"What, Lu Kuang is dead?" Ren

Gaolan thought, and he didn't expect Lu Xiang to come early in the morning to tell him that his eldest brother was dead.

You know, then Lu Kuang can be regarded as a battlefield general.

Previously, whether it was to conquer Han Fu or compete with Gongsun Zan of Youzhou for Hebei, this Lu Kuang was on the front line.

never imagined that Lu Kuang, who could survive on the frontal battlefield, would die in an unexpected encounter.

After Lu Xiang returned, he naturally didn't dare to explain the truth to Gao Lan.

Therefore, Lu Xiang could only make up nonsense that his two brothers went to the border to inspect, and he didn't want to meet the Chu army scouts.

When the two brothers saw the enemy army, they had nothing to say, but what the Lu brothers didn't expect was that this scout turned out to be just a vanguard.

After the two Lu brothers fought with the Chu army, more and more Chu troops came, and Lu Kuang met the enemy alone in order to protect his younger brother, and finally ran out of physical strength and died on the spot.

Because he wanted to exaggerate the bravery of his two brothers, Lu Xiang described the number of Chu troops as large.

I just don't want to, but in this way, it makes Gao Ran misunderstood.

"Damn, there is a change in the Chu army, there is a change in Qingzhou, quickly go and order the whole army to prepare to meet the enemy!"

In Gao Lan's ears, the Lu brothers were afraid that they happened to meet the vanguard of the Chu army.

Unexpectedly, after a year of stability in the state of Chu, it finally began to show its fangs.

Today, the Hebei Army still has 100,000 troops in Qingzhou.

In a head-to-head showdown, Gao Ran was not afraid of the Chu army, which was only half the number of the Hebei army.

The only thing I have to worry about is that I will be attacked by them.

God is pitiful, this Lu brother has also made a great contribution, and he actually discovered the movements of the Chu army at this critical moment.

Lu Kuang! You didn't die in vain!

"Lu Xiang, you are very good, very good.

This time you have made a great contribution, I will definitely ask for merit for you in front of the King of Qi!"

After the herald went down, Gao Ran looked at Lu Xiang beside him with a confused expression.

Now that the focus of Qi is all concentrated in the area of Yanzhou Guandu, if there is a sudden change in Qingzhou, it will affect the strategic layout of the entire Qi country.

"Lao Tzu, why did

I make meritorious service?" After Gao Ran left

, Lu Xiang reacted? What is the situation? How can I make meritorious service if I am so good? I didn't do anything?

Obviously, Lu Xiang was completely unaware of the seriousness of the problem in all this.

You know, he can already be regarded as lying about the military situation.

If, after some moves, the Hebei army found that there was no invading Chu army at all, then what would Lü Xiang face? I am afraid that the end will be worse than that of his brother Lü Kuang.

Ignorant people are fortunate and unlucky.

When Lü Xiang was taken to the front line by Gao Ran and asked him to point out the place where Lü Kuang died, Lü Xiang was completely stunned.

What do you want me to say about this? Do you tell him that my eldest brother was hacked to death by Liu Pi because of the night raid on the widow's village?

To tell the truth, of course I can't say it, after all, the lie has been made up, and Lu Xiang still has this little bit of heart.

But one lie needs more lies to fill it.

In desperation, Lu Xiang could only casually point to a forest that was closer to the widow's village.

At least, with such a large forest, it's not easy to search for clues or something, right?

It's just that Lu Xiang didn't know that in the forest he casually pointed out, there was an army of more than 300 people moving forward slowly.

"Liu Bi, is your special mother crazy? Isn't she just a widow? If you die, you will die, are you going to die?" Regarding Liu Bi's

choice to take revenge with his own soldiers, Gong Du could only feel that this thing was crazy.

But there is no way, who let this be their good brother.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's not your girl who died, you naturally don't feel distressed.

Do you know how much Lao Tzu loves her?"

Thinking of his tragic death, Liu Bi was furious.

Mader, damn scum.

Don't say that you slept

with the old woman, why did you kill her? Didn't you realize it when you slept? How good is this woman's skills? How soft is her body? What a violent thing!

Under the attack of anger, Liu Pi was naturally unwilling to kill only a single Lu Kuang who had not touched a single hair.

Lu Xiang must die!

However, now that the two armies are in the stage of confrontation, Liu Pi is a small general, so naturally he does not dare to arbitrarily mobilize troops to attack the Hebei Army.

In desperation, Liu Pi could only pull his good friend Gong Du, and after taking the two of them with his own soldiers, he prepared to sneak into the area occupied by the Hebei Army.

Lao Tzu, I'll wait, I don't believe you, Lu Xiang won't come out to hunt wild food.

With his own push, Liu Bi didn't believe that Lu Xiang, who knew the taste of food, could bear not to come here in the future.

And hundreds of his own people are ambushed in this forest, as long as that Lu Xiang appears, he will definitely not let him escape.

This is Liu Bi's plan.

But when Lu Xiang was ignorant and Liu Pi was waiting for an ambush, the scouts sent by Gao Ran to the forest to find clues encountered the Chu army.

"Enemy attack!" It

doesn't matter who discovered who first, in short, after a loud roar, Liu Pi's own soldiers who were ambushed in the forest stood up one after another.

En, Chu Jun was still here,

and Gao Lan also discovered the existence of Liu Pi and others.

Unexpectedly, the Chu army had already infiltrated the area occupied by our Hebei Army, and was it afraid that it was preparing for an all-out war?

Thinking of this, Gao Ran did not hesitate, waved his hand, and ordered his soldiers and horses to fight into the forest.

At the very least, destroy this team of Chu army strikers first.

"Liu Bi! You are so dead to death!" Finding

that a large number of Hebei troops were attacking, Gong Du could only scold his mother uncontrollably.

This Nima also said that he was ambushing others? This time he was comfortable? Being ambushed by others?

Because of a special widow, are you so concerned? Lao Tzu, am I so special?

The grieving and angry Gong Du could only keep waving the big knife in his hand.

"Gong Du, you retreat quickly, I'll block it here!" Finding

that he was besieged, Liu Pi volunteered to stay behind the broken queen.

After all, the incident was caused by himself, and if this harmed his brother's life, I am afraid that he will not be able to live between heaven and earth without saying a word in the future.

Hearing Liu Bi's words, Gong Du hesitated for a while.

Now that Liu Bi is left here, I am afraid that it will really be goodbye.

"Don't be like a girl, hurry up and tell General Tai Shici the news

of the invasion of the Hebei Army!" Yes, after seeing this large number of Hebei troops, Liu Pi naturally thought that it was the Hebei Army that planned to start a war against the Chu army.

You know, this place is a three-way border zone.

The sudden appearance of a large army in Hebei is self-evident.

After a fight, Gong Du, who had fought a bloody way, fled.

As for Liu Bi after the break, he didn't die, but he was tied up in front of Gao Ran.

"Lu Kuang was killed by you?"

Looking at the captive in front of him, Gao Ran asked coldly.

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