"Canglong Cavalry! Goose-shaped formation, charge!" Running

wildly all the way, Xiang Ji finally led the Canglong Cavalry to regain the time that had been delayed by Guan Yu.

Seeing that the two armies had fallen into a stalemate, Xiang Ji did not hesitate, raised the overlord halberd in his hand, and gave instructions to charge the dragon rider behind him.

As for why it was a goose-shaped formation, it was because Liu Bei's 100,000 men were almost flat on the battlefield and were not in formation at all.

As far as the eye can see, the dense and scattered Jingzhou army has nothing to consider in this nationality?

You must know that only the goose-shaped formation is the formation that can attack the enemy in the largest area.

In the face of the powerless Jingzhou army in front of him, Xiang Ji of course chose to solve it in the fastest way.

"Da Chu, Wan Sheng!"

After a slogan, the Canglong Rider suddenly dispersed from the original dense formation, showing a formation similar to the wild goose spreading its wings and soaring.

This is the formation

that can ensure that every knight can stab the spear in his hand into the enemy.


After seeing the Canglong cavalry array, Xiang Ji waved the overlord halberd in his hand and took the lead in rushing towards the chaotic Jingzhou army.


With Xiang Ji's order, the Canglong Rider started.

Ten thousand horses began to gallop.

The earth is shaking, and the knights are roaring.

"Resist! Don't panic! They don't have many people, don't panic!" Liu

Bei of the Chinese army was still trying to stabilize the position.


Before the impression brought by Zhang Fei's voice disappeared, Canglong Rider launched a charge against him with an extremely strong posture.

You must know that the Jingzhou Army under Liu Bei was originally a second-line army in Liu Biao's hands.

After a long time of sparse battle formation, the training is not precise, if you fight a good battle, it will naturally be captured.

But now, in the face of this situation of being ambushed by the enemy and then attacked by the cavalry, the Jingzhou army is completely chaotic.

No matter how the generals and colonels of the various departments commanded, no matter how hard Liu Bei went to the front line, he could not organize the rout of the Jingzhou army.

"Kill!" Xiang

Ji, who took the lead, took the lead in coming to the battlefield, and the overlord halberd flipped wildly, and the Jingzhou army was suddenly swept away by it.

And this exacerbated the sense of panic in the hearts of the Jingzhou army on the periphery.

There were constantly Jingzhou troops trying to run into the center of the crowd, hoping to make others bear the trampling of the iron hooves of the dragon riders.

But the crowd in the center of the formation was also struggling to squeeze towards the periphery, hoping to find a chance to escape.

This made it even more impossible for the Jingzhou army to make effective resistance.

Immediately after, the Canglong Rider also came to the battlefield.

War horses gallop and spears fly.

How could the Jingzhou army, which was already in turmoil

, resist? In just one round of impact, the Jingzhou army, which had the same number of Canglong cavalry as the number of Canglong cavalry, fell on the battlefield.

"Turn around! Array!"

A battle call sounded, and the dragon rider turned his horse's head to open the distance, and began to prepare for the next round of charge.

After all, the cavalry is the most lethal when it still charges.

If you stop and fight in the same place, you will be a fool.

"Big brother, this can't work, I'm afraid I'm letting them rush a few rounds, and our 100,000 people are not enough to kill!"

Rushing back to the Chinese army, Zhang Fei saw the destructive power brought by the Canglong Cavalry's round of charge, and he was immediately anxious.

Just kidding, the Jingzhou army has a total of only 100,000 people, and you will take 8,000 with you in one charge? I'm afraid that if you rush into ten rounds and eight rounds, there will be nothing left of our 100,000 people?

Of course, the first time we were able to achieve such a result, it was because of the dense formation of the Jingzhou army,

which caused all the soldiers of the Canglong Cavalry to hit the enemy.

Now that most of the peripheral Jingzhou army was killed by Canglong Cavalry, it has become scattered, and if you want to achieve such a result next time, I am afraid that it will directly impact the Chinese army.

But in any case, the deterrent effect brought by the dragon riding is huge.

The Jingzhou army was already timid in the face of the Canglong cavalry.

When they saw the Canglong cavalry lining up again and preparing to charge, the Jingzhou army was even more panicked.

Countless Jingzhou troops on the periphery wanted to rush into the Chinese army for protection, which made the Jingzhou army within the Chinese army also fall into chaos.

"Damn, this damn item, isn't it really a crime with my fate? Why do you meet him every time!" Facing

the charge of the Canglong Cavalry, Liu Bei couldn't think about it except to complain.

After all, the morale of the military is in turmoil.

The Jingzhou army, whose morale has plummeted, is now like a headless fly, and it is impossible to carry out unified command at all.

Moreover, the enemy that the Jingzhou army is facing now is not only the Canglong Cavalry.

You must know that the Xiang family army led by Yu Ban is also in the battlefield.

Previously, the troops were suppressed and the morale was also suppressed, causing the Xiang family army to defend with great grievances.

But now, in their eyes, these Jingzhou troops are just lambs to the slaughter.

"What about the second brother? Didn't the military advisor let the second brother set up an

ambush? Why did this book appear, but the second brother hasn't come yet?" Seeing Liu Bei's lost soul, Zhang Fei, who was eager, suddenly remembered, we also have ambush soldiers

? But why hasn't the second brother been there yet?


just disappointed Zhang Fei, the Guan Er ambush he was looking forward to did not appear, but the Canglong Cavalry had already begun to launch a second round of charge.

"Mingjin, retreat! The whole army retreats! We go back to Lujiang!" Seeing

the results of the second round of the Canglong Cavalry, Liu Bei's eyelids jumped.

I'm afraid it's rushing for a few rounds, but this Jingzhou army is really here.

In today's situation, the field war will definitely not be able to be defeated.

Then you can only retreat to Lujiang and make plans.

At the very least, Liu Bei, the backhand of Chu State, already knew this time, although this backhand surprised him greatly.

But Liu Bei wanted to retreat, and the Chu army, which had been suppressed, quit.

Why? You fought so well before, but now you find that the situation is not good, and if you don't play, you won't play?"

"The whole army is attacking, we can't let them escape!" Yu

Ban also discovered Liu Bei's intentions, he was suppressed so badly before, and he was ridiculed by the eunuch in various ways, Lao Tzu, I have endured it until now, and you still want to run?

Although the Jingzhou army heard the sound of Mingjin and was immediately amnestied, after all, the situation was chaotic, there were enemy troops everywhere, shouts everywhere, and screams everywhere.

In this environment, how did the Jingzhou army organize and retreat in an orderly manner?

Countless Qingzhou troops did not die under the sword soldiers of the Chu army, but fell into their own hands.

Just because, they are blocking their way out.

There are countless Qingzhou soldiers who have stumbled and fallen to the ground, but when they fall, they will never be able to stand up.

Countless fleeing Jingzhou soldiers didn't pay attention to their feet at all, even if the screams came from under them.

"Big brother, this can't work, if we continue like this, I'm afraid we won't be able to go back to Lujiang at all." Pursued

all the way by the Chu army, Zhang Fei found that if he continued like this, he was afraid that the whole army would really be wiped out.

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