Lu Xiang was very confused, Lu Xiang was very confused.

Looking at Liu Bi's corpse in front of him, Lu Xiang didn't feel the joy of revenge at all.

What is the situation? Lao Tzu, I just pointed to a place randomly, why are you really there?"

"Let's go, let's go back to the camp!" What

did Lu Xiang think, Gao Ran didn't know, Gao Ran just knew that this Lu Kuang was really killed by this Chu general.

And the round of killing just now also killed hundreds of Chu troops.

This also made Gao Ran fully believe in Lu Xiang's previous statement.

As for why he returned? Just kidding, Gao Ran only brought more than 10,000 soldiers to investigate, wouldn't it be bad if he encountered the main force of Chu at this time?

Just as Gao Ran led the Hebei army to return, Gong Du, who had fled before, also returned to the Chu army camp in Anqiu.

"Oh no, General Tai Shi Ci, it's not good

! The Hebei Army, the Hebei Army has invaded!

Liu Pi, Liu Bi is in charge of the decision, I'm afraid he has already died!"

Suddenly shocked to hear this bad news, Tai Shi Ci was shocked.

Liu Pi was killed in battle? The Hebei army invaded

? Damn, could this Yuan Shao really have something to do with that Liu Biao? Otherwise, how could he launch an attack on Chu at this juncture?

You must know that when the news of the loss of Lujiang came before, Tai Shi Ci was shocked.

No one would have thought that Liu Biao, who had been busy competing with Shuchuan for orthodoxy, would send troops at this time.

Faced with the threat of Liu Biao's army, Xiang Ji chose to go out in person.

And Xiang Ji's only requirement for Tai Shici was to guard the Anqiu defense line and not let the Hebei army cross the border.

But now, Xiang Ji's army has just driven to the south, and the Hebei army will immediately launch an attack in response to Liu Biao's army?"

"Send an order, the whole army assembles, and prepare for battle!" Now

the known situation is that the Hebei army has already driven to the border area, so Tai Shici naturally wants to order the whole army to prepare to meet the enemy.

Under the order of Tai Shici, the Chu army stationed in Yangdu, Qingzhou, moved.

And just when the Chu army was making a move, Gao Ran was also giving a combat order.

"General order the whole army, the current Chu State innocently violated our borders, and our Hebei men should fight bravely to kill the enemy and defend

the country!" "Defend the family and defend the country

!" "Destroy the invaders!"

Obviously, because of Lu Xiang's ancient times, the Hebei army put its own mentality on the side of the victims.

Damn the Chu army, we haven't gone to your trouble yet, and you dare to invade our territory first?

You know, this is unacceptable to the arrogant Hebei army.

For the Hebei Army, which has always had the initiative, it is that I can fight you, and if you dare to attack me, it will be contempt for my majesty.

And for this contempt for majesty, it is necessary to give it a lesson that will never be forgotten.

Looking at the high fighting spirit under his command, Gao Ran nodded with satisfaction.

He is worthy of being a warrior of my great Hebei.

"The target is the camp of the Anqiu Chu army, and the whole army will attack!" "

The first strike is strong, and the second attack suffers."

Obviously, the arrogant Hebei Army will not tolerate the enemy hitting the doorstep.

"Gao Ran, do you innocently lead troops to invade our borders, do you want to start a war with my Chu State?"

Looking at the dense Hebei army, Tai Shici said that it was impossible not to have a big head.

You must know that at this time, the state of Chu was unable to send any reinforcements to it at all.

In other words, Tai Shi Ci has only 50,000 available soldiers, one dead and one less.

On the other hand, the Hebei Army.

There are more than 100,000 troops in Qingzhou alone, and if the front line is tight, follow-up reinforcements will also be continuous.

Previously, because Yuan Shao's strategic focus was all on Yanzhou Guandu, Tai Shici could still maintain a state of confrontation with the Qingzhou Hebei Army for up to a year.

But now, looking at the posture of the Hebei Army, it is obvious that it does not intend to continue the confrontation.

"Hmph! the whole army is attacking!" Facing

Tai Shici's question, Gao Ran could only sneer at him in reply.

What did you want, what did you think about before? You dare to send troops into my territory, and you dare to come to me to ask questions?


Under Gao Lan's order, there were bursts of loud battle horns in the Hebei military formation.

Knock, knock, knock!

Immediately, the dull sound of war drums sounded.

"Archer, prepare, shoot!"

Seeing that the Hebei army began to attack without saying a word, Tai Shici affirmed the judgment in his heart before.

This is obviously to divert the attention of the Chu State in order to echo Liu Biao's invasion from the south!

The only thing Tai Shici can do now is to block the advance of the Hebei army and delay enough time for Xiang Zhi.


Under the rain of arrows from the Chu army, the Hebei army began to fly and charge.

Bad luck armor was shot by a rain of arrows that flew by, and there were bursts of screams.

But this further stimulated the Hebei army in the charge.

In just a moment, the Hebei army in the front line had rushed to the front of the Chu army's camp position, and in the face of the Chu army that was waiting for the battle, the Hebei army did not hesitate at all, and the short-handed combat began.

"Archers, projectiles, pikemen, array, meet the enemy!" Finding

that the hand-to-hand battle had been met, Tai Shici hurriedly made adjustments.

"Xuan Gao, I'll leave it to you here, I'll go find their handsome banner. "

After all, the Hebei army is twice the strength of the Chu army, and Tai Shici doesn't plan to defend it.

Now in the formation of the two armies, Tai Shici has the highest force.

Therefore, Tai Shici also planned to follow the example of Xiang Ji and go directly to capture the flag and break the enemy's courage.

There is no objection to Tai Shici's decision to hide the hegemony, after all, they are all battlefield generals, can you still understand this truth?

If you don't take the initiative to seek fighters but stupidly defend them, I'm afraid that the Chu army won't be able to hold out for long.

"Gao Ran, dare to fight me!"

Patting his horse and rushing into the enemy formation, Tai Shi Ci kept shouting loudly while knocking the enemy soldiers around him into the air, hoping to attract Gao Ran.

But how can Gao Ran, who has already fought with Tai Shici, pay attention to

it? Hmph, you just call it, I will ignore you if you break your throat.

You must know that when Gao Ran had just taken over the Qingzhou War, it happened that Tai Shici had recovered from his injuries.

What else do the two generals have to say about this, after a round of fighting, Gao Ran, who retreated, swore never to fight Tai Shici again.

And on the other side of the battlefield, the two parties to this battle also met.

"Lu Xiang! return my brother's life!" Gong

Du, who was fighting, found Lu Xiang, what else is there to say.

Looking at Gong Du, who raised his knife to slash, Lu Xiang was also full of indignation.

Your brother is dead, and you are going to pay for my life? What about my brother? Isn't it also dead?

They are also old opponents, and they don't need to say too much when they meet, and with a spear, Lu Xiang kills the oncoming Gong Du without showing weakness.

Warriors are roaring, horses are neighing, war drums are roaring.

It's just that, except for the two who are avenging their brother, no one knows that the reason for this battle is simply because of a widow.

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