Yanzhou, Guandu.

Just when it was dark when Qingzhou was killed because of a widow, Lü Meng, who was responsible for assisting Cao Cao, also came to Cao Cao's camp in Guandu.

"Duke Cao, the last general Lu Meng, was ordered to come to reinforcements!"

Today's Cao Cao no longer has the majesty and heroism of a year ago.

Looking at Cao Cao in front of him, who seemed to be an old man on the verge of death, Lu Meng could know how much pressure Cao Cao had been under in this year.

You must know that resisting Yuan Shao's 700,000 army is already Cao Cao's limit.

But Na Lu Bu did not stop, and sent troops from Guanzhong to Luoyang at this critical moment.

This made Cao Cao, who was already short of troops, reluctant to divide his troops again.

After all, Luoyang is the gateway to the Central Plains.

If Luoyang is lost, then the entire hinterland of the Central Plains will be exposed to the Xiliang Iron Cavalry under Lu Bu.

That kind of consequence is unacceptable to Cao Cao no matter what.

Now, Cao Cao's good son-in-law and good ally finally did not disappoint him.

"General Lu has traveled all the way to thank King Chu for his righteousness. After

seeing the 50,000 Chu troops behind Lu Meng, Cao Cao finally felt steady.

After letting Cao Ren lead the army to defend Luoyang, there are only more than 60,000 Cao troops left in Guandu.

With this amount of strength against Yuan Shao, Cao Cao didn't have the slightest confidence.

Not to mention anything else, if people really cross the river with their hearts, you won't be able to hold the Yellow River section.

Now that Lu Meng has brought these 50,000 Chu troops, Cao Cao's pressure has suddenly been greatly reduced.

"Gong Cao doesn't need to be polite, this time the overlord of my family specially instructed Ziming to let everything be arranged by Gong Cao. "

This, but the father-in-law of the king of Chu, Lu Meng will not pretend to be big in front of Cao Cao.

"Hahaha! Okay! Then Cao Mou is welcome.

General Lu Meng went to rest here for the time being, and came to talk to Cao to go to Yuan Shao for a while. After

receiving reinforcements, Cao Cao was in a good mood, and even the stuffiness that had accumulated in his chest was cleared.


"Fengxiao, did you say that Cao Mou had done something wrong when he sent troops to attack that item before?"

On the one hand, he was betrayed by his allies, and on the other hand, he received selfless support from his former enemy, Cao Cao couldn't help but begin to doubt himself in his heart.

Looking at Cao Cao, who was confused, Guo Jia took a sip of wine.

"My lord, where is the right and wrong in the battle of the world?

Moreover, my lord, do you really think that this nationality is because of our alliance to send this Lu Meng here?

Yi Jia's point of view, this nationality is afraid that we will be defeated too quickly, which will expose his Chu State to the iron cavalry of Yuan Shao and Lu Bu. For

Guo Jia's words, Cao Cao couldn't have imagined.

But so what? Even if Xiang Ji also has a ghost in his heart, after all, he has taken out dry goods and really sent troops.

Compared with the previous allies, Cao Cao is still much more reliable.

How long did you hold on? The huge Jiangdong was bulldozed by others, and finally ended up committing suicide.

And Liu Bei, who claimed to be the king of Zhongshan

, was a top trick when he took advantage, and you couldn't see it when he was fighting a tough battle.

There is also a Yuan Shao who is waving the flag and shouting, so it is even more straightforward.

Send troops directly to annex the inheritance of your allies.

Such an ally is really the best.

For these allies, Cao Cao was genuinely disappointed.

Now that the battle of Guandu has been fought for more than a year, Cao Cao's heart is really tired.

Most of the 100 generals under his command have withered, and now there are only more than a dozen generals who can fight.

The only ones who can really get their hands on it are Cao Ren and Xiahoudun, as for his relatives Cao Hong and other generals, they were all killed in the battle of Guandu in this year.

Even most of the strategists under his command are gone.

Now, there is only this drunkard Guo Jia left, as well as Xun You and Xun Yu who will never abandon him.

"It's been a year, and it's time to make a break. Looking

at the north, Cao Cao seemed to be talking to Guo Jia, and he also seemed to be talking to himself.

But when Guo Jia heard this, his originally drowsy brain suddenly woke up.

Lord, is this going to fight a decisive battle with that Yuan Shao?

"General Lü Meng, Cao plans to launch a counteroffensive against Yuan Shao in Hebei.

Now Cao has a total of 60,000 soldiers and horses, and General Lü Meng has brought another 50,000 Chu troops.

With this 100,000 army, as long as it is properly arranged, it is better to break through Yuan Shaona's Liyang camp!"

In order to cross the river, the Hebei army lost far more soldiers than the Cao army.

The 700,000 troops brought by Yuan Shao before are now only more than 500,000.

Although he still has an overwhelming advantage in numbers, Cao Cao, who has received reinforcements, is not without the strength to fight against him.

Cao Cao is confident, and the young and vigorous Lu Meng is naturally more confident.

"Cao Gong, please arrange, my Chu army will fight bravely to kill the enemy.


left suspicious soldiers here to confuse Yuan Shao, and then our army divided into two routes to cross the Yellow River and attack Yuan Shao's logistics and grain routes.

When Yuan Shao sent troops to come, the other way will directly attack Liyang, as long as Yuan Shao can be taken in a battle, then the Hebei army will definitely not attack. This

is the plan that Cao Cao and Guo Jia discussed that night.

After all, history has changed, and there is no such thing as a black nest.

Then if you want to break Yuan Shao's army, you must capture the thief and capture the king first.

As long as Yuan Shao is killed on the spot, then the Hebei army will naturally become a plate of scattered sand.

You must know that the matter of the Yuan family's children competing for the prince is not only circulating among them.

Cao Cao had this plan before, but Lu Bu came too suddenly, but Cao Cao, who was under the division of troops, was powerless.

Now, with 50,000 reinforcements from the Chu State, Cao Cao naturally has to fight.

"Gong Cao, I just don't know, where do you and I cross the river from?"

Lu Meng was not stupid, and when he heard Cao Cao say this, he immediately understood.

This is obviously the two armies coming out together, and then it is to see who is unlucky.

In the case of logistical harassment, Yuan Shaona will definitely send a large army to clear the incoming enemy.

This is obviously Yuan Shao's choice of whoever hits first, who will be unlucky.

In what sense, the risk of a sneak attack on Liyang is far less than that of a head-on confrontation with the Hebei army, isn't it?

However, Lu Meng did not raise any objection to Cao Cao's plan.

After all, in the current situation, this is already the best way to go.

If the confrontation continues, who knows how long the Luoyang side can hold out?

If a large number of Xiliang Iron Cavalry suddenly come from the back road, it will be lively.

Now, Cao Cao is racing against time, racing against Lu Bu.

If the Hebei Army is broken first, then Cao Cao will be born.

But if Luoyang is lost first, then Cao Cao will have no future.

"General Lü Meng, Cao plans for our two armies to cross the Yellow River from Yanjin and Cangtingjin respectively!"

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