Under Yu Ban's order, the Chu army retreated as quickly as a tide.

But Liu Bei and Zhang Fei had already gotten Xu Shu's plan, so he naturally knew that Yu Ban's retreat was deliberate.

Therefore, for the retreating Chu army, Liu Bei refused to let go at all, and chased and killed all the way.

I have always been chased by you, and now there is a day when I will also pursue your Chu army!

Liu Bei, who is galloping on his horse, seems to feel that he has instantly returned to his youth, to that era of high spirits, full of vigor and hope.

Damn Xiang Ji, if it weren't for you, why would I be so miserable?

For Xiang Ji, Liu Bei really hated it.

From the beginning of the Battle of the Yellow Turban, Xiang Ji began to oppose Liu Bei.

first snatched his own war horse.

Then when he arrived at the Tiger Prison Pass, he robbed the limelight and fame of his three brothers.

You know, then Lu Bu and his brothers also fought.

But his reputation has not improved at all.

Why? It's not because of that damn Xiang Ji, if he hadn't defeated Lu Bu first, then how could no one know about our brother's defeat of the first general.

And the various actions of the latter item made Liu Beiqi's teeth itch.

I finally won Qingzhou, and before I stopped for a few days, you came to attack me.

In the end, although Xiang Ji was driven away, Liu Bei also lost the general Chen Zhi and the military advisor Chen Gong.

This was for Liu Bei, but it instantly made him, who had already reached the peak of his life, fall back to the trough.

After a few years of perseverance in Qingzhou, he was still inevitably defeated and driven away by that nationality.

For the current sending people under the fence, Liu Bei has counted all the faults on the head of the item.

Now, it's finally time for revenge.

Today, I, Liu Bei, will eat your Chu army guarding Yangzhou, and then occupy the entire territory of Yangzhou.

Hmph, I'm here to see, without you in Yangzhou, are you still arrogant or not?

Just when Liu Bei was in high spirits and imagining the future, Guan Yu, who had left earlier, also led his army to the place where the army was fighting.

You must know that the 30,000 army led by Guan Yu is the foundation of Liu Bei, and the elites he brought from Qingzhou are listed here.

And the task of Guan Yu's department is to hang on the back of the Chu army, so that when the forbidden ambush appears, it will attack from the rear and give it a fatal blow.

But today is obviously not Xu Shu's good words, and accidents always appear again and again.

Just as Guan Yu's troops were chasing the Chu army, the armor on the back suddenly felt that the ground began to shake.

Immediately, not only the armor in the back, but even Guan Yu, who was in the front army, also felt it.

The cavalry has been

fighting for many years !!, and Guan Yu still has this awareness.

When he felt the frequency of the ground shaking, Guan Yu immediately guessed the reason.

This must have been a shock caused by the galloping of the cavalry.

But now in Yangzhou, how could there be a large-scale cavalry?

If there is one, then there is only one possibility!

Thinking of this, Guan Yu's face instantly turned purple.

Damn it! What kind of bullshit military advisor? Mistake me Guan Yu, mistake my eldest brother!

Actually, it's Guan Yu who blames Xu Shu by mistake.

There was nothing wrong with Xu Shu's calculations.

It's just that because the intelligence is unknown, no one in Liu Bei's army knows that Chu has produced a general who can unify the army independently.

This also makes it possible for items that should have appeared in the north to rush to the south first.

"Boom!" The

galloping sound of the war horse had already reached Guan Yu's ears.

"The whole army lined up, ready to meet the enemy.


It's definitely too late to escape, and in the face of the onslaught of the cavalry, Guan Yu can only helplessly choose to line up in place to meet the attack.

Now, the only thing to expect is that the title is not here.

But Guan Yu's hopes were quickly dashed.

When Xiang Ji found out about Guan Yu's department, he was also shocked.

Nima, Lao Tzu, I am planning to go around Liu Beijun's rear road, how can I just send troops, and I will encounter such an army that has not participated in the war?

Of course, Xiang Ji would not be stupid enough to mistake Guan Yu's troops for friendly troops.

After all, there are only so many Yangzhou troops in Jiangbei now, and in addition to the 50,000 troops led by Yu Ban on the Chu side, there are only the Canglong cavalry of Xiang nationality left.

Since it is not a friendly army, then it is naturally an enemy.

Xiang Ji doesn't care why this army is here, since it is blocking Lao Tzu's way, then take the initiative to give Lao Tzu the way you fight.

As for Guan Yu's military strength being nearly four times that of Canglong Cavalry, hehe, he has never been worried about this.

Cavalry is not casually abused against light infantry? What's more, Lao Tzu, I am a dragon horseman, and I am the elite of the world!

When he came closer, Xiang Ji finally discovered that the commander of this army was still an acquaintance.

Looking at Guan Yu, who was immediately slashing and waiting for him with a horizontal knife in front of him, Xiang Ji smiled.

"The whole army, Cheng Feng lost the battle, and rushed with the solitude!" As

for why he didn't call the battle to find Guan Yu to fight alone? Xiang Ji thought about it, but fools knew that Guan Yu had decided that he would not fight.

You know, the army under his command is still somewhat combat-ready.

If he is abused by himself, no matter whether he lives or dies, I am afraid that the morale of his army will drop more than once.


Under Xiang Ji taking the lead in the charge, the Canglong Cavalry instantly lined up, and if you look down from the air, you will find that the eight thousand Canglong Cavalry showed a neat formation, like a flying arrow, rushing straight towards Guan Yu's department.

And as the arrow, Xiang Ji took the lead, and the overlord halberd in his hand was raised, and he swept up at the current few Liu Beijun who were holding a big shield.

"Bang long bang!" In

the face of Xiang Ji's inhuman strength, Liu Beijun's big shield hand couldn't resist it at all.

The formation was broken, Xiang Ji did not stop, beat his horse forward, and continued to rush towards the depths of Liu Beijun's formation.

As for the behind, when the dragon rider eats dry food

, as the opening of the Xiang book, more and more dragon riders followed.

Under the impact of the cavalry, Liu Beijun was unable to make any effective resistance at all, and the originally neat formation was suddenly divided in half.

"Xiang Ji!" Guan

Yu, the commander of the Chinese army, was immediately furious when he saw this.

If this is rushed in a few waves by Xiang Ji and the Canglong Cavalry under his command, I am afraid that these 30,000 troops will become history.

You must know that these 30,000 troops are the foundation of Liu Bei!

What surprised Guan Yu was that Liu Beijun did not stop or turn back in order to make any stops and turns, but continued to rush forward at a fast horse.

Guan Yu understood, Xu Shu was not wrong, Yu Ban did have ambushes.

And this ambush soldier is Xiang Ji, and it is the Canglong Rider under his command!

Looking at the Canglong Cavalry that is gradually moving away, Guan Yu's face turns from red to blue.

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