"What!?The muddy granary was attacked?All the stored grain was burned?Han Dong was also killed?"

Early in the morning, Gao Lan, who was still thinking about where to attack the next target, was shocked to hear the bad news that the granary had been attacked.

At this moment, Gao Ran was completely out of mood.

What's going on? The food is gone.

At present, the Hebei army's grain stock is only enough for the army to use for a few days.

If you don't leave early, I'm afraid that you will be counterattacked by the Chu army after the food is exhausted.

"Order the whole army, retreat, let's go back to Beihai!" In

desperation, Gao Ran could only give the order to withdraw the army.

Damn, counting the 10,000 defenders of the granary, the Hebei army paid the price of a full 50,000 troops to achieve the current advantage.

Unexpectedly, it was ruined in one day.

But without food, even if Gao Ran has the ability to reach the sky, he can only stare dryly.

At the same time, Tai Shici, who had been monitoring the movements of the Hebei army, also got the news.

"Hahaha! Great, the Hebei army has retreated, and we have defended Qingzhou!"

You must know that in this Qingzhou Campaign, the 100,000 troops of the Hebei Army also paid half of the casualties.

And when the Hebei Army withdrew from Chengyang County this time, it was not so easy to come in.

After all, Chengyang was close to the hinterland of Chu State, and while the Hebei army was waiting for grain and grass, Tai Shici could also transfer the defenders of various towns.

Although there are not many defenders in a city or county, only 1,800 people, you can't stand more.

As long as Tai Shici is given time, it is impossible to restore the previous 50,000 troops, but it is still not a big problem to gather enough 30,000 defenders.

And with the Chu army of 30,000, it will definitely not be afraid of the Gao Lan of only 50,000 Hebei troops.

In the same way, Gao Guan, who understands this, is also depressed.

Obviously, it occupies such a big advantage, but because of the damn grain.

At the same time, Gao Ran is not the only one who is worried about food.

"Damn it! Damn Cao Apu! The whole army is attacking, and King Gu wants his life!" Cao

Jun's whereabouts were caught by Yuan Shao.

But in order to capture Cao Jun's whereabouts, Yuan Shao also paid a heavy price.

The whole three convoys of grain were burned by the damn Cao Apu to the Lone King.

At present, there is not much food in the Liyang camp, so Yuan Shao can't help but go crazy.

If this goes on for a long time, I am afraid that within ten days, Liyang will be completely out of food.

And what it means to run off food, Yuan Shao couldn't be clearer.

After learning that the cavalry had discovered Cao Jun and had a hard fight with him, Yuan Shao decisively ordered the whole army to attack Cao Cao, and he must be destroyed in order to show the hatred in the heart of King Gu!

Why don't we attack Cao Cao with half of our army, and the other half directly cross the river to attack Yanzhou!"

Just when Yuan Shao was about to attack and destroy Cao Cao with the whole army, one of the strategists stood up.

Hearing the opinion of the trial, Yuan Shao hesitated.

This, that sounds good!

" The king, you also agree with the plan of the adult!"

Tian Feng reconsidered. "Frustrated reconsideration. "

Nowadays, the strategists have no intention of internal friction.

You must know that the battle of Guandu has been fought for more than a year, and even Yuan Shao's family background is almost unable to hold on.

If you don't hurry up and divide the winner, I'm afraid that with the wealth of the Qi country, you will also be dragged down.

Who wouldn't understand this because

of the different princes who supported each other.

But now, if the dismantling continues, resulting in delays in the fighter plane, and finally a failure, even if everyone loses.

This is still very clear to everyone.

"Okay! That's it

! Zhang He! King Gu gave you an army of 200,000 troops, and immediately cooperated with the cavalry to encircle and suppress Cao Apu.

Thou, you must bring back that Cao Apu's head to me!" Zhang

He, who was at the head of the group, was immediately excited when he heard that Yuan Shao had asked him to command an army of 200,000.

This is not a battle of tens of thousands of people.

200,000 ah! In the whole of China now, how many people can take it out?

I'm afraid that the Chu State, the Qin State of Lü Bu, and the two Liu Emperors in the south have only had an army of 200,000 or 300,000

troops, right?"

Just kidding, the 200,000 army, together with tens of thousands of cavalry, if Cao Cao can't be beaten, I'm afraid that Zhang He won't need Yuan Shao to punish him, and he will find a tofu and kill him.

After receiving Zhang He's assurance, Yuan Shao nodded with satisfaction.

"The rest of the kings, cross the river with King Gu, and we will go to Yanzhou in blood!" Although

Yuan Shao hated Cao Cao very much, he still decided to let Zhang He deal with him.

After all, with an army of more than 200,000, Zhang He would not be able to defeat that Cao Apu.

In this regard, Yuan Shao is still very relieved.

And Yuan Shao himself decided to attack Yanzhou, but it was because this was Cao Agui's hometown.

Only by watching the army under the command of King Gu wash his hometown in blood and slaughter his relatives can King Gu let out the sullenness of more than a year!

With Yuan Shao's order, the nearly 400,000 Hebei troops stationed in the Liyang camp began to be rapidly reorganized.

Columns of Hebei troops walked out of the camp, and their length could not see the end at a glance, as if it went straight to the sky.

Liyang made such a big move, and Lu Meng, who had been lurking in Yanjin, naturally wouldn't be unaware.

After waiting for two days, Lu Meng was relieved to see that all the troops chasing Cao Cao had left, and Yuan Shao's Daxu had still not moved.

When the scouts came again to report and inform Lü Meng that the Hebei army in Yuan Shao's Liyang camp had indeed crossed the river as expected, Lü Meng stood up excitedly.

After waiting for so long, now is the time for me Lu Ziming to perform!

You must know that when Lu Meng was still a small soldier, he dared to use the ring of martial arts competition to challenge Pei Yuanshao and other favorite generals, and you can know that his courage is definitely not small.

And his loyalty to Xiang Ji is also among the top people in the Chu State.

It's just because he was promoted to martial arts by Xiang Ji, and even let him learn Tao strategy from Jia Xu, and then rewarded himself with a sword.

This made Lu Meng's heart full of gratitude to Xiang Ji, and full of the death of a confidant.

Overlord, you know yourself

!" "The whole army is attacking, and the target

is the Liyang camp! Remember, even if we all die here, as long as we can pull Yuan Shao to accompany the burial, we will not come to this world in vain!"

Looking at the direction of the Liyang camp, Lu Meng gave instructions to the army.

Overlord, don't worry, even if it is death, Ziming must drag Yuan Shao to die together.

Everything, for your hegemony!

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