"Order, the whole army advances, cross the Gonglai Mountain, we are resting and resting!" After

all, it is not a regular army, whether it is discipline or organization, this army composed of domestic servants and thugs is very unbearable.

In this regard, the clans are also helpless.

When they saw that there were no imaginary enemies in Gonglai Mountain, the vigilance of the clan army suddenly dropped, and even many domestic servants and thugs who sat on the ground and began to rest.

Seeing this situation, Wang Lao, as the commander, hurriedly ordered.

Just kidding, now it's still in the territory of Chu State, if you don't take advantage of the opportunity to leave quickly without a defender, do you really want to wait for people to come back and fight? If you don't fight, the

clans don't want to fight anyway.

After all, domestic servants and thugs are also part of their property, and if they die, won't their own strength be greatly reduced

? Even if they are recruited, how much food will be wasted?

For these iron rooster-like clans, it is absolutely intolerable.

Under the orders of Wang Lao, the scattered clan army began to reassemble.

Then, at a speed similar to a turtle's stomach, it slowly moved towards the Gonglai Mountain.

The clans didn't think so.


the eyes of the clans, the army can listen to the command, let it move forward, and stop when it stops, and this is a qualified army.

But these let Xiang Ji, who was hiding in the mountains, see it, and it almost made Xiang Ji angry.

That's it, Lao Tzu has so many states and counties

, that is, you have caught up with Lao Tzu and is fighting everywhere, and there is no chance of extra troops.

Otherwise, with this army, I am afraid that they will not be able to attack the county town with a thousand people garrisoned.

Although I was in a hurry to let the clans enter the ambush earlier, but people couldn't listen to your command, looking at the slow clan army, Xiang Ji was helpless.

Forget it, I'll put up with it, I'll let you live a few more hours at most.

You must know that Xiang Ji has put a lot of effort into solving all these clans in one battle.

Not to mention that all the defenders of Gonglai Mountain withdrew into the mountain to lay in ambush, Xiang Ji also ordered people to erect boulders on both sides of the mountain road.

As soon as the entire army of the clan enters Gonglai Mountain, the boulder blocking their retreat will fall.

When the time comes, hum, I'll let none of you run away.

After waiting for a long time, the clan army finally slowly entered Gonglai Mountain in the midst of thousands of calls.

When Xiang Ji saw that the last clan thug had also entered, he immediately gave orders to the left and right.

"Order, release the boulder!

Archers prepare, aim, shoot indiscriminately!" Just

kidding, what Xiang Ji wants is to wipe out all these scum, and naturally he will not let his soldiers and armor only kill the head of the thief.

In Xiang Ji's opinion, these servants and thugs who followed the clan to do evil should all be damned!

If it weren't for them acting for the tiger, how could these clans be so arrogant.


With Xiang Ji's order, the boulder used as a road closure was pried by the defenders with a giant tree, and finally rolled down the cliff, just to firmly seal the entrance of Gonglai Mountain.

"What happened, why was there a loud noise?" A

sudden loud noise came, and even the ground was faintly shaken, and the clan that was walking in the front was stunned.


know, if you encounter a ground formation in this mountain stream, there is really nowhere to hide.

But before anyone could answer the clans, the archers of the Chu army began to shoot arrows at the clans under the mountain.


Arrows continued to fly down from both sides of the mountain stream.

You must know that the Canglong Army is also a qualified shooter.

Therefore, with the addition of the 5,000 archers of the Canglong Army, just one round of arrow rain brought large-scale casualties to the unsuspecting clan and the army behind it.

"Run! It's the Chu army, we've been tricked!" The

fall of the rain of arrows, the screams of the servants and thugs, and the tragic death of the unlucky guy beside him made the clans completely panic.

It turned out that the Chu army did not have no guards, but calculated our purpose, so they ambushed here!

Thinking of this, the clans hated it one after another.

It was not the Chu army that hated, but the old man Wang whom they respected.

But when the clans raised their eyes, they found that the elder Wang they respected had bid farewell to everyone forever.

The unlucky old man died directly under the first round of arrow rain, and he was a few arrows.

But it's no wonder that others, who let this old man ride alone at the forefront of the team?The

target is so obvious, who will he shoot if he doesn't shoot?"

"Archers, shoot, keep shooting, the Lone King wants none of them to leave this place alive!"

After all, the clan trapped in the middle of the canyon had no way to escape, and there was no way to make any counterattack against the Chu army.

The current situation is only a matter of time.

30,000 people? Hehe, it's just a matter of time, sooner or later they will all be shot dead here.

"Invincible! Move the rocks blocking the road.

Finding that the situation was in crisis, the head of the Li family hurriedly ordered the strong man with a curious look on his face.

Hearing the order of the head of the family, Li Wudi dropped the giant hammer in his hand and ran quickly towards the boulder that sealed the way to the clan.

"Daddy, no, this stone is so heavy, I can't

move it! Why do you let me move such a heavy thing? It's not fun. Tried

to move it, but the boulder didn't move, and Li Wudi had to complain to the head of the house.

Hearing Li Wuving's words, the head of the Li family was almost dismounted in anger.

You can't sweat and can't breathe, you just tell me that you can't move? Do you use any strength!

But no, in the face of a three-year-old idiot with an IQ, the head of the Li family can only patiently coax him.

"Invincible, listen to Daddy, move this stone away, and Daddy will give you a lot of delicious food and fun when the time comes. Hearing

that there was a reward, Li Wudi's eyes lit up.

"Get up!"

Holding the boulder with both hands, Li Wudi began to exert force.

As Li Wushu exerted his strength, the boulder blocking the way began to move slowly.

"Good job! Invincible, good job! Move, you must move this stone away! When the time comes, whatever daddy you want will satisfy you!" Seeing

the hope of escape, the head of the Li family was even more eager to encourage Li Wudi.

The movement here also alarmed the panicked clans, and when they saw that Li Wushu had slowly moved the road-sealing boulder, they were immediately excited.

"Come on, invincible

! You are invincible!" "Li family boy, you are amazing! Move this stone away, and the old man will marry his daughter to you when you turn around!"

All kinds of cheering and encouragement came from the valley.

And this also attracted the attention of the mountain stream.

This kid, is he a monster?

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