Jizhou, Yecheng.

"What!??The Lone King's 200,000-strong army was completely wiped out?Less than 30,000 people fled??Judgment was killed??Zhang He was nowhere to be found?"

Yuan Shang, who was drinking and having fun with his ministers, was stunned.

Looking at the herald who was kneeling on the ground, Yuan Shang couldn't believe everything he said.

How could it be? How long has it been? In a month, the 200,000 army of the Lone King has been wiped out?

But what made Yuan Shang collapse was that the herald was still panting when he spoke, and he did not finish everything he wanted to report at once.

"The Chu army, the Chu army has crossed the Yellow River and come to the territory of Jizhou.

Leling... It's already lost!"


this moment, Yuan Shang was not only stunned.

Fear, a boundless sense of fear frenzied at it.

That Chu State, that item, even didn't give the Lone King the slightest way to live? The front foot destroyed the Lone King's 200,000 main army, and the back foot directly crossed the river to attack the Lone King's Jizhou!?

"Military Division! All military divisions! Hurry, think of a way, think of a way!" Yuan

Shang was completely panicked.

After all, he's just a kid who grew up in a honeypot.

Intrigue with a few brothers, and he is good at competing for favor in front of his father, but this kind of military affairs? Sorry, this skill has not yet been learned.

"Dare to ask, how many soldiers from the Chu State crossed the river?"

Tian Feng, as the first think tank of the Hebei Army, was not as panicked as Yuan Shang.

In today's situation, only by figuring out the number of Chu troops in Xiang Ji can we make a decision, right?"



50,000 people!?Knowing that the soldiers of the Chu State were only 50,000, Yuan Shangben suddenly returned with the courage he had lost.

Just kidding, what can 50,000 people do? I'm afraid it's not enough to stuff the teeth between the Hebei army, right?"

"Come on!" Order Su You to lead 100,000 troops, and give all the soldiers of the Chu State who came to attack to the Gu Wang, and I will drive down the Yellow River to feed the fish and shrimp!"

"No, don't forget, the 200,000 troops led by General Zhang He were all defeated by the Chu army.

The combat effectiveness of the Chu army should not be underestimated!"

Tian Feng did not agree with Yuan Shang's opinion.

Just kidding, the 200,000 main army led by the Hebei general Zhang He personally fled back after only 30,000 defeated soldiers by the Chu army.

Now, you let Su You, who is inferior to Zhang He in all aspects, lead 100,000 troops to fight against the Chu army? I am afraid that if these 100,000 troops

are destroyed by the Chu State again, then Hebei will also be declared dead.

You must know that the real combatable soldiers in Hebei today are only more than 300,000, and the others are not to be mentioned.

"Strategist, what about the lonely king in your opinion?"

his order was refuted by Tian Feng, and Yuan Shang became angry.

No wonder his father didn't like him back then, and Tai Nima didn't have the eyesight, right? With so many people, why do you directly deny the opinion of the lonely king? Does the lonely king lose face?

Obviously, at this point, Yuan Shang inherited Yuan Shao's character genes.

Not to mention being arbitrary, at least I can't stand being refuted in person.

"King, in Tian Feng's opinion, it is better for our army to send a general to lead the troops to gather on the front line with Ningjin and block the Chu army from the plain!"

In Tian Feng's view, even if the Chu army is strong in combat, he is also suffering from limited numbers.

As long as a large army can be sent to guard the pass, the Chu army, which only relies on 50,000, will not be able to break through no matter what.

As for the Leling and other places that he occupies

, the left and right sides are close to Beihai, and the development of people's livelihood has never been valued by Hebei Qi, so he will give it to him if he likes it.

As long as enough time is gained to successfully train and reorganize these newly recruited militiamen, and when they have sufficient combat strength, it will not be a problem to defeat the Chu State in one fell swoop.

Hearing Tian Feng's words, Yuan Shang's heart was moved.

If you can not fight, of course it is better not to fight.

As long as the Chu State can be blocked, the Lone King can completely close the door and continue to live this drunken dream of death as if he does not exist!

But the problem is that this Tian Feng just refuted himself to his face, and then he listened to his opinion, doesn't this make it seem that the Lone King is not as good as this Tian Feng?"

"King, Xu You thinks that my Hebei Military University can march in two ways at the same time!" Seeing

Yuan Shang's hesitant face, Xu You, who is very good at figuring out people's psychology, spoke.

This is obviously the intention, but it can't be left behind.

"Oh, what is Xu Aiqing's opinion, why don't you hurry up and come to the lonely king!" Hearing

that someone had lifted the siege, Yuan Shang glanced at Xu Yu with satisfaction.

See, this is what a courtier should do, what kind of Tian Feng is that resourcefulness is still good, but this person has lived in vain for so many years.

"The king, according to Xu You, the king can send General Su You to command 100,000 troops to resist the Chu army.

Then, the king can send General Jiao Feng to command 100,000 troops to guard Ningjin again, so as to be General Su You's backup!"

Regarding Tian Feng's plan, Xu You still agreed in his heart.

But because of Yuan Shang's hesitation, Xu You could only choose, so that Yuan Shang's previous discussion was also carried out at the same time, and the two-pronged approach was carried out.

At the very least, Yuan Shang's face is also good-looking, and the strategic purpose of the Hebei Army to defend Ningjin has also been achieved.

As for the Su Yousuo troops who went to war, can't they escape if they can't fight it? At the very least, there is the Ningjin army behind them as their backup, so I don't think it's a big problem.

"Okay! Xu Aiqing is worthy of being the humerus of the Lone

King! Come, send an order! Order Su You to command 100,000 troops to go out first, and tell him that he must firmly block the Chu State from Pingyuan County to the Lone King

! In addition, according to Xu Aiqing's words, he ordered Jiao to touch the 200,000 troops to set up a defense with Ningjin and hold the pass to resist the Chu army! In Xu

You's opinion, Yuan Shang added 100,000 troops to the troops defending the front line of Ningjin.


long as I can firmly keep the Chu State out of the plain, Yuan Shang's heart can be regarded as stable.

As for why Hebei, which was forced by the Chu State with only 50,000 soldiers, to deal with it

in this way? Just kidding, the main army of 200,000 was wiped out, and if this was wiped out in the last wave, would Yuan Shang, who was drunk and dreaming of death, be able to live on?

With the mobilization of the Hebei army, Xiang Ji, who was in Leling, also got the news as soon as possible.

The heritage of this Hebei army is really rich, the front foot was wiped out by Lao Tzu 200,000, and this changed hands and came another 300,000?

For Yuan Shang's such a big deal, Xiang Ji said that there was no pressure, it was false.

You must know that at this time, the Chu army was only 50,000 combatable soldiers.

The rest are still cultivating in Qingzhou, and they will definitely not be able to rush to the battlefield in a short time.

If this Yuan Shang is really desperate, I am afraid that Lao Tzu will really ask him to force him back to Qingzhou.

It's a pity that you Yuan is not as good as your Lao Tzu, but you are just a strong insider!

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