"Great King! The former army has now safely crossed the river, and the white horse camp of the Cao army has been explored, and it is already an empty camp. Yuan

Shao was not surprised at all when he received the report from his subordinates.

Even if Cao Ah left soldiers and horses to confuse the lonely king before, he would have already evacuated now.

It's just that I'm so angry!

Thinking of being toyed with by his childhood partner between applause, Yuan Shao was angry.


My background is much better than you, the guy who can only peek at the widow's bath, right?

I am the fourth and third princes, and I am the most wealthy family in the whole world.

What about you, Cao A,

but you recognize the eunuch as the descendant of the godfather.

Thinking that Cao Cao was going to call that eunuch Cao Teng his grandfather, Yuan Shao was angry.

I was teased by such a play.

Yes, compared to the loss of grain and grass, Yuan Shao is more concerned about his own face.

After Cao Cao's attack, I'm afraid that even if I destroy the Lone King in the end, I will be laughed at, right?"

"Order! The whole army crosses the river! The Lone King wants to wash Yanzhou in blood!" Yuan

Shao was even more angry at the thought that he might be laughed at by the world.

You must know what Yuan Shao cares about the most? That is the issue of face.

For Yuan Shao, it doesn't matter if you let me suffer a loss, but you can't let me lose face.

This is also the reason why Yuan Shao did not care about the battle situation in Qingzhou, but was obsessed with dealing with Cao Cao.

You know, this guy, but the lonely king, my hair is small! Losing to Fa Xiao, or being teased by this Fa Xiao, whose status is not as good as his own since he was a child, is unacceptable to Yuan Shao.

But just when Yuan Shao was still struggling with the issue of face, there was a sudden earth-shattering killing cry outside the Liyang camp.


by the sound, Yuan Shao finally turned his attention back to the battlefield.

"Come on, go and find out what happened? Is there still a defender left

in Baima by Cao Apu?" In Yuan Shao's cognition, since there can be a killing cry, it can only be that Cao Apu still has ambush soldiers in Baima.

I think the search of the previous striker was not careful, so they waited for an opportunity to sneak attack.

What a bunch of crap!

But the reality is often the opposite of what people think.

Cao Jun was not a soldier in Baima, and he did not stay.

After all, wouldn't staying in Baima die early? You know, the Liyang army in Hebei would cross the river at any time.

Therefore, after Cao Cao crossed the Yellow River safely, the suspicious soldiers of Baima had already retreated back to the town of Yanzhou for defense.

And now, it is the Chu army led by Lü Meng who is storming the Liyang camp.

"Gentlemen, rush with me!" Lu

Meng, who took the lead, brandished the Qinghong sword and slashed wildly at the oncoming Hebei army.

All the Chu army's purpose is the same.

Even if you fight to the last person, you must rush into the camp and kill

Yuan Shao!"I am the Hebei general Chun Yuqiong, who will come, dare to fight!" "

The drunkard Chun Yuqiong, as Yuan Shao's cronies, naturally wants to stay in the Liyang camp to sit in the Chinese army.

And when Chun Yuqiong was receiving the order to lead the Chinese army to cross the river, the Chu army suddenly killed.

Because there was no preparation, the Hebei army was caught off guard by the Chu army that suddenly killed it.

Having lost the first hand and unable to organize effective resistance, the Hebei army was defeated and retreated.

Seeing that the Chu army was about to rush into the Liyang camp, Chun Yuqiong was anxious.

Just kidding, Yuan Shaoke, the king of Qi, is still in the camp!

You must know that there are less than 200,000 Hebei troops left in Liyang.

And now 50,000 strikers have taken the lead in crossing the river.

The Chinese army has also crossed the river with nearly 40,000 people, and more than 30,000 people are preparing to cross the river.

That's a full 120,000 army.

Now, there are only sixty or seventy thousand rear troops guarding Yuan Shao in the Liyang camp.

Even if these Chu troops were limited, they would not be able to cause much damage if they rushed into the camp.

But the sin of disturbing Wang Jia, Chun Yuqiong did not dare to bear it.

"Chu State!Lu Meng!"

Regarding Chun Yuqiong's invitation to fight, Lu Meng readily agreed.

You must know that Lu Meng is not only a commander, he is also a general.

This Chun Yuqiong is obviously the general of the Hebei Army guarding the Chinese army.

As long as he is killed, then the Hebei army will be chaotic.

Even if it is only a short-term chaos, then the chance of the Chu army to attack Liyang will be greater.

For the sake of this chance, it is worth risking death.

Hearing that it was Chu Jun, Chun Yuqiong was shocked.

You must know that even if the Hebei army has been at war with the Chu army, it never expected that this crazy army that suddenly appeared would be the army of the Chu State.

Damn! When did these Chu people secretly cross the Yellow River? When did they secretly come to bring them to the vicinity of Liyang?

Chun Yuqiong's heart was full of questions, but Lu Meng was obviously not ready to give him time to continue thinking.

With his legs clamped, the war horse under his crotch rose into the air, and past several Hebei troops who blocked the way, the Qinghong sword in Lu Meng's hand was raised high and slashed at Chun Yuqiong in the air.

Chun Yuqiong used to be the eighth lieutenant of the West Garden alongside Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, and he still had strength, especially when he was not drunk.

Finding that Lu Meng was attacking, Chun Yuqiong immediately reacted, picked up the big knife in his hand, and slashed at the Qinghong sword that fell in the air.

Hmph, what kind of play is this Chu general? He actually used

a saber as a weapon? You know, Chun Yuqiong has been fighting on the battlefield for many years, and he has never seen a cavalry general's weapon actually a saber.

This game should be, the foot combat is okay, at least there is a dexterity.

But if you are riding a battle, this thing can work? I'm afraid that both the striking surface and the strength of the attack are insufficient, right?"


After the collision of a weapon, Lu Meng immediately proved to Chun Yuqiong that a saber can be used as a weapon for a cavalryman.

Looking at the severed broadsword, Chun Yuqiong was stunned.

Nima, what kind of play is this? It actually cut off my big sword with a single blow

? This, it is like clay? I'm afraid it's Nima's divine soldier!?

Chun Yuqiong was busy surprised, but Lu Meng was not surprised.

You must know that since Xiang Ji gave him the Qinghong Sword, Lu Meng has tested it.

Relying on the power that fell in the air to cut off the ordinary material broadsword did not surprise Lu Meng in any way.

After all, this Qinghong Sword can also be regarded as a divine weapon in the world.

This is why Lu Meng did not choose the ancient of other weapons.

In itself, this thing is to make the sword origin.

Now that he has such a divine weapon, a fool can change to other weapons.

Cutting off Chun Yuqiong's weapon, Lu Meng did not stop, with the momentum of the war horse landing, the Qinghong sword swung again, and slashed at Chun Yuqiong's neck.

When the stunned Chun Yuqiong reacted, he still didn't have time to dodge, so he could only watch his headless body stand in place until he fell off the horse.

"The enemy will die!" The warriors of

the Chu army, charge!" A sword cut off Chun Yuqiong's head, and Lu Meng roared frantically at the Chu army behind him.

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