"Xiang Ji'er is rampant, your grandfather Zhang Fei is here!" Finding

that there was no hope of retreating, Zhang Fei explained to Liu Bei, and immediately led his relatives to fight horses and kill Xiang Ji.

You must know that in this kind of chase-and-flight chase, the threat of cavalry is far greater than that of infantry.

In the face of these incapable infantry, the cavalry can completely reach the point of harvesting without damage.

Moreover, the speed of the cavalry was much higher than that of the infantry.

In addition to the physical advantage.

If this is chased all the way, I am afraid that if I haven't seen the Lujiang city wall, there will be no more than a few of the 100,000 Jingzhou troops left.

Liu Bei also knew this in his heart.

Although blocking the project is full of dangers, if you don't stop it, I'm afraid that if you continue, the opportunity to block it will be completely lost.

Looking at the oncoming Zhang Fei, Xiang Ji sneered at him with murderous aura.

"Eunuch, are you ready to die?"

was escaped by this eunuch again and again, and Xiang Ji was full of anger.

This time, no matter what, he can't slip out of his hands.

As an old rival, Zhang Fei naturally didn't care about Xiang Ji's threat.

Just kidding, Lao Tzu, did I slip away under your hands less often? That time, you succeeded in leaving you, Grandpa Zhang, and me? Still dying? Who to scare?

You know, this is the reason why Zhang Fei dared to intercept Xiang Ji.

After all, the successful escape again and again gave Zhang Fei full confidence.

I can't beat you, Grandpa Zhang, I outran you.

"Wow, Xiang Ji'er, don't be rampant! Eat your grandfather Zhang's spear!" Facing

Xiang Ji, Zhang Fei, as an old opponent, naturally knew that Xiang Ji couldn't let Xiang Ji take the initiative no matter what, otherwise he was afraid that he would lose under Xiang Ji's violent attack if he couldn't hold out for a few rounds.

Only by rushing to attack can we take the initiative, let ourselves persist longer, and delay longer.

What Zhang Fei wants now is not to drag all the Canglong Riders.

After all, that's simply not possible.

However, as long as Xiang Ji can be dragged down, then it is to drag the offensive arrow of the Canglong Cavalry.

In this way, at least it can ensure that Liu Bei and his own soldiers can be preserved.

Something surprising to Zhang Fei happened.

According to past experience, even if Xiang Ji blocked his spear, his offensive would definitely be blocked by himself.

But he never expected that when Xiang Ji blocked Zhang Fei's blow, he would not stop picking up the overlord halberd and sweeping it towards Zhang Fei's face.

narrowly avoided this blow, and Zhang Fei was stunned.

Yes, after fighting with Li Wushu in the battle in which Xiang Gong came to the mountain to exterminate the clan, Xiang Ji's strength was improved again.

It's as if there has been no opponent before, which has caused Xiang Ji to hit a bottleneck.

After killing Li Wuving, Xiang Ji's entire body and mind were sublimated.

Although the strength has not become stronger, whether it is the reaction or the awareness of the grasp of the fighter, the Xiang Ji is far more than before.

If it was placed in the past, in the face of Zhang Fei's blow, Xiang Ji would naturally choose to pick up the overlord halberd and carry it hard.

But now, Xiang Ji was lightly touching the blow from his attack, and after unloading the power on Zhang Fei's snake spear, he could launch an attack on Zhang Fei with his backhand.

Again, Xiang Ji himself discovered this.

Before abusing and killing small soldiers, he couldn't feel it at all, but now that he was fighting with Zhang Fei, Xiang Ji suddenly felt different from before.

It seems that the use of the overlord halberd is more handy?

With a new discovery, Xiang Ji is not in a hurry to take down Zhang Fei.

The overlord halberd flew over, and Xiang Ji began to constantly try his tricks with Zhang Fei.

But in this way, it completely suffered Zhang Fei, who was playing against the same nationality.

Faced with Xiang Ji's sudden change in playing style, not fighting with himself, but playing with his skills, Zhang Fei was stunned.

This, what's the situation? This damn thing, can't he practice tricks with me?

But the first move has been lost, and Zhang Fei, who is at a loss, can only dodge and defend in embarrassment.

And just when Zhang Fei tragically became a sparring partner, Liu Bei finally looked forward to Guan Yu's ambush.

It's just....

"Second brother, what happened, why are you so embarrassed?"

Although Guan Yu's appearance was undamaged, the real thing about the soldiers and horses under his command was abnormal.

It was only because the Canglong Cavalry of Xiang Ji had directly penetrated the formation before, which caused Guan Yu's soldiers and horses to fall into chaos.

Guan Yu, who had wasted a lot of effort to reorganize the army, did not dare to stop at all, and galloped all the way with the soldiers and horses non-stop, and he only arrived at this time.

"Big brother, is Xiang Ji here?"

Liu Bei asked Guan Yu, but looking at the embarrassed Jingzhou Army behind Liu Bei, Guan Yu wanted to ask Liu Bei more.

What is the situation? How could he be defeated after such a short period of effort? He was still so embarrassed?

This really made Guan Yu unbelievable.

Even if the Jingzhou army is at its lowest level in combat effectiveness, it is still a whole 100,000 troops!

But now, the deserters all over the mountains and fields can really be said to have lost their armor.

"It's hard to say!" Regarding

Guan Yu's question, Liu Bei was really ashamed and didn't know how to answer.

Could it be that he told him that it was because of Zhang Fei's voice that he shouted out that the army's morale was in turmoil.

Then, he was completely beaten by Xiang Ji's Canglong Cavalry and lost his courage?

Well, if you say so, it will save trouble, at least there is no need for a follow-up description.

Under the defeat, there is no need to say anything about being chased and killed all the way, you can see it, can't you?"

"It's broken! Third

brother! Quick, second brother, go and support the third brother

! He's still blocking Xiang Ji!" Suddenly, Liu Bei remembered, it seemed that Zhang Fei, who had a loud voice, was still in the back of the break!

Thinking of this, Liu Bei didn't have time to say anything else, so it was true to quickly rescue Zhang Fei.

You must know that now the Jingzhou army has fallen into a state of collapse, even if there are reinforcements brought by Guan Yu, it will not help the war situation.

Hearing Liu Bei say that Zhang Fei was broken, Guan Yu was suddenly in a hurry.

Just kidding, that's a membership, and there's also a dragon rider under his command.

After Zhang Fei hastily broke off, even if he really had to go and have no return.

You know, this time is different from the previous enemy item.

Although Zhang Fei was able to escape the first few times, it was because Xiang Ji was only alone, and relying on the protection of his soldiers, Zhang Fei could naturally escape.

But now? Xiang Ji is riding with a full 8,000 dragons!

Moreover, in the midst of this defeated and retreating chaotic army, relying only on the little personal soldiers beside Zhang Fei, if there is really danger, how can it be rescued?

Guan Yu, who was in a hurry, did not have time to explain more, asked the direction, and frantically slapped the war horse under his crotch.

Third brother, hold on, brother, I'm coming!

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