"The traitor tried to confuse the king, disturbed the hearts of our army, and moved my fighting spirit, and now he is beheaded by Zhang He!

The sons and daughters of the Hebei army, rush with me and repel the Chu army!"

When Zhang He saw that the situation on the front line was not good, he immediately asked for a review and mobilization of the rear army for reinforcements.

But this goods, in reply to Zhang He, is still "inappropriate, inappropriate." "。

For the trial, Zhang He's endurance has reached the limit.

Previously, I wanted to wait for an opportunity to kill him in the chaos of the war.

I never thought that this product would carry out the word "Gou" to the extreme, that is, resolutely stay in the rear army, and never take a step forward.

Even if he asked him to send reinforcements, this cargo was repeatedly shirked.

Now in the situation, the cavalry of the Hebei Army has been defeated, and the 25,000 cavalry of Han Juzi on the left wing have basically been beaten out of formation, and they can be regarded as completely crippled.

The right flank is better, but the main general Wei Yuanjin was killed, and together with the loss of 5,000 soldiers and armor, there are still 20,000 cavalry.

But the problem is that the courage of the 20,000 cavalry has been lost, and if they are forced to attack again, they are afraid that there will be a mass escape.

And the Chinese army made Zhang He even more incredulous.

This state of Chu is so strong in combat effectiveness?

With almost the same number, the fighting between the two armies actually showed a trend of one-sided reversal.

Especially after the death of the Chinese army general Lu Weihuang, the Chinese army was defeated all the way, and now it seems that it has gradually fallen into discouragement.

In this regard, Zhang He's only choice was to send out the rear army and give the morale-boosting Chu army a head-on blow.

You must know that there are still 50,000 people in the rear army of the Hebei Army.

These 50,000 people have never participated in the war, and their physical strength and morale are still above the health line.

As long as these 50,000 people are put into the battlefield, the current inferiority will inevitably be reversed.

Today's Zhang He no longer wants to defeat the Chu army.


must know that the Hebei army is a full 200,000 army, and if it is defeated by the Chu army, which is only half of its own number, it will be a shame to be thrown to grandma's house.

Moreover, today's Zhang He can be regarded as having no way out.

The prison army sent by Yuan Shang, the king of Qi, was directly cut by himself, and there were probably no less than tens of thousands of people who saw this scene.

Zhang He knew that this would inevitably reach the ears of Yuan Shang, the king of Qi.

Now, only by defeating the Chu State, the King of Qi may be able to justify it, otherwise he is afraid that he will really not be a person inside and out.

It's just that Zhang He didn't know that just when he was about to break the cauldron and sink the boat, the item that had never made any action moved.

When Xiang Ji saw that Zhang He's rear army began to move forward, he immediately knew that this was going to be the final decisive battle.

If these 50,000 fresh troops are allowed to join, then it is really difficult to say what the battle situation of the Chinese army will be.

You must know that even if the two wings of the Chu army have an advantage, it will not affect the Chinese army of the Hebei army.

Now, the victory or defeat of this battle is precisely in the Chinese army.

Only when the Chinese army wins can this battle truly divide the winner and loser.

Because during the previous battle, Xiang Ji found that the 50,000 troops of the Hebei Army had been hovering outside the battlefield, which made Xiang Ji always maintain a vigilant heart against it.

Therefore, Xiang Ji has not moved, and just let the generals under his command command the battle.

Now, the rear army of the Hebei Army has finally begun to move, which means that Zhang He is desperate.

"With Gu Wang Chong, the

target is the Hebei Rear Army!" With a swing of the overlord halberd in his hand, Xiang Ji urged the white dragon under his crotch to take the lead in leaving the battle, and his target was the Hebei Rear Army.

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of Xiang Ji Charge, the 5,000 troops who had also been inactive launched a charge.

Yes, five thousand against fifty thousand.

After all, the Chu army has limited strength, and it is impossible to be as extravagant as the Hebei army, allowing a full 50,000 people to watch the battle in the rear.

Now, the 5,000 Chu army, which has been accompanying Xiang Ji and has not moved.

Everyone knew that the meaning of this Zhang He was to make a detour to the battlefield and carry out a surprise attack on the flank of the Chu army.

Now, Zhang He's 50,000 troops have moved, and Xiang Ji and the 5,000 Chu troops under his command will naturally march in the direction of Zhang He's movement.

"Overlord! It's Overlord! Overlord is in battle!" Xiang

Ji moved, and the Chu army fighting on the front line realized it.

When they saw the invincible overlord Xiang Ji in their minds personally launching an attack on the Hebei army, their morale was greatly boosted.

"Zhang He, Xiang Ji of Chu State is here, dare to fight!" "

Bailong Horse is fast, and overnight, Xiang Ji has crossed the place where the two armies are fighting head-on, and has come to the front of the 50,000 Hebei rear army under the command of Zhang He.

When Xiang Ji saw the head of the head wearing an eagle helmet, wearing battle armor, and holding a spear, he instantly knew a general idea in his heart.

This, I'm afraid it's the last person in the four courtyard pillars of Hebei, Zhang He.

For Zhang He, he was still very interested in the previous item.

After all, this product in history is really a great achievement.

When he followed Yuan Shao, he was not good, but when he came to Boss Cao, he really made countless meritorious contributions, and was finally named one of the five tiger generals of Cao Wei by Boss Cao.

Its prestige is far beyond the high view.

But now, Xiang Ji is not interested in it at all.

From the very beginning of the expedition to Jizhou, he made mistakes one after another.

First of all, the fighter plane was delayed, so that Chu State had nearly a month to replenish his troops.

Then the two armies were full of mistakes, defending when they should attack, and attacking when they should defend, which is really a mediocre talent.

In this regard, Xiang Ji deeply despised it.

As far as Nima is concerned, can he still become a famous general in history? I'm afraid that the identity of this Zhang Gaolan has been swapped in history, right?

In fact, this is the wrong thing to blame Zhang He.

If you talk about the ability to command the army, Zhang He is not under Gao Guan, and even surpasses it.

If you talk about the power of the fighting generals, Zhang He's combat effectiveness is far beyond Gao Guan.

But unfortunately, Zhang He nodded his back and met a first-class master, and then this lord also sent a more superb overseer.

Although the trial of the supervising army has been angrily beheaded by Zhang He, after all, these black pots Zhang He has already been saddled.

This also led to the fact that Xiang Ji, who was still very interested in him, was only left with contempt in his heart.

Once a misunderstanding occurs, it is difficult to eliminate it.

At the very least, in the current situation, Zhang He is not in the mood and has no time to tell Xiang Ji that he misunderstood himself.

As for Xiang Ji's invitation to fight against him, although Zhang He also wanted to fight with him, considering Xiang Ji's terrifying record of killing Yan Liang and Wen Chou in seconds, he still chose to fight to the end.

"Hebei Army, charge, the king of Chu dares to come alone, and those who capture and kill him, I will be rewarded, and the king of Qi will be rewarded!"

But what Lao Tzu is good at is group fighting!

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