"Kill! Kill the Hebei Army!" "

Rush! Da Chu Wansheng! Overlord Wansheng!" "

Kill the brothers, don't let them escape!"

With Zhang He's defeat and escape, the Hebei army suddenly fell into a group of dragons without a leader.

Having lost its unified command, the Hebei Army, which had fought separately, was gradually divided by the Chu Army, and then eliminated.

In just one day, the Hebei Army will no longer see the heyday of the previous 200,000 soldiers when they left Jizhou.

Today, all the Hebei troops have only one thought in their hearts, to flee!

Morale was frustrated one after another, the cavalry on the left and right flanks were defeated one after another, and the frontal battlefield was still losing and retreating, and now the Hebei army has completely fallen into a state of collapse and chaos.

Countless people desperately ran behind them, countless people waved their swords at the friendly forces in front of them, and countless people cried out loudly at a loss.

Different from the chaos of the Hebei army, the Chu army, which was like a rainbow and whose morale soared into the sky, put up a neat queue, constantly dividing the defeated and fleeing Hebei army, and occasionally capturing or killing.

After all, this is a Hebei army of 200,000 people.

Even if the battle has been fought until now, the number of defeated and fleeing Hebei troops is still no less than 100,000.

If there is confusion in its own formation because of the pursuit of the Hebei Army, and the Hebei Army takes advantage of the situation to fight back, it will be a joke.

In such a situation, several generals of the Chu army naturally would not let it happen.

Now, Tai Shici commands the Chinese army, and the Hebei army is constantly dividing and compressing its space.

As for Gao Lan, who commanded the Canglong cavalry, he even led the Canglong cavalry to gallop wildly, constantly pursuing the Hebei cavalry.

You must know that in this battle, for the Chu army, the biggest harvest is not to annihilate the 200,000 army in Hebei.

It's these 50,000 cavalry.


long as these Hebei cavalry can be left, even if they do not surrender, as long as they can capture their war horses, then the Chu State will make a lot of money in this period.

It is impossible to have 50,000 war horses, after all, there are always Hebei cavalry who are occasionally injured or flee.


if some of the more than 20,000 war horses in the end were too injured to fight, as long as 10,000 usable war horses could be left, then the cavalry strength of the Chu State would be greatly increased.

Others don't know, can Gao Ran not know?

Now, Xiang Ji, the king of Chu, is planning and preparing to form one or two cavalry teams.

In this regard, Gao Ran's eyes are very hot.

Even if the cavalry team established in the later period is not as effective as the Canglong cavalry, it is still cavalry, and it is a high-end branch of the army in this era.

Therefore, Gao Ran led his command to ride the dragon that was really crazy, desperately chasing every fleeing war horse and chasing every fleeing Hebei cavalry.

The pursuit battle lasted all day and night.

Of the

200,000 troops in Hebei, our army annihilated more than 70,000 and captured 50,000, including 20,000 cavalry and nearly 30,000 horses.

Our army lost more than 20,000 casualties, including 10,000 Qingzhou troops, 6,000 Pengcheng reinforcements, 3,000 Xiangjia troops, and 2,000 Canglong cavalry.

A total of 40,000 soldiers were wounded, of whom more than 3,000 were so wounded that they could no longer return to the battlefield.

After some statistics, the excited Pang Tong came to Xiang's side and became a clerk.

You must know that this is a 100,000-strong Chu army against a 200,000-strong Hebei army! This is not Liu Bei's peasant army with an apologetic combat effectiveness, this is a regular army!

At present, the Chu army has only paid more than 20,000 casualties, and it has completely lost its formation, so how can Pang Tong not be excited?

The impact of this battle on the Chu State is absolutely far-reaching


You must know that although Yuan Shang, the king of Qi in Hebei, is known as a million soldiers, the truly combat-effective soldiers and horses under his command are only more than 300,000 original Hebei soldiers inherited from Yuan Shao.

The rest are just peasant soldiers who are sorry for their combat effectiveness.

It's okay to fight a tailwind war, but if it's a vicious battle like this one, I'm afraid that whether those peasant soldiers can take up arms or not is two words.

Now, after this battle, the Chu army directly broke the backbone of the Hebei army.

Yes, the backbone of the Hebei army is broken.

You must know that these 200,000 troops are the most effective troops in the Hebei Army.

Now, the 200,000 army has completely lost its structure, and the number of dead and captured is 120,000, and half of the remaining 80,000 soldiers and armor can finally return to Hebei.

You must know that most of the soldiers who fled from the battlefield will take advantage of the situation to return to their hometown incognito.

After all, the fear of defeat cannot be eliminated, and the tragic death of his companions and the cries of despair will always be in the hearts of these defeated soldiers like a shadow.

Many defeated soldiers will develop a fear of the battlefield from now on, so that they will not be able to take up arms again in their lives.

This, in modern terms, is war trauma syndrome.

It will cause people to be war-weary, avoid war, and even fear war.

Others don't know, how Pang Tong, as a wise man, is still unclear?

After this battle, the state of Chu can be regarded as completely establishing its position as the hegemon of the East.

In the entire east, there is no opponent of the Chu State, and in the near future, it will also become the territory of the Chu State.

This can be regarded as occupying half of the entire world.

To be such a powerful and even the most likely member of the kingdom, how can Pang Tong not be excited?

Hmph, Kong Ming, you think very highly of yourself, you don't look down on this Chu country, and you don't look down on our overlord Xiang.

But how do you think that in this world, I am afraid that sooner or later it will belong to my Chu State and belong to our overlord!

You must know that although Pang Tong and Zhuge Liang are from the same family and are called Wolong and Phoenix Chicks, the relationship between the two of them is not as friendly as it seems.

Competition is everywhere, especially for such resourceful people.

There is no first, there is no second, this sentence is not just talking.

Again, it's not just Pang Tong who sees this.

"Very good, military advisor, the order, ordered Gao Ran to lead 10,000 soldiers to take care of the wounded and sick here and take care of the prisoners.

As for the others....

Tell them, rest and recuperate, immediately reorganize, cross the river with King Gu, and we will go to Jizhou!"

After all, Hebei's war potential is too huge, and if they are given enough time to adjust, I am afraid that they will cause more trouble.

Rather than this, it is better to take advantage of the great victory of the Chu army and the high morale of the Chu army, and directly send troops to Hebei to engage in a decisive battle with Yuan Shang!

With the issuance of Xiang Ji's order, the wheel of the war in the Chu State turned again.

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