"Wen Ji, you have to manage the harem well and take care of the new girls. "

After saving with Cai Wenji, Xiang Ji is going to go on the expedition.

Now it has been nearly half a year since I returned to Pengcheng.

The ice and snow in the north have melted, and the armor of the Chu State is also ready to go.

"Xiang Lang, don't worry, Wen Ji knows that she won't let your little babies be wronged.

Regarding Xiang Ji's words, the intelligent Cai Wenji naturally understood.

It's okay for the others to arrive, but that Cao Ziran and the newcomer Huang Yueying, I'm afraid that this is the reason why Xiang Ji told him.

You know, that Cao Ziran really surprised Cai Wenji.

Just, I have never seen such a lively lady.

Where is this like the children of the princes' families? I'm afraid it's just a wild child, right?

When I just came to the Pengcheng Palace, I could still have a stable door without going out.

But after a long time, that nature was immediately exposed.

Naughty and mischievous is still light, but the poor is the palace kitchen.

Almost all the chefs were tortured by Cao Ziran, and everyone learned dozens of more crafts.

This is nothing, but the problem is that Cao Ziran has a personality that he has to share everything he thinks is delicious.

This made Cai Wenji and other women extremely painful.

People are so enthusiastic, you can't refuse, right? But the question is, which woman doesn't care about her figure?

However, several children get along very happily with this Cao Ziran.

This girl is completely a child king.

As for the later Huang Yueying...

According to the eyes of Cai Wenji's ancients, it can only be said that his own men are more fraternal.

This kind of "ugly" woman doesn't let go, it seems that this successive years of expeditions are really suffocating...

However, the person has been brought back, and the name and title have been given, as the mistress of the harem, Cai Wenji naturally can't say anything.

At the very least, this Huang girl is always more worry-free than that Cao Ziran.

may know that her appearance is not acceptable to most people, so since Huang Yueying came to Pengcheng, she has basically not stepped out of the door.

With Cai Wenji's assurance, Xiang Ji is naturally at ease.

Nowadays, there are more and more women of his own, although Xiang Ji is too lazy to manage all the things in the harem, but after all, he has to mention a few words if he has nothing to do, which is better than getting into trouble afterwards and cleaning it up.

Vertical said, Chu Palace.

"Mr. Wenhe, Peng Cheng, it's up to you to guard!" After

giving Jia Xu some instructions, Xiang Ji decided to start the Northern Expedition again.

Now, after half a year of recruitment, the available military armor of the Chu State has been restored from 150,000.

After arranging Huang Zhong as Lü Meng's deputy general and transferring 20,000 soldiers to him, Xiang Ji decided to personally lead a 100,000-strong army to the north to attack Yuan.

You must know that at this time, Qingzhou still has Tai Shici's army of 30,000.

After Xiang Ji arrived, Tai Shici's army would naturally be incorporated into the Northern Expedition army.

That is to say, Xiang Ji sent a total of 130,000 troops, leading the generals Zhao Yun, Tai Shici, and the military division Pang to unify and carry out the conquest of Hebei.

And the first target of Xiang Ji is Yuan Tan in Qingzhou.

After all, Qingzhou is the closest enemy territory to Pengcheng.

Besides, don't persimmons have to pick the soft ones first?

Xiang Ji's plan is to pinch off the softest persimmon first, and then go to study and deal with Yuan Shang's hard bones.

After some reorganization, all the armies were assembled.

"Gentlemen, follow the lonely king, go on the expedition!" Standing on

the school ground, dressed in silver dragon armor, holding the item of the overlord halberd, he made an order to go out to the armor under his command.

"Da Chu

! Wan Sheng!" "Da Chu! Wan Sheng!" The

morale of all the soldiers who went out to fight had reached the highest point.

Everyone knows that this expedition to Hebei will be the biggest step for Chu to conquer the Central Plains.

As long as the four states of Hebei are included in the territory of Chu, then Chu will have almost half of the whole world.

Then, the state of Chu will be the most powerful country in the world.

Everyone is proud of being a citizen of Chu State.

Western capital, Chang'an.

"What!?Did Xiang of Chu send

troops to Hebei?" Lu Bu, who was sitting on the throne, was shocked to hear that Xiang Ji had sent troops to Hebei, and he was immediately anxious.

You must know that after being a monarch for so many years, Lu Bu has already changed his previous reckless way of thinking.

As for what it means for Xiang to go to Hebei, Lu Bu is very clear.

However, the gate to the Central Plains has been completely blocked by Xiang Ji, and Luoyang is at the checkpoint, and the Xiliang Army, which has been attacking for two years, is still unable to advance an inch.

"Damn, the order!

Order Zhang Liao to lead an army of 100,000 to detour and merge with Hebei, and he must not let that guy from Xiang Ji occupy it first. "

On the defensive side of Xiang Ji, Lü Bu made the decision to send the general Zhang Liao to command 100,000 troops to attack Yuan Xi's annexed state.

As long as our Xiliang Army takes and annexes the state, then the strategic purpose of occupying the entire territory of Hebei will inevitably be broken.

At that time, it is not known who will win and who will lose.

For Hebei, Lu Bu is not without ideas.

However, the Western Qiang and the Western Xiongnu attacked again and again, and Lü Bu could only send most of his troops to defend the Western Regions, which also made his strength and determination to attack the Central Plains insufficient.

But now that Xiang Ji has been stimulated, Lu Bu really can't sit still.

You must know that in Lu Bu's opinion, in this world, the only one who can become his opponent is this Chu overlord Xiang.

As for the emperor surnamed Liu in the south, hehe, in Lu Bu's opinion, they are all soft eggs, and there is no need to be afraid at all.

"Military advisor, now that this king has ordered Zhang Liao to command 100,000 troops to attack and merge the state, what other plans do you have?"

After making arrangements for Zhang Liao, Lu Bu was still not at ease, and turned around and asked Li Ru, the dog-headed military advisor beside him.

Yes, after Dong Zhuo was killed by Xiang Ji, Lu Bu took over almost everything from Dong Zhuo, including his military advisor Li Ru.

This Li Ruben is the same as Niu Fu, and he is also Dong Zhuo's son-in-law.

But the biggest difference between the two is their IQ.

Niu Fu doesn't know the current affairs, and hits the stone with an egg, Li Ru can't.

After seeing Lu Bu's strength, he decisively expressed his loyalty to him.

Now, Li Ru has also become Lu Bu's right-hand man, helping him to give advice.

According to Confucian's opinion, the king should let General Zhang Liao attack Luoyang, and the prince himself led me Xiliang Jian'er to conquer and merge the state. Obviously

, Li Ru's view is different from Lu Bu's.

Now let's not talk about the south, if the north is occupied by Xiang Ji, then in the plain war, the Chu State will really have the ability to compete with the Xiliang Iron Cavalry.

This is definitely not good news for Lu Bu.

"Okay! According to the will of the military advisor, this king will personally conquer and annex the state!" Although

Lu Bu is not intellectually good, his greatest advantage is that he is willing to listen to people.

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