"You mean, are you from Shanyue?

How could this Shanyue people run to the Central Plains so well?

You know, this is really thousands of miles away.

"Returning to the king, we were killed all the way by Lu Meng and General Lu Ziming of the Chu State!"

Come to think of it, Zhao Yun and Zhou Tai should have almost cleared Jiangdong.

It's just that why did you attack this Shanyue person?

After some inquiry, Xiang Ji completely understood the reason.

It turned out that after Xiang Ji led the Canglong Cavalry to leave, Zhou Tai divided his troops with Zhao Yun.

All the way to the south, all the way to the west.

And the army to the south was under the command of Zhou Tai, and Lü Meng was his deputy general.

After several months of liquidation, the remnants of Soochow were largely wiped out.

Immediately, Zhou Tai began to attack the Jiangdong clan.

After destroying several big clans, Jiangdong was completely in chaos.

You must know that the land of Jiangdong is a place where clans gather.

After the leading families were destroyed, it could really be said that everyone was in danger, for fear that the armor of the Chu State would suddenly appear in front of their door in the early morning.

But now that both the water and land routes have been controlled by the Chu army, the clan really has nowhere to escape.

The desperate clans fought back.

First, various assassins were sent to assassinate the generals of the Chu army.

Although it did not cause any major losses, several Chu generals died unluckily at the hands of the assassins.

And this completely angered Zhou Tai, a bad man.

With a wave of the sawtooth blade, the Chu army began a comprehensive liquidation of the Jiangdong clan.

At this moment, the contradiction was completely stimulated.

Countless clans began to sow chaos throughout Koto.

Every day, innocent people die under the sword, and every day there will be reports of fires in various grain storage places to come to Zhou Tai's case.

This made this big and three rough people completely collapse.

Why? Why can't these clans be killed? Why do these clans become more and more fierce in their resistance? Aren't they

afraid? But how can Zhou Tai know what the meaning of this sentence is

? If it weren't for the fact that he pushed the clan too hard, how could those guys who were greedy for life and afraid of death fight with him?

Fortunately, it was only Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin who led the army.

As a smart person, Lu Meng naturally saw the problem.

After Zhou Tai was completely unthinkable, Lü Meng successfully took command of the army.

Immediately, Lü Meng ordered the Chu army to shrink and not to carry out any persecution and killing of the clan.

When the Chu army all retreated to Wu County, the Jiangdong clans were excited.

Is this a victory?

Have those demons of the Chu State finally given up? Or are they just trying to capture the old people?

The Jiangdong clans who were afraid of being killed did not dare to be careless, but those sabotage activities did stop.

After all, the Chu army has already retreated, so are you going to harass the people, are you afraid that you will be slow to die?

After waiting for several months, when the clans learned through continuous investigation that the northern front of the Chu State was tight, the Chu army in Jiangdong had rushed to support, and the Chu army that remained here was almost empty.

The Koto clans are completely crazy.

After the victory, and finally kept the family business, the Chu army gave up.

Yes, if the Chu army does not give up, then even if the northern front is tight, it will not leave only a few guards.

This is obviously a compromise with the clan.

This is to tell them that as long as you stop, then our Chu army will not touch you at all.

The relaxed clans returned to their old lives.

Even if there is wisdom or a strong sense of crisis, it is just a matter of nervous preparation for the relocation of the family.

But how could they have known that this, everything was Lu Meng's plan.

The so-called tightening of the northern front was only deliberately spread by Lu Meng.

And the Chu army did retreat.

As soon as he retreated, Lü Meng simply let all the Chu troops gather near Jianye.

But how did the clans located in the southern part of Wu County know all this?

Finally, after discovering that the clans had completely relaxed their vigilance, Lü Meng gave the order.

Tens of thousands of Chu troops appeared in front of the Jiangdong clan with a thunderous force, and wiped out their families one by one without their preparation.

In this battle, the Jiangdong clan was almost slaughtered.

The few remaining clans were hopeless, but they did the work of traitors.

Through the contact of the servants, the clans contacted the Shanyue people south of Huiji.

After getting in touch, the two parties hit it off.

In order to take revenge and survive in a desperate situation, the clan lured the Shanyue people to invade the Han land and slaughter the people.

Shanyue people are also happy to be the vanguard of the clan for the money and food of the Han Dynasty, women, and so on.

By the time Lü Meng got the news, the army of the Shanyue people had been introduced into the hinterland of Jiangdong by the clan.

Dozens of towns and villages have been looted by the Shanyue people.

The Qing Zhuang either died at the hands of the Shanyue people's swords, or became captive slaves.

The women have become the tools of the Shanyue people to vent their animal desires.

All the old and the young were slaughtered by the Shanyue people.

Cities and villages were burned.

Seeing this scene, Lu Meng was angry, Zhou Tai was angry, Jiang Qin was angry, and all the Chu soldiers were angry.

The puppet was furious, and blood splattered five steps. The emperor was furious and lay in wait for thousands of miles.

Although Lü Meng was not a puppet or an emperor, Lü Meng led the army of Chu under the command of their King of Chu.

Led by the angry Lü Meng, the entire army of Chu was dispatched and engaged in a head-on duel with the Shanyue people.

Although the Shanyue people are brave, the army of Chu is also elite.

In the case of equipment, training, and morale being completely suppressed, the Shanyue people were simply unable to resist.

From 60,000 at the time of the invasion, they were quickly killed by Lü Meng's Chu army to just over 10,000 people.

But even so, Lu Meng didn't plan to let go of these Shanyue beasts.

Chased all the way, when the Shanyue people retreated to Huiji, most of the remaining more than 10,000 people were cut down again.

The last few thousand Shanyue people were completely dispersed, some fleeing to the hinterland of Shangoshi, and some fleeing to the west.

A small part of them fled into the hinterland of the Central Plains by chance.

What Xiang Ji encountered was a group of Shanyue defeated soldiers who fled into the hinterland of the Central Plains.

When Xiang Ji heard this, his eyes were immediately bloody.

These Shanyue beasts should be killed! Those clans that lured the Shanyue people to invade should be killed!

"King, the villain

has already informed you of everything, look, can the villain leave?"

Finding that Xiang Ji's face was wrong, Pan Lin became nervous.


waiting for Pan Lin to think about it, Xiang Ji had already responded to him, and without using a weapon, he threw a punch at Pan Lin's door.

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