"Boy, dare to fight with the Lone King!" When

Xiang Ji found out that Li Wushu was able to move the boulder blocking the way, he suddenly couldn't sit still.

If he was asked to move the boulder away, wouldn't Lao Tzu's arrangement be in vain?

You know, although most of this clan was killed by several rounds of arrow rain, it still had more than 10,000 people.

If this is broken through by them, only relying on Xiang Ji's five thousand dragon horsemen and two thousand defenders, they will not be able to catch up at all.

Those clans are not stupid, how can they still gather together after breaking through? As long as they are separated, it is inevitable that they will not be able to catch up.

"King Chu!Xiang Ji!He's

Xiang Ji!"Oh my God!How could Xiang Ji be here!

Are we actually surrounded by

Xiang Ji, the demon himself? We're done

!" "King Chu, the villain is willing to surrender, the villain is willing to surrender!" When

Xiang Ji appeared in front of him and the others with a team of cavalry, the clans roared in panic.

There are those who are desperate, those who are surprised, and those who want to surrender.

"Who are you?What is the Lone King?Is it delicious?"

Obviously, someone simply ignored the prestige of Xiang Ji.

In the eyes of an idiot with a three-year-old IQ, this item is no different from the others.

After sweeping and finding that Xiang Ji had not come, Li Wudi continued to move the boulder.

Just kidding, Big Daddy promised that as long as he moved this big guy away, he would give me a lot of delicious food.

Under the temptation of food, Li Wudi simply ignored Xiang Ji.


Seeing Li Wudi's attitude, Xiang Ji suddenly became angry.

Is this looking down on Lao Tzu?

Hmph, it's really okay.

I'm afraid that this kid is the only one in the world who can choose to ignore Lao Tzu's name when he hears it.

The angry Xiang Ji didn't pay attention to the others, you didn't fight me? That Lao Tzu will directly rub you to death with a halberd.

You know, this is on the battlefield, so Xiang Ji won't pay attention to any glory.

Besides, what glory is there to talk about with these rebellious clans? Besides, I have already invited me to fight, but this kid has ignored it.

"Invincible! Kill him! Kill him! Kill this item, whatever daddy you want, you can satisfy you!

Don't pay attention to that boulder!"

Seeing Xiang Ji appear, the head of the Li family already knew that if Xiang Ji couldn't be left here today, I was afraid that none of the clans they had present would be able to escape.

"Big Daddy asked me to kill you, then I'll kill you!" Hearing

the order of the head of the Li family, Li Wushu put down the boulder and reflexively picked up the giant hammer that had been thrown on the ground before.

"Arrogance!" Xiang

Ji also basically saw that this clan kid was afraid that he had a problem with his IQ.

But even so, I just want to kill

Lao Tzu casually? Is it really that Lao Tzu has been clenched out of mud for so many years in the world?

As soon as his legs were clamped, the white dragon horse let out a long roar, and Li Wuving, who was standing against the giant hammer, rushed forward.

Finding that Xiang Ji and Li Wushu began to fight, all the clans present raised their hearts to their throats.

Now this battle is afraid that it will decide their life and death.

If Li is invincible, then the clan can naturally escape.

Li is invincible, then there is nothing to say, all the clan people present, I am afraid that this demon will not let go.

"Look at

the halberd!" rushed to the front, Xiang Ji waved the overlord halberd and slashed at Li Wuyi, who was standing in front.


Although Li Wushu was an idiot, his reaction was far beyond ordinary people, and in the face of Xiang Ji's thunderous blow, Li Wuving, who was fearless, swung a giant hammer at the overlord halberd.

What a lot of strength!

Just one collision, Xiang Ji was taken aback.

Is this really a monster?

You know, since Xiang Ji came to this world, he has never met anyone with more strength than him.

But now this clan boy has surpassed Xiang Ji in terms of pure strength.

Feeling the slight soreness and numbness coming from his arm, Xiang Ji became more excited than ever.

Unexpectedly, just a battle to exterminate the clan, he could encounter such a monster.


muttered to himself, Xiang Ji attacked Li Wushu again.

The overlord halberd flew, and Xiang Ji changed his strategy after knowing that his strength was not as strong as this Li Invincible, and began to continue to attack Li Invincible everywhere at a very fast speed.

Although Li Wudi was flawed in IQ, his reaction on the battlefield surprised Xiang Ji again.

No matter what Xiang Ji thought, he didn't expect that this idiot would be able to block his stormy offensive.

You must know that even Lu Bu back then was not so calm about the above items.

"Okay! Invincible, that's it, this Xiang Ji is not your opponent at all, kill him! Kill him!" Seeing that

Li Wushu was able to completely resist Xiang Ji's attack, the head of the Li family was excited.

I didn't expect it, I only thought that this idiot had great strength, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful?

And looking at Li Wu's posture now, I am afraid that he is not afraid of this nationality at all, but has a faint advantage, how can the head of the Li family not be excited?

You must know that because of this problem of Li Wu's IQ, the head of the Li family has never let this child do anything with the same people, nor has he learned any martial arts.

In their opinion, this son is just a man whose strength is far beyond ordinary people.

But with this IQ, I am afraid that going to the battlefield is the life of cannon fodder.

Looking at it now, this is not the case at all, this kid, I'm afraid he was born for the battlefield!

When the head of the Li family saw that Li Wushu had been fighting with the same clan for nearly 20 rounds and was still evenly divided, he trembled with excitement.

My Li family has such a son, I am afraid that it will take off!

This child, with this child, who dares to provoke my Li family? Whoever sees Li and me, does not give three points of courtesy?

Turning his head to look at the shocked and frightened expressions of the other clans, the head of the Li family is even more complacent.

After breaking through this encirclement, Li Mou and I will take this child to serve King Qi.

Come to think of it, such a martial art King Qi will inevitably be reused.

It's hard for my Li family to be underdeveloped

!"Happy! It's really happy!" Xiang

Ji's big shout called back the soul of the head of the Li family who flew away.

When he saw that Xiang Ji had an injury on his arm, he was even more excited.

Is Invincible going to win

? But how can he understand how long has Xiang Ji not experienced such an evenly matched battle since the Battle of Tiger Prison Pass?

Now Xiang Ji doesn't feel any pain at all, only the constantly boiling blood is burning.

Unlike Xiang Ji's excitement, Li Wudi, who didn't care about it before, was already sweating profusely.

Although, this Li Invincible is indeed born with divine power and reflects speed.

However, he who is not skilled in martial arts can only rely on talent to support Xiang Ji.

Under Xiang Ji's almost uninterrupted successive blows, although he injured Xiang Ji's arm by counterattacking, Li Wushu had already reached the limit of physical exhaustion.

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