"Are we just leaving? Where are you taking me? Aren't you

going to tell my father? Are we going straight

to Pengcheng? Is Pengcheng big? Is it fun? Is there anything delicious?"

Looking at Cao Ziran in his arms, Xiang Ji suddenly had an urge to directly drop him off the horse.


could Lao Tzu think this girl was cute before?

"Shut up!"

was so annoyed that Xiang Ji had to shout angrily at the person in his arms.

Sure enough, the effect is still very significant.

At the very least, why did Cao Ziran's 100,000 finally stop continuing.

Xiang Ji felt comfortable, but Cao Ziran in Xiang Ji's arms was depressed.

What kind of person is this?

I don't know anything about it? I was arrested by you directly from home, and then I will abandon everything with you to go to Napeng City.

Isn't it okay to ask?

Although his heart was full of dissatisfaction, looking at Xiang Ji with a cold face, Cao Ziran didn't dare to show it at all.

Domineering guys know how to bully women.

But soon, Xiang Ji let this girl know that she would not only bully women.

"I opened this mountain, I planted this tree, if you want to live from now on, stay...

The horses and the little ladies are all left for me to Lao Tzu!" Xiang

Ji originally planned to take Cao Ziran to Cangtingjin to ride the dragon round, and then return to Pengcheng together.

Unexpectedly, when he came to Dingtao, he encountered a group of eyeless things.

Looking at the more than ten strong men of different races in front of him, Xiang Ji suddenly felt a sense of long-lost feeling.

It seems that after Lao Tzu escaped from the Yellow Turban Battlefield, the first time he encountered it was also a bandit robbery, right?

Xiang Ji had a feeling of being absent for a long time, but Cao Ziran in Xiang Ji's arms was not.

Looking at the shouts of more than a dozen people in front of her, who were obviously not Han Chinese, the little girl panicked.

How could this be possible to meet a bandit in his father's Yanzhou? Or is it such a guy in fancy costumes?

Especially the person who took the lead, revealing that evil gaze, as if he was going to eat his life, which made Cao Ziran's heart beat wildly.

If it falls into the hands of these people, I'm afraid it's worse than death, right?

Thinking of this, Cao Ziran couldn't help but hug Xiang Ji tightly.

"Oh, that man, didn't I hear

me, the horses stay, the little ladies stay, and then you give me the fuck off."

Seeing that Xiang Ji was not afraid of himself and others, but showed a playful look, the big man who shouted was angry.

Isn't this guy stupid? Or do you think that you have the strength to deal with many of our brothers on your own

? Hmph, the idiots of the Han people, do you really think that you are a general when you put on armor?

I really don't believe it, I can meet a fierce general of the Han people whenever I encounter it.

You must know that although the number of these aliens is small, the strength of individual soldiers is not weak.

If you compare, I'm afraid that all of them can reach the level of 100 generals.

Therefore, even if he saw Xiang Ji wearing armor, he did not hesitate to regard him as a fat sheep.

"Big brother, don't talk nonsense with him, go straight to him.

The big man was still shouting a few words, but his brothers couldn't help it.

Even if this Han man is powerful, he is alone, can he fight more than a dozen of our brothers?

Moreover, that little girl is really smart.

Yes, the panicked Cao Ziran is in the eyes of all the aliens, and it can really be said that he is a heavenly immortal.

This is also why the alien race who originally planned to rob the wealth changed his attention and decided to rob the sex first.

"Brothers, rush! The man is killed, the woman is stayed, everyone has a share!" Seeing

that the brothers under his command couldn't wait, the leader stopped talking nonsense.

With a shout, more than a dozen aliens brandished meteor hammers, maces and other strange weapons and rushed up at Xiang Ji.

"Little girl, hold me tight. With

a command to Cao Ziran, Xiang Ji took out the overlord halberd hanging on the back of the white dragon.

is just a thief, and Xiang Ji has never looked at it at all.

Therefore, he just took out the overlord halberd and immediately waited for the bandits to attack.

But Xiang Ji's actions even more angered the foreign bandits.

This obviously doesn't take us seriously.

The strong man who took the lead in the alien race took the lead in attacking Xiang Ji with a meteor hammer.

I saw that its meteor hammer flicked and drew a semicircle, and the hammer head hit the white dragon horse's head straight at it.

"Look for death!" Seeing

that these aliens dared to fight the white dragon, Xiang Ji was furious.

Originally, he said that he would have fun with you, but he was looking for death, so it's no wonder Lao Tzu.

With a pull on the reins with his left hand, the white dragon man stood up, just in time to dodge the meteor hammer that struck at his head.

The overlord halberd flew over, and the alien race who took the lead was suddenly swept away directly by Xiang Ji, and he couldn't see it.

"Big brother!"

Seeing that the leading eldest brother was actually put down by Xiang Ji in one round, the rest of the aliens were furious.

Several aliens walked forward quickly, and the weapons in their hands beckoned to Xiang Ji at the same time.


In the face of such a vicious alien race, it is already three points timid, and it is still besieged by many strange weapons, so I can't help this little girl who has never seen a military battle not be nervous.

"Get out of here!" Cao

Ziran was afraid, but Xiang Ji was not afraid.

It's just some local chickens and dogs.

Holding halberds in both hands, facing the attacking crowd, the item is a sweep of thousands of troops.


Several other aliens who were not swept away were also torn apart by the collision of weapons, and they could no longer hold the weapons in their hands.


let out a cold snort, Xiang Ji struck his horse forward, and launched a bloody slaughter against all the alien races.

"Bang dang!"

the only remaining alien was too slow to rush, resulting in the only survivor of the alien race present.

Seeing that the murderous Xiang Ji wanted to rush to his side, he was suddenly frightened and the mace in his hand fell to the ground.

"Poof. Immediately

, without saying anything, the alien decisively knelt down and kept begging for mercy from Xiang Ji.

"The villain has eyes and doesn't know Mount Tai, the king spares his life, the king spares his life!"

Looking at the alien race with snot and tears, Xiang Ji put away the overlord halberd.

"Tell me, where did you come from? Look at your attire, you are not from the Central Plains?"

This group of people, no matter how they look at their outfits or weapons, don't look like people from the Central Plains

? Moreover, Cao Cao, not to mention anything else, at least there is absolutely no problem with internal politics, how could a group of bandits suddenly appear in Yanzhou, his base camp?

Seeing that Xiang Ji really did not kill himself, but initiated a question, the alien race was excited.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, the villain's name is Pan Lin. "

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