cao Cao's ears.

When he heard that Xu Chu was killed, Cao Cao only felt a pain in his heart.

Another general is leaving me.

Could it be that the path I chose was really wrong?"

"Lord, let's ask the King of Chu for help quickly."

That Hebei Wenchou, I am afraid that our army is invincible.

Unlike Cao Cao's heartache, as a strategist, Guo Jia, who always puts reason first, hurriedly reminded him.

Today's situation has been greatly unfavorable for Cao Jun.

On the White Horse side, the Cao army was only trying to defend itself, but once Yanjin was lost, if Yuan Shao's army was changed to Yanjin to cross the river, what defense should

Cao's army take? However, we should not abandon Baima because of the loss of Yanjin, you must know that Yuan Shao's army at this time was in Liyang on the other side of Baima.

This also makes Cao Jun's only way at present is to ask for help from Xiang Ji.

As long as Xiang Ji can kill Na Wenchou as before, then Yanjindu can be recaptured, and the battle between the Cao army and the Hebei army can return to the previous stalemate.

"I'll leave this matter to you, I'm tired, let me rest. After

giving instructions to Guo Jia, Cao Cao returned to his tent.

Why? Cao Mou, I just wanted to help the Han family at first, but the situation became worse and worse

? Is it because of who? Dong Zhuo? Or is it Xiang Ji?

I'm afraid, neither.

Cao Cao knew it in his heart.

Even if there is no Dong Zhuo and no Xiang nationality, the Han Dynasty has also come to an end.

Since ancient times, the rise and fall of dynasties have been inevitable.

It's just that this time he was met by Cao Cao, an unlucky guy who wanted to be the general of Han Zhengxi.

You must know that Cao Cao at this time was not what he was in history.

Historically, Cao Cao had occupied the Central Plains, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers, hundreds of generals, and countless ministers.

It is even more to coerce the Son of Heaven to make the princes proud of the world.

People will always have different ideas with the change of their own status and identity.

Historically, Cao Cao did have ambitions and put them into practice.

But after all, he still has the heart of Hanchen for a moment.

This is also the reason why Cao Cao did not abolish the Han dynasty as emperor until his death.

It's not that Cao Cao doesn't know that the Han family is hopeless, it's just that in his heart, there is still a trace of his own pure land.

But now, Cao Cao's situation is far further from history.

The Son of Heaven is gone, so there is no question of coercion or not.

The world is even more chaotic, and the strength of Cao Cao, without Xuzhou, Yuzhou, and Sanfu, is far from the same period in history.

Regardless of the strength of the army, the military general is not a level of existence.

This also made Cao Cao not have the ambition to compete for hegemony as in history.

Today's Cao Cao just wants to keep his own foundation.

But now it seems that in the face of Yuan Shao, the overlord of Hebei, it is difficult to defend Yanzhou!

This is why Cao Cao attached so much importance to Xiang Ji, and even ignored his stabbing to death to the emperor, and instead wanted to marry his daughter to him as a concubine.


you mean??

But what he didn't expect was that he didn't wait for Yuan Shao's army, but waited for the reinforcements sent by Yuan Shao for him.

Although this Xu Huangwen Chou didn't know him, how could he not know the soldiers and horses in Hebei.

After learning that Xu Huang was the new general of Yuan Shao, Wen Chou also expressed kindness to him.

After all, he will be a brother in the trenches in the future, and the good-natured Wen Chou will not suppress him.

But what Wen Chou didn't expect was that Xu Huang's arrival brought a news that he couldn't have imagined.

It turned out that his good brother, Yan Liang, was actually killed by Chu Guoxiang!

When he heard Xu Huang's complaint, Wen Chou had already believed most of it.

After all, Yan Liang's martial arts know by himself, and this Cao Jun is afraid that no one can beat him.

However, Yan Liang was killed in front of the battle.

If it is said that the entry is coming, then everything is the same.

It's just that this result made Wen Chou, who had a heart of revenge, suddenly break out in a cold sweat.

Others don't know, don't Wen Chou still know?

When he was in Qingzhou, Wen Chou was almost killed by that book.

And then he was completely crushed when he fought with him.

This is not an opponent of the level at all.

"Wen Dashuai, Xu Huang is not talented, but when he is against the enemy, he can also help Dashuai!" Just

when Wen Chou was nervous, Xu Huang gave him a reassurance.

It's not okay to go it alone, let's beat you up, right?

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