Seeing Xu Huang, Wen Chou seemed to see a savior.

At the very least, you came from Cao Jun, so this Mao Jie should have heard of it, right?

But to Wen Chou's disappointment, Xu Huang had never heard of this person.

It turned out that Mao Jie had been in charge of guarding Wuyang to guard Liu Biao in the south.

And Xu Huang is the new general of Cao Cao recently, so he has never seen or heard of this Mao Jie.

Even Xu Huang was shocked when he heard that this Mao Jie dared to come to avenge Xu Chu, and he also killed a Hebei teenager in seconds.

Could it be that this Cao Cao still has such a backhand? Under

his command, there are still such generals? Then why haven't they heard of it before?

Just when the second general was suspicious, suddenly another herald came quickly.

"Wen Shuai, that Mao Jie has beheaded another general of our army!" "


Kill another one? So fast?

At this moment, Wen Chou was completely shocked.

"Gongming, you and I should go and meet him for a while, otherwise if we continue to do this, I am afraid that the morale of our army will be unstable. After

thinking about it, Wen Chou still decided to go to the battle.

This Mao Jie, in a metamorphosis, can't reach the level of that item, right?

Those generals who were killed by him were also some unpopular goods, even if they were ugly, they were also easy to kill in seconds.

It's just because Wen Chou doesn't know the roots of Mao Jie, so he has doubts.

Similarly, Xu Huang's thoughts are as ugly as Wen Chou.


must know that after Xu Huang came to Wen Chou's tent, he said that he was training against him, and the strength of the two sides had long been known to each other.

In the eyes of the two, both of them are the tiger generals of the world, even if they can't fight that one, they are not afraid of him, let alone an unknown Mao Jie.

The second general patted his horse and came to the front of the formation, and sure enough, he saw a general of the Cao Army lined up in front of the formation, shouting constantly in front of the Hebei Army camp.

"Gongming, I'll go up to meet him first, and if I'm not defeated, I'll come to support quickly. Seeing

Mao Jie, Wen Chou still decided to go up and try how many catties this guy has first.

Otherwise, you will directly fight two against one, no matter whether you win or lose, you don't look good on your face, right?"

"Wen Chou! Do you still want to continue to be a turtle with a shrunken head? How many of you Hebei Army are not afraid of death? Uncle Mao Jie, my big knife has not yet drunk the blood!"

"After killing the two generals in a row, Mao Jie's momentum has also risen.

Just looking at his appearance, he is really a fierce general.

"The thief will be rampant, Wen Chou is here!" Hearing

Mao Jie's unbearable words of scolding, Wen Chou, who had already decided to leave the station, was suddenly furious.

With a clamp between his legs, he urged the war horse under his crotch to rush up towards Mao Jie frantically.

But something happened that shocked Wen Chou.

When he charged, Mao Jie, who had been clamoring to avenge Xu Chu with himself, actually ran away?

Yes, when Mao Jie saw Wen Chou fighting, he didn't say a word, turned his horse's head and galloped in the direction of his main formation.

Just kidding, don't I know how many catties and taels my

Mao Jie has? Xu Chu, Xiahou Dun will easily abuse me by anyone

? But this kind of fierce man is one dead and one injured at the hands of Wen Chou, how can Mao Jie dare to fight with Wen

Chou? If it weren't for the fact that there was a person behind him, I am afraid that Mao Jie would not have come to this Wen Chou camp at all.

Just when Wen Chou was in doubt, Cao Junnei suddenly killed a horse.

I saw his white horse, silver armor, holding a halberd, who was not Xiang Ji.

Similarly, Wen Chou also saw Xiang Ji and immediately knew that he had fallen for Mao Jie's evil deeds.

But now that Xiang Ji has been killed, it is too late to escape, so he can only fight hard.

"Gongming, come and help me!" shouted

to Xu Huang behind him, Wen Chou set up a position, ready to meet Xiang Ji.

Hearing Wen Chou's request for help, Xu Huang did not hesitate, and also quickly urged the war horse to gallop towards the two people in the center of the battle array.

But when Xu Huang was about to rush to the front, it was like falling into an ice cellar, and his hands and feet were cold.

Looking at Wen Chou, who was killed by Xiang Ji in seconds, Xu Huang's liver regretted it.

Why? I want to rush so fast? Why

? That Wen Chou is so brave that he can't even stop that one blow

? Even if you block him, won't I Xu Huang catch up?

It turns out that when Wen Chou saw Xiang Ji, his mind was already in turmoil.

Although he was calm and wanted to defend, he was helpless, and in the face of Xiang Ji's thunderous blow, Wen Chou was still half a beat slower.

As soon as the spear in his hand was raised, before it could be raised to the position it should be defended, it was directly slashed by the Xiang Ji Overlord Halberd.

A halberd killed Wen Chou in seconds, and Xiang Ji nodded.

That's right, Lao Tzu said that the time in Qingzhou was definitely not in the right order.

Otherwise, Guan Er can kill the player in seconds, how can I have such an accident?

But when Xiang Ji killed Wen Chou, he found that Yuan Shao's army had rushed out of another general.

When I looked closely, Xiang Ji was happy.

This is really nowhere to find the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

You, Xu Huang, have been against Lao Tzu and me again and again, and said before that I didn't know when I would meet them, but this product was actually delivered to the door?"

"Xu Huang! I haven't seen you for a long time?

Can I say I don't want to?

Obviously, what Xiang Ji said before was not a question.

Without waiting for Xu Huang to answer, the overlord halberd was picked up by Xiang Ji again.


Relying on the instinctive reaction that came out, Xu Huang was able to block Xiang Ji's blow.

Seeing Xu Huang blocking his blow, Xiang Ji didn't care.

Can you block it, can you still block the second hit?

But before Xiang Ji attacked, Xu Huang, who blocked Xiang Ji's attack, was the first to attack.

"Traitor! Xu Huang, I'll fight with you!" Knowing

that there was no hope of escape, Xu Huang also let go.

Regardless of the tearing sensation coming from the tiger's mouth, Xu Huang quickly picked up the big axe and slashed it at Xiang Ji's head.

On the battlefield, many accidents can happen, and it is not impossible for the weak to defeat the strong.

Therefore, Xu Huang was full of hope for his blow.

It's a pity that he is facing Xiang Ji.

Xu Huang wants to defeat the strong with the weak, and Xiang Ji will definitely not cooperate with him.

Seeing Xu Huang attacking, Xiang Ji didn't talk nonsense, picked up his right hand, and hit the big axe that was cut in the air with the overlord halberd.


there was a loud bang.

Xu Huang's big axe was suddenly turned away by Xiang Ji.

Immediately, with the impact of the collision of weapons, Xiang Ji did not return to his breath, and swept the overlord halberd towards Xu Huang, who was unable to recruit.


Seeing Xiang Ji's overlord halberd attacking, Xu Huang, who could not avoid it, let out the last cry of his life.

At the very least, Lao Tzu is also a loyal minister of the Han family until his death, and he will also be remembered in the history books.

This was Xu Huang's last thought before he died.

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