"What person!"

As soon as he returned to his dormitory, Xiang Ji was alert that something was wrong.

Made, this is obviously someone who has been here!

Could it be that Liu Biao's old thing is planning to play black while Lao Tzu is asleep

? Can't he? He can do such an unwise thing

? Now, Lao Tzu, I have come to negotiate a truce with him, and he can't bear to move me at this time? I'm afraid that he can't bear the ridicule of the people of the world, right?

Although Xiang Ji does not dare to agree with the views of the ancients on reputation, it does not mean that he will not take advantage of it.

Since you care so much about reputation, then Lao Tzu and I naturally want to make more of a fuss about this

, otherwise, Xiang Ji would not have come directly to the enemy's capital so arrogantly.

"Overlord~ Where have you been so late at night? Let the slave family wait~"

After Xiang Ji asked, a crisp and charming voice came into Xiang Ji's ears again.


did Ren Xiangji think, he didn't expect that this Mrs. Cai would be so bold and impatient.

This Nima, if Lao Tzu really fell asleep, wouldn't he be attacked by this watch at night?

Thinking of this, Xiang Ji felt fear of a woman for the first time.

What the hell are these women in Jingzhou?

That Huang Yueying is also a model of dissatisfaction.

Now this Mrs. Cai, even more so.

Nima, no wonder most of the people from Jingzhou are weak people, with these girls here, who can stand it?

Xiang Ji is still thinking nonsense, but Mrs. Cai obviously doesn't want to let this precious Spring Festival time go to waste.

"Overlord~ Why don't you speak?

You touch it, the slave's heartbeat is so strong~"

After that, through the dim moonlight, Mrs. Cai once again fit into Xiang Ji's arms.

Nima, if this Lao Tzu doesn't go up again, wouldn't he be as good as a beast?

Xiang Ji is also a normal man, and he is an extremely lustful man.

Now that this beautiful meat has taken the initiative to put into his arms, and even more so in this dark dormitory, how can Xiang Ji hold it?

Hmph, Liu Biao, I will enjoy your woman Lao Tzu for you.

It's okay to be the interest that the jade seal lends you.

Thinking of this, Xiang Ji didn't say a word, directly picked up the beautiful meat in his arms, and strode to the bed.

In this quiet midnight, in Liu Biao's Xiangyang Palace, in a side hall, there was an intermittent whisper of a woman's suppressed but excited moan.

"Overlord ~ The slave family is waiting, waiting for the day when you will come and pick up the slave family. At

one point during the Spring Festival, Mrs. Cai left a sentence for Xiang Ji and returned straight to her bedroom.

Hmph, Liu Biao, do you see? Your own woman doesn't have the slightest confidence in you!

Obviously, Xiang Ji also knows that this woman will say this to herself because of her physical desire, but as a man, the sense of accomplishment will inevitably exist.

No wonder, no wonder Cao Cao, that guy is so keen on people and wives, among them, there is really a special taste.

Vertical said, Xiangyang Palace Hall.

"King Chu, about the truce between you and me, do you think it's good to do this?"

This is the benefit of subduing Pang Tong.

With this guy, Xiang Ji can worry less about these trivial things.

Is it just a truce, but as for so many rules and regulations? Is it meaningful

? To put it bluntly, isn't it that Jingzhou and my Chu State have their own opponents, and they can't spare each other's hands and feet

? Otherwise, just a piece of paper, doesn't it mean that if

you tear it up, you will tear it up? That is, these guys who dance and write every day will take this kind of thing as the same thing.

However, it is precisely because of this that Xiang Ji will be happy.

Fortunately, Lao Tzu, I only let Huang Yueying and her family return to Pengcheng first, and left this ugly ghost Pang Tong behind.

Otherwise, who will discuss this special pile of documents

? Do you expect Xu Sheng or Zhao Yun? Xiang Ji is really afraid that they will not be able to bear it and directly deal with these literati.

As for why Huang Yueying was allowed to leave with him?

Just kidding, this is a foreign march after all.

Although Xiang Ji is lustful, he is not a person who is extravagant.

"Canglong Ride! Array, let's go home!" The

purpose has been achieved, and Jingzhou naturally has no more things to give up the nostalgia of the Xiang family.

As for that Mrs. Cai,

hehe, Xiang Ji just regarded her as a one-night love friend.

Who would play with such a woman?

Just kidding, Lao Tzu dared to take the initiative to climb into Lao Tzu's bed after staying for one night.

Who knows how many men have slept with in this huge Jingzhou?

Just when Xiang Ji led the Canglong Horse back to Chu State, Lu Meng's bitter career was also completely launched.

"General Lü Meng, since my clan brother has handed over all this place to the Chu State, then the heavy responsibility of defending Luoyang will be borne by you, General Lü Meng.

Cao Ren, I'm going to look for my brother. "

If Cao Ren knew that there was a song about liberation, he would have to sing it loudly.

It's been half a year, it's been half a year.

You must know that since Lu Bu's troops came out of Tongguan, Cao Renna, who was responsible for guarding Luoyang, has really tried his best to lead his soldiers to resist Lu Bu so far.

The 50,000 Cao troops who guarded Luoyang at the beginning are now less than 10,000 left.

I'm afraid that if Lu Meng doesn't come again, Cao Ren will really die for the country.

Regarding the decision of his brother Cao Cao, Cao Ren had nothing to object.

After all, the strength is here, even if you are no longer convinced in your heart, then what can you do?

Now that it has basically been divided into five major princes.

It's like the Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons period thousands of years ago.

Whether it is the Yuan clan in Hebei, Lu Bu in Xiliang, the two emperors surnamed Liu in the south, or the Chu state in the east, which one is not hundreds of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of generals?

But what about Cao Cao now? I am afraid that the number of soldiers in the whole country is less than 50,000, and the generals have withered to the level of single digits.

With this kind of strength, how can we talk about fighting for hegemony

? I'm afraid that any family can easily destroy it with a little effort, right?

You know, the so-called war.

Stratagem is always a support.

What really determines the outcome of a war is your own hard power.

If you can't even resist the enemy's frontal attack, how can you talk about using stratagem?

As for Cao Cao's next plan, Cao Ren didn't care.

After all, he is his own brother and his own lord.

As his younger brother, the generals under his command, no matter what Cao Operation's choice, Cao Ren also intends to follow.

Even if Cao Cao goes into the wilderness, what if it's

a big deal, Cao Ren and I will just disarm and return to the field.

After years of fighting, in the end, there is no hope in sight, and it must be false to say that you are not tired.

Cao Cao is like this, Xiahou is like this, and Cao Ren is also like this.

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