"Canglong cavalry, charge!" With

the guidance of the scout, Xiang Ji led his Canglong cavalry to take advantage of the moonlight in the middle of the night, and finally found Liu Bei and his pro-army who were evacuating.

Now that the target has been discovered, what else is there to say, the current situation is that it can kill one before it crosses the Huai River.

After all, the Huai River was turbulent, and the cavalry could not pass quickly with the help of war horses.

If this is if Liu Bei is attacked on the way to cross the river, I am afraid that the Canglong Cavalry, which has lost its mobility, is really not enough for others to fight.

For this point, Xiang Ji is clear, and Liu Bei is also clear.

"Don't pay attention to the cavalry of the Chu State, they are not numerous, as long as they cross the Huai River, we will return to Yuzhou, and we will be safe!"

Xiang Ji Canglong's pursuit naturally did not exceed Liu Bei's expectations, after all, the people captured the Lujiang River in order to cut off their own back road, and it would be strange if they didn't come to intercept it.

Now, being able to run most of this distance before being discovered by Xiang Ji, Liu Bei couldn't be more satisfied.

As for the present, Liu Bei is not in the mood to reflexively fight with the same clan at all.

What if this is fought once it is fought, whether it is won or lost, and the troops of the Outer Chu State come one after another? Wouldn't it be cool for me?

Therefore, Liu Bei's current plan is to abandon the car and protect the commander.

As long as the large army can successfully escape, and the remaining small part is pursued and killed, then I can only say sorry.

Because Liu Bei's performance had completely won the hearts of the army before, Liu Beijun, who was caught up by Canglong Cavalry, did not run away blindly, but picked up arms to fight back to delay time for his lord.

It was precisely because Liu Beijun resisted so desperately that Xiang Ji's pursuit did not achieve the expected results.

Looking at Liu Beijun who crossed the Huai River, Xiang Ji could only reluctantly order to return to Lujiang.

Damn, count yourself lucky! Next time, don't let Lao Tzu and I catch you!

Xiang Ji was very angry, he did such a big game, and in the end he only killed a Xu Shu, who was in the second-line Jingzhou army.

Xiang is angry, and Liu Bei is even more angry.

After fleeing in such a night, more than 10,000 people from the previous 30,000 troops stayed in Yangzhou forever.

Although the pain was incomparable, Liu Bei could only comfort everyone.

At the very least, we escaped back safely, didn't we?"

"Big brother, we lost the 100,000 army of Emperor Liu Biao of the Han Dynasty.

This, do you want to go back?" Finding

that Liu Bei actually led everyone all the way to Xinye, Guan Yu couldn't help it.

Defeated 100,000 troops! Although it was a second-line army, it was also 100,000

people! You just went back to Xinye? Why don't Liu Biao trouble you? You know, Liu Bei is now less than 20,000 people, and in the face of Liu Biao at this time, he has no power to resist at all!

"No, how do you not know the current situation?

We are not going back to Xinye, but going directly to Xiangyang!"

When Liu Bei said this, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who were beside him, were suddenly stunned.

Big brother, is this a broken brain

? Now Xinye can't go, and he still goes to Xiangyang? Are you afraid of dying slowly?"

"We are not going to Xiangyang City, but to Longzhong, which is thirteen miles to the west!" "

Yes, Liu Bei's plan is to go directly to Longzhong to find that Wolong.

For this sleeping dragon and phoenix chick, Liu Bei still inquired.

Wolong is in Longzhong, but the whereabouts of the phoenix chick are erratic.

Previously, it was because he got Xu Shu and was eager to sneak attack Xiang Ji, so Liu Bei did not go directly to Longzhong to visit Wolong.

After all, people live here, and they can't run away, so what if it's a few days earlier or a few days late?

But not now.

Now Liu Bei can't face Liu Biao at all.

Then, Liu Bei can only try to reap the benefits before leaving Liu Biao.


for the fact that there are more than 10,000 soldiers and horses under his command, this is too easy to solve, and there are many uninhabited places in ancient times.

Hide in any forest, who knows?

And just as Liu Bei was about to study Wolong Zhuge Liang, Xiang Ji was also busy.

"Overlord! Our army won a great victory in this battle!

More than 50,000 enemy troops were annihilated, and about 30,000 others surrendered.

As for the rest, I'm afraid it's inconvenient to look for it in the wilderness.

As soon as the morning dawned, Yu Ban came to Lujiang with an excited face.


50,000 people against 130,000 people, 50,000 were killed and 30,000 were captured, what kind of record is this?"


Now the matter in Jiangbei has been resolved, but Liu Biao and Jiangxia Army on the south side of Jiangnan are still confronting Zhao Yun.

In this regard, Xiang Ji intends to solve it once and for all.

No matter how you say that this Yangzhou has come, you can't just leave after half of the thing, right?

Moreover, being able to confront the combination of Zhao Yun and Zhou Tai for so long, Xiang Ji is also very curious, what fierce people exist in this Jiangxia army.

Is it Gan Ning, or Huang Zhong, or Wei Yan

? It seems that at this point in history, Jingzhou was the only one who could handle these three fierce generals, right?

As for why the Xiang family army was left in Lujiang,

it couldn't be simpler.

Xiang Jiajun is an infantryman, and rushing with him can only affect the speed of travel.

Moreover, the 30,000 Jingzhou army has just surrendered, no matter what the combat strength is, if there are fewer soldiers and horses in Yu Ban's hands, I am afraid it will not be easy to suppress.

But leaving Xiang Jiajun behind does not have this problem.

After a brief explanation, Xiang Ji once again took Canglong to ride a horse towards Jiangnan.

Just when Xiang Ji solved the Lujiang River, a fierce battle also broke out on the Qingzhou side.

It was about the tenth day of Tai Shici's retreat to Chengyang County.

"General! General Tai Shici! General Zang Ba! Great joy! The last general has discovered the place where the Hebei Army has stored grain!" The

second general, who was originally studying military affairs, was suddenly alarmed by a burst of good news.

Seeing Gong Du with a happy face, Tai Shici and Zang Ba were equally excited.


must know that since retreating to Chengyang County, the Chu army has always been able to defend passively.

After the loss of Anqiu, the Chu army lost Chang'an, Gumu, and Chu County one after another.

Now, there are only more than 15,000 people left in Tai Shici's Qingzhou garrison, and I am afraid that they will not last long, so they can only retreat to Chengyang County to defend the city.

However, in this way, it will completely fall into passivity strategically.

After all, Chengyang County is so big, Gao Lan can leave an army to besiege Chengyang County, and then lead other troops to attack the entire Chengyang County.

I'm afraid that by then, Tai Shici will really become a lonely soldier.

However, the reply from Peng Cheng is also that all the soldiers of the Chu State are currently dispatched, and even the royal capital Pengcheng only has 10,000 defenders left.

This cannot be touched in any way.

Therefore, in the Qingzhou Campaign, everything could only be maintained by Tai Shici and others.

Now, it's finally time to turn the tide of battle!

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