"Shi Yuan, how is the Pengcheng of the Lone King of Ruguan compared to Xiangyang?"

Traveling all the way, Xiang Ji led Zhao Yun, Pang Tong and Canglong to return to Xuzhou quickly, but now they have reached the left of Pengcheng.

As for the defense of Jiangdong Chaisang

, now that the armistice agreement has been signed, Liu Biao is powerless to harass the southeast defense line of Chu State, so Xiang Ji directly threw that Xu Sheng over.

With Xu Sheng as the main general, together with Zhou Tai's Jiangdong Naval Division, it is not a problem to defend Jiangdong.

For this, Zhao Yun was happy, and Xu Sheng was even happier.

You must know that Zhao Yun has been trapped in Jiangdong for two whole years, and now he can finally get out of the water, how can he not be excited?

Jiangdong, the enemy is just Liu Biao, and now the Chu State has also signed an armistice agreement with that Liu Biao, and it is really boring to stay in Jiangdong.

For Zhao Yun, who was born as a general, it is still the pleasure of galloping on the battlefield, even if it is just to lead the dragon to ride.

On the other hand, Xu Sheng is here.

For Xu Sheng, he can be regarded as a daughter-in-law for many years.

It has been more than two years and nearly three years since he returned to the Chu State, and now he has finally gone from a young general to a senior member of the pastoral side.

Moreover, with the assistance of the military advisor Chen Gong, with the addition of Zhou Tai's Jiangdong Water Division, Xu Sheng also had the confidence to guard the Jiangdong land of the Chu State.

After all, there are really no enemies in Jiangdong now.

Liu Biao reconciled, the alien race in the south had not recovered after being killed by Lu Meng before, even if they were given a few guts, I am afraid that they would not dare to cross the border and come to Jiangdong.

And then there is the east, then Xu Sheng can only face the sea, can I not let Lao Tzu and I defend the sea fish?

It's just that Xu Sheng doesn't know, in the near future, he really has to guard against enemies from the direction of the sea.

came to the left of Pengcheng, listening to Xiang Ji's question full of pride and show-off, Pang Tong unconsciously began to compare Xiangyang and Pengcheng.

Although, in terms of prosperity, Pengcheng is a little worse than Xiangyang, but if it is about the martial atmosphere, this Pengcheng will far surpass Xiangyang.

You must know that Xiangyang gives people the feeling that it is a bustling city far away from the hustle and bustle of war, and it is full of all kinds of talented literati.

The whole city will give a laid-back feel.

On the other hand, in Pengcheng, although the crowd on the street is not as dense as Xiangyang, every time you walk by a person, Pang Tong will find that his posture is full of confidence and vitality.

This is a city full of aggression and hope.

Seeing the capital of the Chu State, Pang Tong knew that Xiang Ji's ambition was by no means limited to this.

I'm afraid that this will inevitably have to compete for that artifact treasure!

For serving this kind of monarch, Pang Tong's heart is still full of hope.

At the very least, it's better than Liu Biao's promising guy who guards his own one-third of an acre of land and occasionally takes advantage

of it? Moreover, the most important thing is that the current monarch of a certain family has a different aesthetic appearance!

He doesn't care about the ugly appearance of a certain family, and it can be understood that he values the talent of a certain family.

But what about that Huang Yueying Miss Huang?

You must know that Huang Yueying's appearance resembles that of a Middle Easterner, and in Pang Tong's opinion, it is really very "ugly".

And this lord can still regard it as a treasure, especially when he looks at her eyes, that appreciation is absolutely not fake.

For Xiang Ji, this is the biggest reason why Pang Tong can devote himself to the effect.


course, Xiang Ji didn't know anything about Pang Tong's mental activities, otherwise he would be able to directly slap this product to death.


!" "Greetings to the Overlord's Triumph!" "Overlord

Wansheng! Da Chu Wansheng!" As

Xiang Ji and his Canglong cavalry advanced, the Pengcheng Palace gradually appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Wenhe, during the time when King Lone left, what major events happened?

You must know that what Xiang Ji really cares about is whether the war situation in the north has changed.

What he never expected was that in the face of his inquiry, Jia Xu did not make any answer, but took a few steps back with a wry smile.

Immediately, several figures flashed behind him, the person at the head, how familiar Xiang Ji looked...

"King Chu, it's been a long time!" Looking

at Cao Cao in front of him, Xiang Ji was really stunned.

Why is Cao Cao in Lao Tzu's Pengcheng? Oh, it's not just Cao Cao.

Looking at the people behind Cao Cao, Xiang Ji found that Xiahoudun, Cao Ren, Dian Wei, and Guo Jia were all listed.


Cao Cao, seeing his important ministers, Xiang Ji's first reaction could only be that Cao Cao's hometown had been lost, and that he had come to defect to himself.

It doesn't matter, Cao Cao's failure has long been expected.

After all, this is not the historical Cao Cao.

Without Xuzhou, Yuzhou, and even Yangzhou to provide him with sufficient soldiers, food and grass, his war potential would have been insufficient.

Moreover, after losing the righteous advantage of coercing the Son of Heaven to order the princes, Cao Cao can be regarded as very miserable in this time and space.

has been able to persist until now, that is, it relies on its military literacy and means of employing people, which are far beyond ordinary people.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that someone will change at random, even if Xiang is himself, I'm afraid that he will withdraw from the stage of hegemony early.

But now the most important thing for the item is to be.

Lao Tzu, I have just arranged for the south, and you are so unproductive? The defeat is so decisive? So thorough

? Also, what about Lu Meng? What about the 50,000 troops under Lao Tzu? Don't tell me, it's all very cold.

If that's the case, I'm afraid that Xiang Ji will die of depression.

He also said that he would take this opportunity to conquer the north.

Now, I'm afraid it's good that I can hold my own territory.

"King Chu! Now Cao has entrusted all his soldiers and armor, together with Yanzhou and Sizhou, to General Lu Meng.

Now, Cao is completely light, so he came to Pengcheng, the king of Chu, to disturb him. "


kind of play should !!

this? This Cao Cao, what did you just say?

Although, Cao Cao's words, Xiang Ji heard them very clearly.

But he couldn't believe it.

Gave all his soldiers and horses and territory to Lu Meng? He had nothing to do

? Didn't that mean that he Cao Cao went into the wilderness together with his subordinates? Then, Lao Tzu inexplicably inherited his territory?

As for his own speculation, Xiang Ji really couldn't believe it.

In the world, there will be such a good thing

? Lao Tzu, I'm just sleeping with your girl!

You know, Boss Cao, you're not just this girl?

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