
!" "Kill!" "Great Chu Wansheng! Overlord Wansheng!" "

The warriors of Great Hebei, kill all these southern barbarians!" The

main infantry corps of Chu and Hebei finally began to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

The fiercest and most brutal hand-to-hand combat unfolded in an instant.

In the center of the battlefield, as if a huge meat grinder, the soldiers of the two armies continued to fall, and then there were follow-up soldiers to fill the previously vacant positions.

The battle of hundreds of thousands of people unfolded, and the strength of individuals was infinitely reduced, and all the armor in the center of the battle array had only one thought left in their hearts, that is, to swing the weapon in their hands, only in this way could they kill the enemy and protect themselves.

As for his own back and left and right, he naturally has companions and allies to defend himself.

All Chu soldiers had one thing in their minds, don't care about your own left and right, just defeat the enemy in front of you.

Because on your right and left, there will be your brothers, your siblings, and your comrades-in-arms who will bear all the damage for you.

"Sons and daughters of the Chu State! Let these arrogant Hebei people take a look, see our courage, our combat strength, and let them know who is the real strong

army in the world! Chu State, with you and me! Overlord, with you and me!" As

a general of the

Chinese army, Tai Shici rode between the two armies, constantly shouting loudly in his mouth, boosting the morale of his own soldiers.

At the same time, the double whips in Tai Shici's hands did not stop, but all the Hebei soldiers near his left were knocked away and knocked down by him with double whips.

Under the encouragement of Tai Shi Ci's pioneers, the morale of the Chu army was even better.

We are the sons of the Chu State, and we are the sharp blades that cut through thorns and thorns for the overlord.

Our Chu State once stood in this world for more than 800 years, and after hundreds of years of dark periods, the banner of Chu State once again stood between this heaven and earth.

Our overlord is the number one military general in the world and an invincible god.

As long as each person kills two enemies, then they can kill all these arrogant Hebei people!

The morale-boosting Chu army burst out with a powerful impact, and the Hebei army, which was fighting in the front, was stunned.

Countless Hebei troops died under the swords and other weapons of the Chu army.

Although the number of the Hebei army exceeded that of the Chu army, after all, it was not possible for hundreds of thousands of people to be deployed at the same time.

This also made the number of Hebei troops fighting with the Chu army on the front line not achieve any advantage.

Although the follow-up Hebei Army quickly filled the lost position, the suppressed momentum was not so easy to fill back.

Seeing this situation, Lu Weihuang, a senior general of the Hebei Army, who was sitting on the front line, was immediately anxious.

If the Hebei Army, which is the main attacker, is suppressed by the Chu Army in the battle of the Chinese Army, then even the morale of the entire Hebei Army will plummet.

You must know that although the strength of the Hebei army in this battle was twice that of the Chu army, with the defeat of the cavalry on the left and right flanks, the advantage was not as huge as before the war.

In order to rush to the position of the Chu army and engage with its short troops, the Hebei army paid nearly tens of thousands of casualties.

Just when Lu Weihuang was at a loss, Tai Shici, who was calling for slogans, appeared in front of him.


at Tai Shici, who was dressed in red armor and holding a double whip, Lu Weihuang thought that he had not recognized the wrong person.

After all, today's Tai Shici is also a world-famous figure.

But what's wrong with this? I haven't fought before, who will say that I must

be afraid of whom? For Tai Shi Ci, Lu Weihuang is not afraid, in this world, there are many people with false names, but how many are really worthy of the name

? Hmph, if a certain family takes down this Tai Shi Ci in this array, I'm afraid that it will also be famous all over the world?

Now, there is only that Zhang He left in this Hebei Siting Pillar.

Anyone who has a little strength, who doesn't want to fight?

Just do it when you think of it, Lu Weihuang clamped his legs, and the war horse under his crotch shot out.

"Tai Shi Ci! I am Lu Weihuang, the general of Hebei, do you dare to fight?" Lu Weihuang's

call attracted Tai Shi Ci's attention, and he restrained the galloping war horse, and Tai Shi Ci looked at it.

I saw that the Hebei army slapped the horse and killed a general holding an eyebrow knife, and he was rushing straight towards him.

"Hmph, since you are looking for death, why don't you dare?"

Today's Tai Shi Ci is no longer comparable to the time when he was fledgling in terms of vision and psychology, and he is unambiguous about this so-called famous general in Hebei.

With a swing of the double whip in his hand, Tai Shici also urged the war horse under his crotch and rushed straight towards Lu Weihuang.

Just kidding, a certain family is worried about how to improve the morale of my army, and if you rush to death, then a certain family is really going to be disrespectful.

Seeing Tai Shici killing him, Lu Weihuang was overjoyed.

Wahaha, the time has come for Lao Tzu to become famous!

The eyebrow knife was raised high, and Lu Weihuang slashed down at Tai Shici, who was charging.

"Tai Shi Ci, look at the knife!" Today

, Lu Mou will let you know what it means to be an inch long and an inch strong!

Obviously, in Lu Weihuang's cognition, the attack distance of himself with an eyebrow knife in his hand is far greater than that of Tai Shi Ci.

Naturally, the self who occupies the advantage of the attack distance will inevitably be the first to obtain the main attack.

Now, his eyebrow knife can be the first to cut it down, doesn't this mean everything

? Hmph, he also went to the battlefield with a double whip? I haven't met Lao Tzu before, so I can only say that your fate is good!

Unfortunately, all this can only be Lu Weihuang's imagination.

Imagination and reality are often opposites, and reality is even more cruel.

Regarding the big knife that Lu Weihuang cut off on his head, Tai Shici did not panic at all.

Just the speed of the shot, and the angle of the shot, is just the level of the lieutenant general under the command of a certain family.

During the gallop of the war horse, Tai Shi Ci's body was slightly on one side, and he effortlessly dodged the big knife that Lu Weihuang fell, and then, with the help of the momentum of the war horse, Tai Shi Ci used the momentum of the war horse, and the double whip in his hand was like a dragon going out to sea, and swept towards Lu Weihuang's chest.


No matter what Lu Weihuang thought, he would never have imagined that in the face of his own blow of splitting mountains and rocks, Tai Shici didn't even need to block, just one sideways, and completely avoided the past.

Now, in the face of Tai Shici who came to live, Lu Weihuang could only defend with his eyes.


a scream came, announcing that Lu Weihuang's eye defense had finally failed.

"The enemy will die, the warriors of the Chu State, rush with a certain family!"

After slashing Lu Weihuang, Tai Shici once again hit his horse forward and launched a charge against the Hebei army.

Now, the momentum of the Chu army is rising, wouldn't it be a fool not to take advantage of the situation to take down the Hebei army in one fell swoop at this time?"

"Damn, the supervising army, hurry up and let the rear army reinforce it, if you don't go, the Chinese army will not be able to resist it!"

Zhang He, who was watching the battle in the rear, witnessed everything here, and was suddenly in a hurry.

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