Just when Lu Bu made a response to Xiang Ji's expedition to Hebei, the three brothers of the Yuan family in Hebei who were the parties also received the message.

However, the three of them reacted differently to this matter.

Yuan Xi, who was far away in Bingzhou, was purely reporting a kind of mentality of watching the excitement, and he had nothing to do with himself.

Let's fight, you fight hard, anyway, young master, I have 150,000 soldiers guarding Huguan, who will come in?

Yes, Yuan Xi hoarded all the soldiers of the whole country on the front line of Huguan, obviously trying to seal the country and lock the country.

However, he forgot that Lu Bu of Xiliang could attack and merge with the state from Chang'an by bypassing the Xiongnu chassis.

As for Yuan Shang, who was the most powerful of the three brothers

, he didn't care about Hebei, where Xiang Ji went on the expedition.

Just kidding, young master, I raised my arms and exhaled, I can gather a million Hebei army, are you still afraid of your mere nationality?

You know, for the death of his father, in Yuan Shang's opinion, it was completely Yuan Shao's carelessness.

In a head-to-head duel, who is the opponent of the Hebei army?

Even Yuan Shang wished that Xiang Ji would send troops to destroy Yuan Tan.

In any case, he is also his own brother, and due to public opinion, Yuan Shang himself is not good at sending troops to recruit his eldest brother.

But if Xiang Ji is willing to do it for him, then Yuan Shang decided to approve it with both hands.

Different from the attitude of his two younger brothers, the party Yuan Tan was really panicked after hearing the news that Xiang Ji was going to conquer Hebei.

"Mr. Guo Tu, quickly find a way to save me, then the damn Chu State Xiang is about to fight!" Obviously

, Yuan Tan, the weakest of the three brothers, really didn't have the courage to face the enemy.

At this time, Yuan Tan's armor under his command was only just enough to make up 100,000 soldiers, and most of them were newly recruited and poorly trained recruits.

And the generals under his command are only Gao Lan, and the ministers are only Guo Tu, Xin Ping, and Xin Bi.

This is really the weakest prince in the world, there is no one.

Of course, Liu Bei doesn't count, the current Liu Bei has already served Liu Yan, and he is busy showing loyalty and building prestige.

"My lord, according to the meaning of the map, our army should now send envoys separately to the place where Yuan Shang is still and where the Chu State is from. "

What!?Why didn't I understand?

Yuan Tan, who was in arrears in IQ, said that he didn't understand Guo Tu's words at all.

What does this mean? People want to beat me, and I still send an envoy over? Do you want to make peace? Or surrender

? And that damn Yuan Shang! Let me send an envoy to him?

Obviously, Yuan Tan doesn't have any good ideas about his younger brother.

If it weren't for the limited strength, Yuan Tan would never care about the influence of public opinion like Yuan Shang.

"Strategist, to put it simply, I don't understand what you mean?"

After thinking about it, he still didn't understand what Guo Tu meant, and Yuan Tan could only lick his face and ask.

"My lord, the meaning of the picture is that we can send an envoy to Yuan Shang first.

If Yuan Shangnian and brotherhood sent troops to reject the Chu State nationality, then the lord's Qingzhou would naturally be worry-free.

Even, we can take advantage of the lack of troops and sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight. Hearing

this, Yuan Tan was happy.

This plan is too much to my liking, isn't it? Sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight? Haha

! However, why did the military advisor still say that he would

send an envoy to the place where the Chu State was registered? "My lord, sending an envoy to the place of the Xiang nationality means that we can paralyze that item, and pretend to say that the lord intends to return to the Chu State and is willing to send troops together to attack Yuan Shang!

This is also linked to the first plan.

As long as that plan is in the book, even if Yuan Shang doesn't want to send troops, I'm afraid he will have to send troops!"

Hmph, what is the nationality of the state of Chu, what is Yuan Shang, and it is not between being played with and palmed?"

"Wonderful! Wonderful! The military advisor has a great plan!

Someone came and sent an order to inform the two brothers Xin Ping and Xin Bi, and ordered him to send envoys to the places where Yuan Shang and Chu were born respectively. After

getting a solution, the pressure on Yuan Tan's heart was suddenly relaxed.

And just when Yuan Tan was busy sending envoys, Xiang's army also came to Chengyang County, Qingzhou.

"Tai Shi Ci see the overlord!" "The last general Gong Du sees the overlord!" After

several years of training, Gong Du has now become Tai Shi

Ci's right-hand man.

Although this kid's martial arts are mediocre and he is not particularly reliable, he has an advantage that no one else has.

It's its luck, it's really against the sky.

Whether it was the discovery of the granary of the Hebei Army before, or the subsequent battles, Gong was always able to escape with his life in a desperate situation.

After several wars, Gong Du's official position was also promoted again and again, and even Xiang Ji who was far away in Pengcheng had heard of it.

Looking at the two big men kneeling on the ground, Xiang Ji was full of emotion.

Now, Xiang Ji has been in this world for nearly ten years.

And Tai Shici also followed all the way and fought for Xiang Ji for ten years.

"Ziyi, you've worked hard. "

For this general who fought in all directions for himself and guarded the frontier, Xiang Ji couldn't express more about it.

However, Xiang Ji knows that this kind of talk will not be over in a long time.

As long as Hebei can be occupied, then Xiang Ji will have the capital to compete for the world.

At that time, even if there is a war on multiple fronts, it will definitely not be able to drag on the national strength of the Chu State.

In today's world, in Xiang Ji's opinion, the only ones who can become his opponents are Xiliang Lu Bu and the damn big-eared thief Liu Bei.

Lu Bu is easy to solve, after all, this product is pure and brave and lacks resourcefulness.

But that Liu Bei has now got Zhuge Liang, and he has entered Xichuan as in history, and I am afraid that the last trouble is this goods.

It's just that Xiang Ji doesn't know that Liu Bei, who is regarded as a great enemy, is not happy at present.

"Big brother, did this old thief Liu Yan mean it? He actually sent our brother to this damn land of the Southern Barbarians?

Made, these damn mosquitoes can bite me to death.

Regarding the complaint of the third brother Zhang Fei, Liu Bei was also very helpless in his heart.


must know that when Liu Bei's three brothers led the army to vote, Liu Yan was indeed as Zhuge Liang expected, and happily accepted Liu Bei's allegiance.

But Xichuan is not without resourcefulness, and some people still see the purpose of Liu Bei and others.

This also made Liu Bei's brother and wife not smooth out the relationship between Xichuan and civil and military, and was kicked to Jianning by Liu Yan.

In the name of beauty, let Liu Bei guard against the attack of the Southern Barbarians.

In this regard, although Liu Bei was helpless, he could only obey orders.

"My lord, the three generals.

In fact, coming here in Jianning is not a good thing for our army. In

Zhuge Liang's opinion, being able to come to Jianning at this time is far better than being sent to the front line by Liu Yan to be cannon fodder.

At the very least, when Liu Yan dies, what kind of Liu Zhang is there?

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