Guan Yu's department ran through, and Xiang Ji took the dragon horse and galloped away.

As for why they ignored Guan Yu's army behind him

? Just kidding, how many people were there? If they missed the fighter plane that joined the frontal battlefield because of them, wouldn't they be a loss?

As for whether Guan Yu's troops would continue to pursue and then join the battlefield?

If you dare to come, then I will eat you all together.

"Whaha! Yu Ban, you can't run away!"

After chasing and escaping, Yu Ban soon came to the location agreed with Xiang Ji before.

To Yu Ban's disappointment, the iron horse he was expecting did not appear.

Damn, why hasn't the overlord's dragon rider come yet?

His heart was full of doubts, but in the face of Zhang Fei's constant entanglement, Yu Ban really couldn't think about it.

"Array! Meet the enemy!" "

Since there is no way to retreat, let's fight!

Facing the Jingzhou army under the combat strength, Yu Ban is not very afraid, but he just sacrifices some more armor.

It would be great if he could get the support of the Canglong Cavalry, but since the Canglong Cavalry did not arrive in time, Yu Ban would not be afraid and not fight.


Knock! Knock!

With Yu Ban's order, the Chu army, which was still slowly retreating, suddenly stopped in place.

Immediately, the sound of the vast horn and the dull war drums sounded at the same time.


Facing the Jingzhou army, which was twice as large as its own, the Chu army rushed forward without hesitation.

You must know that there are 30,000 elite Xiang Jiajun here.

Previously, it was because of tactical needs, so he retreated again and again.

But now, now that the counterattack has begun, the family army is naturally fighting bravely.

Just kidding, they were chased all the way by the Jingzhou army under these combat forces, but they were holding back the fire in their stomachs! The Jingzhou army,

which was originally high in morale, was chasing and killing at the tail end and competing for military merits.

But the Chu army's sudden counterattack immediately stunned the Jingzhou army.

The previous lamb turned into a wolf of wealth, showing its claws and fangs in the face of the bewildered Jingzhou army.

Countless Jingzhou troops fell under this round of counterattacks by the Chu army.

"Don't panic, we are twice as many as them, hold on!"

was thrown into chaos by the sudden counterattack, and Liu Bei hurriedly gave instructions to the Jingzhou army.

"Yu Ban, Yanren Zhang Fei is here! Don't want to be that little daughter and come out to fight me!" Zhang Fei

was furious when he found that his soldiers and armor could not take advantage.

Damn Yu Ban, the dignified general of the Chu State, who is responsible for guarding the Xiang Ji side, doesn't even have the courage to go it alone?

But obviously, Yu Ban is not as much as Zhang Fei thinks.

From the ban's point of view, Zhang Fei is purely reckless.

Knowing that he is going to fight alone, but still taking the initiative to provoke, isn't it looking for excitement?

This kind of stupid thing, Yu Ban will never be able to do it anyway.

Of course, for Zhang Fei's call, Yu Ban did not completely ignore it.

After all, letting him be rushing and yelling in the military formation all the time has too much impact on morale.

"Archer, aim at that eunuch

, I'll shoot hard!" Just kidding, rushing so fiercely, Lao Tzu, I still don't shoot you hard? If you really think you are a fierce general, you can have no scruples?


Under Yu Ban's order, the archers of Chu State began to shoot at the arrogant figure.

You must know that Zhang Fei is now in the formation of the Chu army, if this is a large-scale scattering, I am afraid that Zhang Fei may not be able to be shot, but the Chu army beside him will be injured in a large area.

Even so, Zhang Fei was furious by the feather arrows that kept flying.

Although he was not injured by the arrow, the constantly attacking feather arrows also made Zhang Fei's attack rhythm chaotic, and he was even almost scratched by the battle of the Chu army's armor.

"Yu Ban! You are despicable!

If you are brave enough, you will have a real fight with your Grandpa Zhang!" Zhang

Fei, who was furious, was even more furious, and the snake spears continued to fly, and the Chu army around him was suddenly swept away.

"The three generals are mighty! The three generals are mighty!"

If you are brave, you will be strong, and if you are weak, you will be weak.

Under the leadership of Zhang Fei's bravery, the morale of the Jingzhou army soared again.

On the other hand, the Chu army, in the face of Zhang Fei's repeated challenges, did not meet the ban, and it was inevitable that their morale would gradually decline.

"Wowhaha, Yu Ban, do you see, you Grandpa Zhang and I are the real generals!" Seeing

that his side gradually gained the advantage, Zhang Fei's momentum was even more victorious, and he frantically rushed forward, killing the Chinese army where Yu Ban was located.

Just when the Chu army was gradually losing and Yu Ban was panicking, in the distance, the sound of horses' hooves suddenly sounded earth-shattering.


the sound of horses' hooves came from far and near.

"What happened? Why is there such a huge sound of cavalry

galloping?" Liu Bei, who was in command of the Jingzhou Army, heard the sound of ten thousand horses galloping, and immediately asked left and right beside him.

But who could answer him? No one, all the Jingzhou troops who heard the sound of horses' hooves galloping were stunned.

On the other hand, the morale of the Chu army, which had been suppressed, suddenly soared, and it frantically counterattacked the Jingzhou army, which was several times its size.

"Haha! Eunuch, don't you want to fight alone? My overlord is here, you go to him to fight alone! Don't

let me look down on you, remember, Brother Yong. Hearing

the sound of horses' hooves, Yu Ban was excited.

Overlord, you're finally here, and if you don't come again, you'll have to collect the corpse for the last general.

Yu Ban was excited, Zhang Fei was "chicken jelly"!

What? Overlord

? Who is the overlord? Do you need to think about it? Who else can be called an overlord and can lead a large number of cavalry to charge, except for

Xiang Ji?" "Big brother, I've been tricked!"

Instinctively, when he heard the news that Xiang Ji was coming, Zhang Fei immediately turned around and yelled at Liu Bei.

Liu Bei, who was in the Chinese army, heard Zhang Fei's roar and almost fell off his horse in anger.

Are you brain-dead!

? Didn't we already know that there were ambushes in the Chu State when we set out on the expedition

? Have you forgotten what your second brother was doing

? Even if this ambush was an unexpected Canglong cavalry, how could it be? You know, Liu Bei now has an army of 100,000.

But Zhang Fei roared in his voice.

You must know that Zhang Fei's loud voice can overshadow the drums of war.

When Zhang Fei's voice roared, the Jingzhou army, which was still dominant, suddenly became chaotic.

Liu Bei's three brothers knew that there were ambushes, some of the Jingzhou army forwards knew that there were ambushes, and the generals of the Jingzhou army knew that there were ambushes.

However, the 50,000 Jingzhou troops brought out by Liu Bei did not know that the Chu army had ambushes.

Zhang Fei roared out at this voice, and the entire Jingzhou army was suddenly chaotic.

There are those who fight to the death and do not retreat, those who panic, and those who flee for their lives reflexively.

The Jingzhou army's originally neat formation was in chaos in an instant.

And at this moment, the roar of the galloping war horse was getting closer and closer.

Xiang Ji, who was in the front, had already come to the place where the two armies were fighting.

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