"Who are you? dare to stand in my way, do you know who I am?"

Xiang Ji's good mood has disappeared.


Who do I care who you are?" Tell you! This is Xiahou Mansion, the mansion of General Xiahoudun, how many bear-hearted leopard galls have you eaten? How dare you trespass without permission? And dare to inquire about the residence of my lord?"

"Tell you, my name, my name is Xia Houen, and General Xia Houdun is my brother!"

Since it is Xiahoudun's mansion, it is normal for someone with the surname Xiahou to come out.

It's just that where is this Xiahouen?

You know, Xiang Ji thought that there would be a celebrity before, such as Xiahou Shang, or Xiahou Jie, who was scared to death by Zhang Fei's throat or something.

"Why, didn't you hear what I was talking to?

Let me tell you, if you don't leave quickly, I will be unkind to you, master.

Seeing that Xiang Ji didn't pay attention to himself, but instead showed a thoughtful look there, Xia Houen was even more furious.

Master, I'm so jade-tree-in-the-wind, you damn dare to ignore me?

Xiahou was furious, and Xiang Ji was even more furious.

What kind of joke is this? How dare you speak to Lao Tzu and me like this

? If it weren't for the honeymoon period of the alliance with that Cao Cao, I would still ask you a good question? Now, I don't

need to think about that.

For this kind of ignorant person who offends himself, Xiang Ji does not intend to continue to tolerate it.

Face is earned by yourself, not by others.


Seeing that Xiang Ji actually ignored himself and showed his weapon instead, Xia Houen suddenly understood that he was planning to use force.

Sure enough, this guy didn't have any good intentions when he came here.

Not to talk nonsense, Xia Houen also drew his sword, and at the same time, the servants and servants behind him also lit up a variety of weapons.

Seeing these broom benches, Xiang Ji suddenly felt ridiculous.

What am I when I am Lao Tzu

? Just these players, what's the use of holding these rags?

But when Xiang Ji saw Xia Houen's saber displayed, his eyes suddenly lit up.

I saw a dazzling cold light flashing on Xia Houen's sword, in terms of the forging process of this era, people can feel its sharp weapons with just the naked eye, it is definitely a treasure.

Just like, Xiang Ji's overlord halberd, Lu Bu's Fang Tian painting halberd, etc.

Originally, he planned to use this ignorant man to establish his authority, but the other party even took the initiative to offer the sword, and Xiang Ji naturally would not be polite.

As for the alliance with Cao Cao?

Just kidding, it wasn't Xiang Ji who first provoked the incident.

Moreover, even if he really killed so many people, what would it be?

Xiang Ji was really not Xiang Ji, Cao Cao could turn his face with himself because of such a few inconsequential wastes.

Even if you turn your face, hehe, even if you go to war, the majesty of the king is not allowed to be violated.

It's not nonsense, the overlord halberd in his hand flew over, and in just a few rounds, the dozens of servants and miscellaneous servants present were all killed by Xiang Ji or fled.

As for Xia Houen, this thing was directly taken away by Xiang Ji's first shot.

Picking up the sword that had fallen to the ground, Xiang Ji found two quaint characters engraved on the hilt of the sword.

"Qinghong!" "

Damn, is this the Qinghong Sword? Is it the sword that Zhao Yun snatched in Changbanpo in history

? It turns out that this Xiahouen is the one who gave Cao Cao the sword?

Come to think of it, because this product was too young, so Cao Cao didn't bring him to the battlefield.

It's just that in this way, it is cheaper for yourself.

Everyone was killed, and Xiang Ji was naturally not stupid enough to send the sword back.

"Now, can you tell me where Cao Cao's mansion is?"

Xiang Ji asked again, looking at several servants who had fallen to the ground in fear after being killed by himself.

"Run, this is a demon!" Unfortunately,

Xiang Ji's question was exchanged for the other party's escape.

Nima's, do you really force Lao Tzu to continue to kill?

Seeing the other party like this, Xiang Ji was very irritable.

But just as Xiang Ji was about to continue to kill in the mansion, a voice full of uncertainty sounded behind him.

"Dare to ask, is it His Royal Highness the King of Chu?"

Nima, finally someone knows Lao Tzu.

Hearing that someone recognized him, Xiang Ji let out a sigh of relief.

You know, Xiang Ji doesn't want to continue to kill like this.

After all, they are allies no matter how they say it, and they are still here to pick up other girls.

This has to be killed all the way through, and it's not good-looking.

"It's the Lone King, who are you? Do you know where the mansion of General Cao, the lord of your family, is?"

Why didn't this evil star come here instead of being on the front line?

But Xiang Ji had already asked questions, so how could he dare not answer.

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu, you can call the villain Xiao Wuzi, the villain is the personal soldier of General Cao, the lord of my family. "

It turned out that this person was the pro-soldier who was oppressed by Cao Ziran when Xiang Jifang arrived at Yanzhou to fight Yanliang before.

As for why this pro-soldier appeared here, it was because Cao Ziran was driven back to his hometown by Xiang Ji, and this pro-soldier was arranged by Cao Cao to send each other off.

After getting the confirmation of his identity, Xiang Ji was finally able to come to Cao Ziran unimpeded.

"You, why are you here?" Ren

Cao Ziran never imagined that one day, this nationality would appear in front of him in such a way.

Looking at Cao Ziran, who made the melons and fruits in his hands fall to the ground because of surprise, Xiang Ji smiled.

This little girl is interesting.

Women in this era generally studied piano, chess, calligraphy and painting in the boudoir?

As for the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, sorry, I didn't see it at all.

After easing down, Cao Ziran remembered that he was eating snacks in the boudoir.

This is more embarrassing.

"The Lone King is naturally here to pick you up. Replying

to Cao Ziran, Xiang Ji didn't care about what the little girl thought, and pulled her onto the horse.

"By the way, Xiao Wuzi, right? You go and tell General Cao.

Miss Cao Ziran took it away directly.

Then, this Qinghong Sword was regarded as compensation for the little cub of the Xiahou family for offending the Lone King. "

After all, I killed someone in my family and robbed something, so I have to give an explanation.

After that, ignoring the reactions of Xiao Wuzi and the other guards, Xiang Ji directly hit the horse and left Cao Cao's mansion.

"Madam, this?"

Looking at Mrs. Bian who walked out of the back hall, Xiao Wuzi was stunned.

"Go and send someone to inform the general of this. For

Xiang Ji, Mrs. Bian was also very helpless.

Stop? Just kidding, can this bit of armor be stopped by the guards? Moreover, it was Boss Cao who took the initiative to marry the girl to others, why did you stop it?

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