"This is

Xu Shu?" After conquering the Lujiang River, Xiang Ji was guided by the surrender army, and finally met Liu Bei's new military division, Xu Shu.

It's a pity that what Xiang Ji saw was only a corpse that killed himself with a horizontal sword.

Looking at Xu Shu, who committed suicide, Xiang Ji sighed.

This kid, why is he so desperate?

To say, Lao Tzu, I still plan to wait until I capture you and try to surrender like Chen Gong.

You must know that the military divisions that Chu State has now, except for Jia Xu sitting in Pengcheng, and the guy in Chen Palace is still passing.

As for Lu Su, Zhang Zhao, and others, although these strategies are not bad, they are mainly biased towards internal affairs.

Therefore, Xiang Ji does not intend to let them change careers.

Now I was going to take in a ranger Xu Shu, but this guy was good, he was going to die, and the city was broken and he committed suicide directly, what the hell?

But everyone died, and Xiang Ji had no recruitment, so he had to order someone to bury him.

After all, this is also a historical celebrity, what is going on, Xiang Ji can't watch the corpses of others

in the wilderness, right? As for returning the corpse to Liu Bei? Hmph, you must know that this battle of Yangzhou is not over yet, Xiang Ji does not plan to let Liu Bei get away so easily.

For this guy who loves to take advantage of himself, Xiang Ji intends to give him an unforgettable lesson.

"Big brother, you don't have to go, I hurried to it just now and found that the head of Lujiang City, Daxu, had changed back to Chu Qi. "

I ran wildly, but after all, I was still a step too late.

Hearing Zhang Fei's report, Liu Bei burst into tears.

"Yuan Zhi! everything is prepared!" Obviously

, the Lujiang River is broken, so Xu Shu, as a guard, will definitely not be protected.

Either killed, or, surrendered.

Previously, Chen Gong frequently appeared in Jiangdong, so Liu Bei was already mentally prepared for this.

After all, if he were in that position, I am afraid that he would also surrender, right?

But as soon as Liu Bei cried like this, the soldier behind him suddenly felt a warm current surging in his heart.

It is worth following such a lord, fighting for such a lord, and dying for such a lord!

This is a loss of Lujiang and a loss of retreat, and Liu Bei did not care about his own safety, but instead cried loudly for the newly invested military advisor, what a great feeling?

After a bitter cry, Liu Bei, who gathered a large number of people and was loyal, finally changed to a slow sob.

"Ladies and gentlemen, now that our army has entered a dead end, we are not prepared, and we have suffered all the way until now.

Now, everyone is still scattered, or they have voted for the Chu country, or they are looking for the shield in the countryside. "

This is Liu Bei's cleverness.

The situation has reached its most critical moment.

Before, there was a Canglong rider who stood in the way.

Later, there was also the elite of the Chu army constantly pursuing.

As for those Jingzhou troops, Liu Bei had completely ignored them, just some cannon fodder, just delaying time.

In the current situation, if you force everyone to retreat with yourself, it is not impossible, but the morale of this army cannot be guaranteed.

But if you say that...


Lord!" "All things are like this, Lord

!" "We are willing to swear to follow the Lord!" "We are willing

to go to the soup for the Lord, at any cost!" Under

Liu Bei's sensational performance, several relatively emotional people took the lead in bowing to the ground, and at the same time shouted slogans.

People have a herd mentality.

Even if Liu Bei said that he was a little tempted, after seeing someone take the lead in swearing allegiance, he could only blindly follow and bow down.

Immediately, a large area of Liu Bei's soldiers fell to the ground and swore allegiance to him.

"In this case, Bei swears to heaven that he will live up to your kings! We will definitely return to Jingzhou safely!" A

wave of military spirit gathered full marks, and Liu Bei said that he was very satisfied.

Hmph, Xiang Ji, this time I Liu Bei lost, but next time, I will definitely not be so careless, and I will not be in your way!

For Xu Shu, Liu Bei does not feel too distressed.

After all, this product is just a newcomer, and this defeat is also because Xu Shu was deceived by Xiang Ji, and he didn't count that Xiang Ji and his Canglong Cavalry would come to Yangzhou.

What's more, Liu Bei already had a better goal in his heart.

You must know that the sentence that I heard by chance before has been lingering in Liu Bei's mind.

"Wolong, phoenix, two have one, but

the world can be safe!" "Can be the world!

This is not any other Anbang talent, the generation of the world can be compared.

What was Liu Bei's biggest goal in mind?

When he first sold straw sandals, he hoped that others would recognize his identity as an imperial prince.

Then he became a prince, and he wanted to be the king and hegemon like Xiang Ji.

After Liu Biao and Liu Yan became emperors one after another, Liu Bei's heart was even greater.

Why are we all members of the old Liu family, you two can fight the emperor

, and I, Liu Bei, can only be a thug? However, I have been suffering from the lack of a capable military division, and I have been abused by Xiang Ji repeatedly, and Liu Bei can only bury this thought silently in his heart.

But when he heard that, he was excited.

After all, Bei I am also nearly 50 years old, how many years do I have to live?

As long as I can occupy a piece of territory and let Bei I often be the emperor, it will be enough!

Therefore, Liu Bei is very open to Xu Shu's loss.

It's just the same level as the previous Chen Palace, and it can't help me seize the great cause.

"Ordered the whole army to rest again for a while, and then we waited until it was dark and slowly bypassed the Lujiang River. "

The front is definitely not enough, and Liu Bei can only choose to wait for it to get dark and secretly bypass the Lujiang River.

As long as I can keep these armors, then I, Liu Bei, will still have a chance to turn over.

Night, in Lujiang City.

"Overlord, according to the scout's report, Liu Bei's soldiers and horses have been found!"

was originally asleep, but was suddenly awakened by the report of the herald.

It is not easy to discover Liu Bei!

You must know that in this era, there are no advanced means of reconnaissance, and the only way to patrol and search is by relying on manpower and scouts.

And the left side of the Lujiang River is full of reeds and bushes, and it is really not easy to find Liu Bei's traces.

After all, this goods had abandoned the Jingzhou army, and only took more than 30,000 people directly under him.

Abandoning the large army, the target will naturally shrink, and the difficulty of the search will naturally increase.

It's just that I didn't expect that this old guy was really cautious enough to evacuate in the starry night.

Quickly came to the city gate, casually ordered three thousand dragon riders, and Xiang Ji went out of the city.

Whatever you say, don't let that guy Liu Bei leave Yangzhou so easily.

As for whether the 3,000 Canglong cavalry can defeat Liu Bei's 30,000 army? Hehe, do they dare to turn back and fight back?

Xiang Ji is full of confidence in this.

The question now is just how many corpses Liu Bei's army can leave in the end.

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