"Xu Chu is dead?" "

The Xiang Ji of the town guard Cang Tingjin never thought that history would change so much.

You must know that in history, although Nawen was ugly and brave, and overturned the combination of Zhang Liao and Xu Huang with one or two, there was no general Cao Jun killed.

Unexpectedly, now because of the changes I have brought about.

That fat man? That fat man, who specializes in slashing Lao Tzu Bailong

, died like this? Was it because his arm was cut off by me, so his strength plummeted?

In this regard, although Xiang Ji is full of doubts, it cannot change the fact that Xu Chu has died in battle.

Looking at Guo Jia with a sad face, Xiang Ji couldn't help but feel sad for Cao Cao.

Unlucky guy.

If it weren't for Lao Tzu and me, I'm afraid you would have been Prime Minister Cao Cheng by

now, right? But no matter what, people are now their allies now.

Against Yuan Shao, Xiang Ji is also inseparable from Cao Cao's help.

"Mr. Fengxiao, in this case, then King Gu will go to Yanjin to meet that Wen Chou for a while. "

Come to think of it, when Lao Tzu and I also killed Wen Chou, should history be normalized?

At the very least, the course of the Battle of Guandu does not seem to have changed much.

With a rough plan in mind, Xiang Ji did not hesitate, gave instructions to Canglong Cavalry, and galloped towards Yanjin on a single horse.

Yes, Xiang Ji didn't plan to take the Canglong Ride with him.

Previously, it was because I didn't know too much about Cao Cao, so bringing the Canglong Ride could also play a protective role.

But now, Cao Cao's sincerity to the alliance is absolutely full.

Moreover, after Xu Huangtong's betrayal, the hidden danger of opposition to the alliance within the Cao army has also been eliminated, and there is no need for Xiang Ji to take the dragon to ride.

In the final analysis, the two families are just allies, and even if they get married, they are still their own independent forces.

Xiang Ji can help Cao Cao, but if he always causes damage to Canglong Riding because of helping Cao Cao, it is not worth it.

After all, who knows if Cao Cao's goods are destroyed one day, Yuan Shao will turn his face immediately.

The detachment of the large army relied on the speed of the white dragon horse, and it took less than two days to arrive at Yanjin.

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu. "

Xiang Ji, who came to Yanjin, met Mao Jie, the commander who temporarily commanded Cao's army.

Seeing this person, Xiang Ji also had to sigh, Cao Cao was really miserable.

The generals under his command killed several of them by themselves, and now they are competing with this Hebei Yuan Shao, and there are many casualties, which is obviously no longer available.

Even Mao Jie's goods came out to lead the troops alone?

Xiang Ji suddenly had a feeling that this Cao Cao might not be able to defeat Yuan Shao as in history.

After all, the difference in strength between the two sides is too huge.

In history, Cao Cao can surprise attack the black nest, and that is also relying on his own strength as the confidence.

Otherwise, you won't be able to stop the attack of Yuan Shao's army at all, so what kind of surprise attack will you take? A round of strong attack will bulldoze you, even if you make a surprise attack, what is the use?

It seems that after this incident, you have to go back to Jia Xu to discuss countermeasures.

Yes, Xiang Ji's plan was to return to Chu after killing Wen Chou.

After all, he is just an ally, and he is not his Cao Cao's thug.

It was enough to help him kill Yuan Shao's two generals.

This can be regarded as compensation for Cao Cao's lack of Xuzhou and his failure to get Guan Laoer.

Otherwise, I am afraid that Cao Cao will not be able to hold the Yellow River crossing at all.

Xiang Ji didn't want to start a full-scale war with Yuan Shao so soon.

You must know that at this time, the Chu State has just experienced a major war, and what is needed most at present is time to cultivate.

The current situation of confrontation is the most perfect for Xiang Ji.

In history, Xiang Ji remembers that the Battle of Guandu lasted about a year.

At this time, Xiang Ji did not expect Cao Cao to confront Yuan Shao for a year, as long as he could hold on for half a year and give Chu a time to recover, Xiang Ji would have the confidence to fight with Yuan Shao.

What 700,000 troops? There are no decent generals to lead them, and they are not some local chickens and dogs.

Coupled with the command of Yuan Shao's superb lord, as long as Xiang Ji can buy time to restore the national strength, then what if he is one-on-one against him Yuan Shao?"


After running wildly for a day, Xiang Ji said that he should take a rest, right?

"Mao Jie, you go to call the battle first, and when Na Wen Chou fights, the Lone King will take him over.

Looking at the closed Hebei military camp opposite, Xiang Ji didn't want to rush forward to call for battle.

After all, the shadow of a person's famous tree, and his own reputation are now reported, and there are really few people who dare to come to the enemy without brains.

What's more, this Wen Chou had been abused by Xiang Ji in Qingzhou before, and if he wanted to hear Xiang Ji call for battle, he didn't dare to go out.

Xiang Ji didn't want to come by himself in the end, but he just looked at the scenery of the Hebei Army camp and the war-free card hanging high on the head of the camp.

"I am the guerrilla general Mao Jie, a thief in Hebei, dare to fight!" got

the Xiang Ji signal, Mao Jie was not surprised, and he shouted directly at the Hebei military camp.

Just kidding, there is the world's number one fierce general behind me

, I'm afraid of a fart? Don't say some nobodies, even if Wen Chou comes in person, I'm not afraid!"

"What's going on outside the camp? Why is it so noisy?"

Wen Chou, who was in the camp, naturally didn't know what was going on outside, and when he heard the noise, he immediately asked left and right.

"Qi Yu Wen Shuai, it was Mao Jie of the Cao Army who came to call for the battle, saying that he wanted to avenge Xu Chu. "


Who is this Mao Jie? How dare you say that you want to avenge Xu Chu?

Wen Chou was stunned when he heard this.

Otherwise, why do you have the courage to come to Lao Tzu for revenge?"


Unsure of Mao Jie's level, Wen Chou didn't dare to rush into battle.

Wai Yi is a fierce man like Xiang Ji, wouldn't he want to be tragic?

It is really because this Mao Jie's name is so unresounding that no one in the Hebei Army knows this person.

"Wen Shuai, the young general is willing to go. "

When marching and fighting, there is never a shortage of stunned youths, and there are always people who want to prove themselves.

Seeing that someone took the initiative to ask for war, Wen Chou did not allow it.

If you can test the depth of this hair, you can do it.

After the young general patted his horse and left, Wen Chou also began to put on his armor and prepare to go to have a look.

But as soon as he had finished putting on his armor, the herald came again.

"Wen Shuai! General Qu was beheaded by that Mao Jie in one round!"

"it! Fierce man! No wonder you dare to come to Lao Tzu for bad luck."

When Wen Chou heard this, he was immediately shocked, could this really be a fierce man who came out of nowhere? Just when Wen Chou was shocked,

Xu Huang rushed from behind.

"Wen Shuai, what happened in front of the camp is appropriate? Could it be that Cao Jun is calling?"

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