"Death to those who stand in my way!"

Under Zhang He's order, the Hebei army seemed to see a gold and silver beauty, and pounced on Xiang Ji desperately.

This is the world-famous King of Chu.

If anyone can be lucky and capture this Chu King Xiangji, even if he is about to be promoted to become rich, his fame will shock the world, and he will go to the peak of his life.

Moreover, the most important thing is that this nationality is alone at the moment!

Yes, because the speed of the white dragon horse is too fast, the five thousand soldiers under Xiang Zhi's command cannot catch up at all, causing Xiang Zhi to rush to the front of Zhang He's formation on a single horse.

In this regard, Xiang Ji naturally did not panic at all, after all, the five thousand soldiers and armor were all infantry, and Xiang Ji had already prepared for this point.

As for why he rushed so fast?

If this Zhang Ji is willing to fight alone, it would be the best; if he refused, Xiang Ji was also confident, and they could not stop him if he wanted to leave by relying on

this Hebei army! It was because of this self-confidence that Xiang Ji was not afraid of the 50,000 Hebei army in front of him.

The overlord halberd in his hand flew over, and the Hebei army in front of Xiang Ji was swept away by him, and then brought to a large area of friendly troops behind him.

Seeing that Xiang Ji actually made the Hebei army unable to get close to him in several battles, Zhang He was shocked.

This is worthy of being the overlord of Chu who resounded all over the world, and he is worthy of being the world's number one military general, so brave, how can ordinary people be able to match it?

Zhang He suddenly rejoiced in this.

Fortunately, Lao Tzu was sober enough and didn't go to fight this murderer alone, otherwise he would have been killed by him in one round

!" "Brothers, don't be afraid, he is only one person in the strong!"

Seeing that the Hebei army did not dare to approach because of Xiang Ji's bravery, Zhang He suddenly became anxious.

If this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity can't get the entry at this time, I'm afraid that when his soldiers arrive, it will be even more difficult.

Moreover, Zhang He's purpose in this battle was not to compete with this nationality, but what Zhang He wanted was to attack the flank of the Chu army in order to help the Chinese army achieve victory!

If he was delayed here by Xiang Zhi and fell into this situation, he would really be embarrassed to death.

Now, only by taking Xiang Ji as soon as possible, or occasionally repelling it, can Zhang He find an opportunity to attack the flank of the Chu army.

Otherwise, I am afraid that this battle for hegemony between the Hebei Army and the Chu State will really have an unacceptable result.

"Hahaha, in this world, who can stop me? Who dares to stop me?"

Zhang He's shouting was naturally heard, but he didn't care about this title.

Just kidding, if Lao Tzu is besieged by your group, it may still be a little troublesome, but now Lao Tzu and I are riding a white dragon, constantly galloping between the battle formations, and now that the Hebei army will definitely not be able to besiege itself, it will not be able to cause any pressure on Xiang Ji at all.

"Xiang Ji, don't be arrogant, eat a shot from a certain family!" Finding

that the armor under his command could not trap Xiang Ji at all, the eager Zhang He personally went to battle.

Come to think of it, as long as you are careful and keep defending, you should still be able to delay him for a while, right?

Zhang He's goal is not high, as long as he can delay Xiang Ji here and give the Hebei army a chance to besiege him, it will be enough.

In Zhang He's view, as long as Xiang Ji can be besieged in place, no matter how high his martial arts and strength are, he is afraid that he will be grinded to death by countless Hebei soldiers.

A gust of wind hit behind his ears, and Xiang Ji knew that it must be the spear that Zhang He stabbed at him.

In this regard, Xiang Ji did not panic at all, turned his head away, dodged Zhang He's attack, held the halberd in his right hand, twisted his waist, turned over and sent a sweep to Zhang He who attacked behind him.


that Xiang Ji could immediately launch a counterattack after dodging his own attack, Zhang He, who was unprepared, was suddenly shocked.

You must know that Zhang He does not have the skills of Xiang Ji, although he is also a first-class general, but in the face of Xiang Ji, it is too far behind.

After discovering that he couldn't completely dodge the overlord halberd that swept him, Zhang He could only use all his strength to avoid the vital point.

Although Zhang He escaped the fate of being disemboweled, the abdominal armor was still cut by the halberd of the overlord halberd, and blood continued to flow out of it.

"Yes, you are stronger than that Yan Liangwen ugly, and you actually dodged the blow of the Lone King.

So, I'll see how you dodge this blow!"

Seeing that Zhang He was only injured and his combat effectiveness was not damaged, Xiang Ji became interested.

This guy is still somewhat commendable, at least the reaction speed and the coordination ability of the body are good!

Xiang Ji was excited, and Zhang Heke was hard.

This Nima just now, I almost died and survived, and I still came?

However, Xiang Ji didn't care about Zhang He's feelings.

Looking at the overlord halberd that had been cut off on his head, Zhang He's eyes were blood-red, and he mustered all his strength and raised the spear in his hand high.

I must block it!

Zhang He knew that if he couldn't block it this time, he was afraid that he would be killed by Xiang Ji in two paragraphs.

Seeing Zhang He's block, Xiang Ji used three more points of strength.


there was a loud bang.


Immediately, the sound of the weapon landing was heard.

With just this blow, Zhang He could no longer control the spear in his hand.

The tiger's mouth had been torn, and the spear had also landed, but Zhang He had no intention of caring at all.

Quickly turning the horse's head, Zhang Hetou rushed away without looking back.

Just kidding, this is a pervert, whoever is still on it, Lao Tzu, I will never fight him alone in my life.

Yes, after only two rounds of fighting, Zhang He was completely defeated by Xiang Ji.

Now, what battlefield victory or defeat, what the future of the Hebei Army, these have nothing to do with Zhang He.

Right now, the only thing he wants is to flee this place quickly and leave the Xiang Nationality far away.

As a general, Zhang He did not fail to see the disadvantages of the Hebei Army in today's battle.

If the rear army can arrive in time, then everything is still saved.

But now I'm afraid I've lost the opportunity.

You must know that at this time, the 5,000 Chu troops under Xiang Ji had also come to the battlefield and fought with the Hebei army.

The rear army of the Hebei Army has been completely held back by the Chu Army.

Then the Hebei Army, which is at an unfavorable position on the frontal battlefield, is afraid that it will be defeated sooner or later.

After killing the cronies of Yuan Shang, the king of Qi, and defeating the 200,000 Hebei army, Zhang He, who fled for his life, no longer planned to return to Hebei.

As for the future?

Zhang He hasn't thought about it so much, at least Hebei will definitely not be able to go back.

I'm afraid that Xiang Ji won't look down on himself, otherwise he wouldn't be ruthless in his actions.

You must know that if Xiang Ji really wants to subdue Zhang He, then as long as he is captured, I am afraid that Zhang He will also choose to surrender.

It's just that because of a series of god-like operations in the previous translation, Xiang Ji had a misunderstanding of Zhang He.

Now, Zhang He's only hope is to escape from this place first.

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