"Uncles, don't hurt people, don't hurt people.

Whatever you want, feel free to do it. "

Who are Zhao Yun and his entourage? Even the weakest Zhao Jia and the others are all soldiers in the army, and they are by no means the enemy of ordinary people.

After a rush, the guards of the Zhen family were all knocked down by everyone.

After all, it was Zhao Yun, and because of morality, Zhao Yun still didn't let everyone kill these guards.

In any case, he is also here to be a robber, and even if he is a strong horse, he is killing people, which is excessive.

As for the person begging for mercy now, it is the person in charge of the Zhen family here.

Zhao Yun and the others ignored the begging for mercy for this goods, and walked straight to the inner courtyard where the horses were stored.

"Good horse!"

When Zhao Yun saw a snow-white horse, without a single stray hair on its body, head to tail, one zhang long, hooves to ridges, and eight feet high, he couldn't help but cheer for it.

This horse, just looking at its appearance, is definitely no less than the white dragon of the overlord and the red rabbit of Lu Bu.

"Uncle, this horse is called the Jade Lion of the Night, which is a BMW passed down from the Western Regions, and it is said that it can travel thousands of miles, and it is the best among horses. Seeing

that Zhao Yun was interested in this horse, the person in charge of the Zhen family felt a pain in his flesh.

But in order to survive, he can only bend flattery.

At the very least, it's true to snatch away this excessive robber with strong force.

The horses are gone, and the wealthy Zhen family can buy them again, but if the people are gone, then there is really nothing.

You know, this person in charge is also a member of the Zhen family!

"Then thank you!" "

Zhao Yun was excited to get a BMW, he didn't want to hurt the innocent, Zhao Yun naturally wouldn't do anything to it.

Vertical said, Jizhou, Changshan County, Zhending City left near.

"Xiaojuan, don't you really go back and tell your uncle about them?"

Although he had decided to leave with Fan Juan, now that he had arrived near his hometown, Zhao Yun couldn't help but ask him.

Cloud: I'm also ... Abducted someone else's daughter?"

Brother Yun, he said no.

Obviously, Fan Juan, who is the party concerned, did not have this consciousness.

Just kidding, go back, what are you going to do now? Even if I tell them, tell them Brother Yun's status, will they believe it?

You know, the little girl also has her own ideas.

At the very least, it is necessary to wait until the army of the Chu State has fought all the way to this place, and then let Zhao Yun take him back to his hometown, then he can slap his face, isn't it?


Zhao Yun naturally doesn't know Fan Juan's inner thoughts, otherwise...

And just as Zhao Yun and the others were hurrying towards Ningjin, an unexpected visitor was ushered in in the Chu State camp far away in Ningjin.

"You mean, you want to represent your family and return to the Gu King?"

Ren Xiangji thought about it, and he didn't expect that the largest merchant family in Hebei, the Zhen family, would abandon the Yuan family and return to himself.

You must know that although this Zhen family is not from a clan, now, in terms of financial resources, I am afraid that it is only stronger than the Mi family in Xuzhou.

And, that's not all.

You must know that in history, this Zhen family has been a queen.

And that queen is also very famous in history, she is, Zhen Mi of the Zhen family.

is the Cao Zhi who wrote a poem in seven steps, and he was also fascinated by it, and even wrote a Luo Shen Fu.

"Yes, respected Overlord Chu, I only swear allegiance to you on behalf of our Zhen family.

In order to express the sincerity of the Zhen family, our family specially purchased a BMW from the Western Regions, named Zhaoye Jade Lion, which is now stored in a safe place, just waiting for the overlord to defeat Yuan Shang, and the road will be presented to the overlord in person. "

The tragic Zhen family didn't know that the BMW they bought has now become Zhao Yun's crotch mount

... "Very good, the sincerity of the Zhen family has been received. "

Hmph, what kind of BMW? Why is the road smooth? Really Lao Tzu, I'm Yuan Shang, are they stupid boys easy to fool?

This Nima is clearly not a rabbit or an eagle.

For the Zhen family's plans, Xiang Ji is naturally clear.

This is special, obviously planning to sell well at both ends and bet on both ends.

However, this is not important, for such a wealthy merchant family, Xiang Ji still intends to perfunctory it.

At the very least, to occupy this Hebei, Xiang Ji never thought that he could do it.

If this is the case, then the Zhen family will naturally belong to the Chu State sooner or later.

If they can be brought together by peaceful means, it will be better to slaughter them.

You know, this is the merchants, not the clans.

Most of the clan's wealth is concentrated in the land, so there is no way to resist the butcher's knife clan of Xiang Ji.

But what about these merchants? Their wealth is not concentrated in one place.

If the persecution is too much, even if it ends up being empty of personal wealth.

After the Zhen family retreated, Xiang Ji reflexively looked at Pang Tong who was standing behind him.

"Now, I'm afraid that attacking our army will not be able to break Ningjin at all, what is the clever plan of the military division?"

After Qingzhou's injuries and illnesses were recovered and replenished one after another, the number of troops under Xiang Ji's command was restored to 70,000.

However, Yuan Shang was too frustrated, and he added nearly 100,000 soldiers and armor in Ningjin one after another.

In the face of the Ningjin Pass, which was guarded by nearly 400,000 people, Xiang Ji was really at a loss.

Although, although most of the armor here is some untrained peasants, you can't stand the crowd.

You must know that before that, Su You was simply a coward.

Xiang Ji originally planned to destroy him in a battle, and then left Yuan Shang, the last 100,000 powerful army, here.

never thought that in just one tentative confrontation, Su You would leave behind more than 10,000 corpses and rush all the way back to Ningjin.

This, Xiang Ji is embarrassed.

I'm so afraid that you'll run away, so I don't dare to fight hard.

Do you want to be so cowardly?

Regarding the situation in front of him, not only is Xiang Ji embarrassed, but Pang Tong is also very embarrassed.

You must know that the strategy of luring the enemy into the depths was set up by Pang Tong.

As a result, when I met a superlative, I really slipped away immediately when I saw that the situation was wrong.

Now, in the face of the questions raised by Xiang Ji, Pang Tong is also worried about his gray hair.

No matter whether you scold or cheat, this Hebei army is iron-hearted, and not a single soldier will go out of the pass?

Seeing Pang Tong, whose brows were shrunk, Xiang Ji also knew that this was really difficult for him.

In the face of this kind of defenders who are determined to swing the turtle shell, even if you have a thousand clever plans, there is nowhere to use them.

However, this Ningjin is a traffic artery, and Xiang Ji does not dare to cross it no matter what.

If Lao Tzu walks on the front foot, and the Ningjin defenders come out to cut off Lao Tzu's back road, it will be lively.

"Order, continue to besiege Ningjin, I don't believe the lonely king, they can bear it and never come out!" "

70,000 besieged 400,000, you Yuan Shang is not afraid of being embarrassed, you just endure it."

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